Wild and Free (The Three #3)(140)


“Off. The. Pill,” he repeated, not quite as gentle, so I knew I had to proceed with caution.

“Okay, according to Sonia, werewolves are prolific,” I started quietly. “Vampires are not, but you have two halves to you. I see both traits in you. Anything can win out.”

“And…?” he pushed when I quit speaking.

“We make a deal,” I proposed. “I go off the Pill when we finish saving the world.”

“Lilah—” he started but stopped when I suddenly lifted both hands to the sides of his head and lifted mine off the bed so my face was closer to his.

“If something happened to you, I’d want that. I’d want that piece of you inside me, knowing I had a bit of you to hold with me for the rest of my life. But I have to think of him, or her, and what I think is, my man watched mother after mother die and I would not want that for my kid, not once, not ever.”

His expression softened, but I wasn’t done.

“I’m also thinking of you, baby. If this goes on for a while and you get me knocked up and something happens to me, you lose me and you lose that life we created. You’ve lost enough. I don’t want you to court losing more.”

His expression got a lot less soft.

“Nothing’s gonna happen to you,” he growled.

“Maybe not. But give me this, let’s prepare for the maybe, because if it did, I couldn’t bear knowing you endured more than you had to.”

“And what about you with me? What if you lose me?” he asked, and pain sliced through my insides, white-hot, boiling them until they felt liquefied.

“Don’t say that again,” I wheezed through the pain.

I watched his expression register understanding before he pressed his body into mine. “Right here, *cat. All me, right here. Feel me and let the pain go.”

“Yeah.” I pushed out, feeling him, letting his weight bear into me, and also feeling the pain lessen.

Abel shoved a hand under me and up so he could stroke the side of my neck with his thumb.

He gave it time, then asked, “Better?”

I nodded.

“Wrapped around your finger,” he said bafflingly.


“You want that, what you asked for? Wrapped around your finger. In other words, bao bei, you have a deal.”

I closed my eyes tight and slid my hands from his head to wrap my arms around him.

I opened them and whispered, “Thank you, Abel honey.”

“The minute we save the world,” he stated firmly and I smiled, the pain gone, and squeezed him with my arms.

“Pills in the toilet the minute we save the world.”

He grinned before he dropped his head to kiss me.

He was in the middle of doing it, and I was in the middle of liking it a lot, when his phone sounded. It wasn’t his ringer. It was something else.

He lifted his head, his eyes going to the nightstand, his lips muttering, “Fuck.”


He looked to me. “Those kids Moose found?”


“Told them what to do. They did it. Now we got eyes and ears in that vampire’s house. Since we found Patricio and Bjorn, I went through every vampire, every wolf, every human at the compound to make sure we got them all. We did, but still, Callum wants only the inner circle to have eyes on that house. That alarm means I’m up. I’m supposed to take a shift, watch and listen. That alarm means I got half an hour to get down there.”

Crap, just when we were out of the heavy and into the good stuff.

“I’ll keep you company,” I offered.

“Probably gonna be boring,” he warned.

“Will you be there?” I asked and saw his eyes again warm. “So it won’t be boring,” I finished.

“You know what else isn’t gonna be boring?” he asked, and I shook my head. “The shower we’re about to take.”

“Right on,” I breathed right before I was out of bed and in the shower.

My man.




“Uh…what’d you say about boring?” I asked.

Abel, whose lap I was perched on, murmured in disgust, “Jesus.”

I stared at the television screen that was transmitting what was right then occurring in the vampire Miko’s house, this being him bending a young man, who had his jeans around his thighs, over a table and taking him hard up the ass.

Miko was the enemy, but he was a vampire so he was gorgeous, built, and endowed.

Thus, that was hot.

I squirmed in Abel’s lap.

“Fuck, is that shit turning you on?” he asked.

I didn’t tear my eyes away from the screen as I answered, “It doesn’t you?”

“Take you any way you want me to f*ck you, baby, but guy-on-guy…” Abel paused. “Not my scene.”

Obviously, I was down with that.

But still.

“You don’t have to do it to get off on it,” I shared.

“Uh, thinkin’ you do,” he mumbled.

I decided not to respond because he had a dick. He would know.

“Christ, least he could do is give the kid a coupla days to recover before he went at him,” Abel kept mumbling.

Kristen Ashley's Books