Wild and Free (The Three #3)(141)

I fought another squirm as I watched Miko bend over the guy he was doing, latch onto his hair with a fist, and yank his head back. The guy had two black eyes and a cut lip, but this didn’t disguise the fact that he was feeling no pain, except maybe the kind he liked a whole lot.

“You wanted my cock. Rear back, f*ck yourself as I f*ck you,” Miko ordered.

“I’m not sure Miko is the soul of kindness and consideration,” I murmured, struggling against the squirm as his f*cktoy did as ordered and that shit got hotter.

“Christ,” Abel grumbled.

When he got what he wanted, Miko gave him his reward. Bending deeper, yanking his hair so his neck was arched unnaturally, he bared his fangs and sunk them in to feed.

His toy came immediately, bucking violently on the table even as Miko kept thrusting.

I bit my lip and lost the fight against the squirm.

“See I might have to take the hit of askin’ one of the staff to get us some lube,” Abel griped.

I tore my eyes from the screen and smiled down at my man.

“Don’t act like you don’t want that.”

“Told you, I’ll f*ck you however you want. I try to take your ass though, baby, might have that shit in my head and I’m thinkin’ you might not like the results of that.”

I dipped closer. “I’ll see what I can do to keep your mind on me.”

“Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah! Fuck! Fuck! Give me that! Fuck yeah!” we heard coming from the direction of the screen. It wasn’t Miko’s voice, seeing as Miko was groaning an unmistakable groan that his partner made clear he liked giving to him.

I watched Abel’s eyes frown even as I knew my eyes kept smiling.

Abel shook his head.

I bent deeper and touched my mouth to his before I turned in his lap to look back at the screen. I caught Miko pulling out none too gently and shoving the guy off the table. With his jeans around his thighs and after what just happened, he didn’t have it in him to do much but throw a hand out to break his fall.

It was then I stopped enjoying what I was seeing.

Because the guy didn’t go for his jeans. He rolled to his ass, lifting his eyes to Miko, and the look on his face was chilling.


Sycophantic adoration that was not healthy in the slightest.

That guy would die for Miko. That guy had taken a beating from Moose, and even though Abel had wiped that memory from his mind, he was still battered and bruised and had taken what he’d just taken, then was tossed aside perfunctorily, not even being given a kiss.

And now, standing with his eyes pinned to a spot in the room we couldn’t see with our cameras, stroking his own cock, keeping it hard, Miko said, “You. Next. Jeans to thighs, but I’m going to f*ck your face.”

Another young man came on screen and stood meekly in front of the vampire, pulling his jeans down to his thighs. Even though he did this without hesitation, Miko must have lost patience because he shoved the guy to his knees.

Then without any ado, gentleness, or even a hint he gave a shit, fisting his hand in the guy’s hair, he commenced.

They were playthings, servicing him.

And they didn’t care.

They loved it.

Worshiped it.

Would do anything for it.

“We shouldn’t have let those guys loose,” I whispered, not getting off on watching it now.

“You think?” Abel muttered.

“They need help.” I looked to Abel. “If this is who they are, they should find a healthy relationship, settle down, adopt a baby.”

“That’s not what they want,” Abel replied, a perpetual flinch on his face since he was still staring at the screen.


He looked to me. “They’re hangers.”


“Those guys gave me a bad feeling so I talked to Lucien about it and he told me about them,” Abel explained. “Hangers are humans who somehow sense the existence of vampires. They live on the edge of the vampire world, not being let in but wanting it, not understanding who we really are or how we really are.”

He tipped his head to the screen and kept sharing.

“They want that. They want the gothic novel. They want to be used, abused, discarded. They want a vampire to treat them how they think vampires should act. Not just guys. Girls. And before you ask,” he said the last quickly because I’d opened my mouth to speak, “Etienne knows this and he’s recruited nearly all of them. The rest have gone to ground, understanding somewhere in their minds when their kind started disappearing that shit was going to get extreme. So they’re lost to us because the ones Etienne has are getting exactly what they want, something none of the good guys—Lucien, Stephanie, Cosmo, Gregor, Yuri, me—would give them.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “Sucks.”

“Those guys will do anything for that Miko vampire,” I told him, which he probably already knew.

His eyes drifted back to the screen from which muffled moans were coming. “I got that.”

I didn’t look back to the screen. I looked out the window.

Well, one thing I could say, regardless that it took a nasty turn, the surveillance shift was not boring.

On that thought, the door opened and we heard Callum say, “Abel. Lilah. You’re needed. Immediately.”

Kristen Ashley's Books