Wild and Free (The Three #3)(100)

His eyes came to mine. “Keep it up, *cat. I like tangy Lilah.”

“Let go of me so I can be annoyed somewhere else,” I ordered, though what I meant was so he’d stop turning me on.

“So full of shit,” he replied.

He knew what I meant, but of course he would. He could smell it.

I pretended that wasn’t the case too and told him, “I’m almost at my quota of bickering for the day so you need to let me go so I can save some up for later, seeing as I’m gonna need it.”

Abel kept smiling, this time doing it giving my hand and head a squeeze. Then he let me go.

Without looking at the other men, I stomped out, Leah and Sonia on my heels, so I could try to see if I could zap something.

I couldn’t. But I knew this already.

I still tried, though not for very long, since it was a lot more fun to go out and watch Sonia talk to bunnies.

Chapter Sixteen

Let the Day Begin


Abel woke and did it because he felt Delilah getting agitated.

He opened his eyes, feeling her body tucked to his, back to front, his arm draped around her waist.

He tightened his hold and opened his mouth to say something to wake her when her words of three days before came to him about trying to get in her head during a dream.

He closed his mouth and his eyes, tipping his head forward to rest his forehead against her crown. He made his attempt, using his abilities to control her mind by telling her to let him in her dream.

He got nothing. She simply shifted in his arms as she normally did when she was having a dream.

He’d never tried to control anyone’s mind while they were sleeping, so he tried a different tack.

As a test, he ordered her to find his hand and hold it.

Instantly, she did, but she did this still asleep.

And still dreaming.

That meant he could get to her. He just needed to keep trying.

“Bao bei, let me in,” he whispered, curling his fingers around hers and repeating his words to her mind.


Let me in your dream, he again ordered.

Her movements became more agitated but whatever was going on in her head was not his to have.

He tightened his hold on her hand and tried again, shouting, Lilah, let me in!

Instantly, he saw it in his head. A street. Blood. Bodies. Delilah there, several feet in front of him, her back to him. A man down the street from Delilah. Classy, haughty, a look on his face that was an amused sneer. A vampire.

The man looked beyond Delilah, saw Abel, and gave a start as his chin jerked back in shock.

Delilah turned and Abel’s eyes went to her, his body growing taut at the fear etched on her face. Fear so extreme, even in a dream, he could taste it.

She saw him, lifted her hand his way, and screamed, “No!”

A bright blue flash obliterated everything and he was out of her mind, back in bed, gripping Delilah to him in a hold that he forced himself to relax or he’d break her fingers.

“What the f*ck, what the f*ck, what the f*ck?” she chanted, moving in a way he knew she wanted to turn, so he let her go and she did so, facing him, eyes open and scared.

“I was there,” he told her.

“Where?” she asked on a soft pant, her breath coming fast, the fear still clinging, making the air around them heavy, sticking in his throat.

“Your dream,” he answered.

“Shit, I dreamed again?”

Fuck, she didn’t remember.


She shook her head on the pillow, but it wasn’t in the negative. She was just doing it, probably to clear the fear that still had a hold on her.

“A street. Bodies. Blood. You standing there. A vampire with you,” he explained her dream.

“You got in?” she asked, her eyes growing wide, and he held her gaze.

“You don’t remember?” he asked back even though he knew the answer.

She shook her head again.

“Nothing?” he pressed.

Her eyes went unfocused as her body stayed tense and he waited. He was used to this whenever he’d ask her to try to remember her dreams.

She refocused and relaxed against him. “No, baby, nothing.” She pushed closer, her hand on his chest between them. “But you got in?”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “Saw what I said I saw.”

“Blood. Bodies. A vamp?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he confirmed.

“A good vamp?”

“Not even close.”

He felt her shiver and gathered her closer.

“Was Leah there? Sonia? Callum? Lucien?” she went on.

He shook his head.

Her brows drew together. “Just me?”

Just her. Just her, an evil vampire, and a street full of dead humans.

Abel did not like this.

“Just you,” he said quietly.

“Why would I be alone?” she asked.

“No clue,” he answered.

“I wouldn’t,” she told him, pressing even closer and pulling up so her face was near his. “I wouldn’t, honey. No way would I be alone. You wouldn’t let that happen. None of The Three would. So this dream can’t be premonitory.”

He hoped like f*ck she was right.

Kristen Ashley's Books