Whispers of You (Lost & Found #1)(58)
“Hey, guys. Late start?”
Construction was usually up and going before nine.
Jude grinned. “Just killing a little time before a client meeting. What are you doing in town?”
“Just dropping Wren at the station.”
Chris’s expression hardened, but he didn’t say a word.
I lowered myself into the empty chair without asking, turning to face him. “Look, I get that you were here for Wren when I wasn’t. I’ll never be able to repay you for that. Never.”
Chris grunted.
“I know I hurt you.” I glanced at Jude. “Both of you. I’m so damn sorry. And I’ll do what I can to make it right. You want to tell me what a shit friend I was? I’ll listen to every word you have to say. You want to deck me? I’ll give you one free punch.”
Chris’s jaw worked back and forth, but he wasn’t telling me to get lost. So, I kept pushing on.
“I love Wren. Never stopped. It killed me every single day to be away from her. But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll fight with everything I have for her. And she’s giving me a shot. So, I’m taking it.”
Pain flashed across Chris’s face. I’d hurt him again. But the truth was, if Wren had been interested in him, they’d be together now. I wasn’t angry that he’d developed feelings for her. She was a living, breathing miracle and impossible not to love. But they weren’t meant to be.
“You’re sticking around?” Jude asked.
“I’m staying. Need to figure out what that looks like, but I’m not going anywhere.”
A grin stretched across Jude’s mouth. “I’m damn glad to hear it. Cedar Ridge hasn’t been the same without you.”
“Thanks, man.” I turned back to Chris. “I’d like for us to find a way back to our friendship.”
His jaw clenched. “It’s not about me. You didn’t see her, Holt. I’m not trying to be an ass, but you need to know. You wrecked that girl. And I’m worried you’re gonna do the same thing all over again if things get too hard.”
Chris’s intention might not have been to hurt me, but he’d succeeded just the same. The idea of how much pain Wren had been in after I left was something I’d never forgive myself for. “I didn’t leave because things were hard. I left because I thought I didn’t deserve her. That she needed someone better.”
It was the first time I’d stated it that plainly. Something about it was freeing.
Chris’s gaze met mine. “What makes you think you deserve her now?”
“Oh, I don’t. There’s no question. She deserves so much better than me. But I’m going to do everything I can to be that man.”
Chris studied me, looking for something. “I guess we’ll see.”
The words weren’t exactly full of confidence. But I’d take them anyway. “You will.”
Because I had a feeling that proving I could stick would go a long way to smoothing over some of Chris’s resentments.
Jude rubbed his hands together. “Gang’s all back together now.”
Chris let out another grunt.
Maybe we weren’t quite back to three-musketeers status. I got to my feet, grabbing my coffee and scone. “I gotta get back to the cabin. Hope you guys have a good meeting.”
A little of the humor fled from Jude’s face. “Any updates on things?”
I instantly knew what he meant and shook my head. “Nothing yet. But I hope like hell they get something soon.”
“Let us know if you hear anything,” Chris said.
“I will.”
I maneuvered around the tables and headed out into the morning sunshine. It was going to be a beautiful day—perfect weather for working with Shadow on a little training.
My steps faltered as I turned to head back to the station and my SUV. Joe Sullivan stood across the street, staring at me, his eyes blazing. And he was wearing a black hoodie.
I pushed back from my desk as Lucille lowered herself into the chair at the cubicle opposite me.
“How were things today?”
Her tone was even, but her eyes held worry. She’d seen some rough calls in her eight years on the job, but shootings were a whole other level.
“Pretty quiet. Possible heart attack this morning. Minor car accident this afternoon.”
While I was grateful there hadn’t been anything like yesterday, it had left me with far too much time to think. And remember. Holt’s hands on my body. His lips skimming my skin. The way everything had come apart around us.
“You holding up okay?”
Lucille’s voice had me snapping back to the present. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I forced a smile. “I’ll be less so when I have to switch to nights in two days, but that’s life.”
She chuckled. “Those first two days are the worst. Doesn’t matter which direction I’m making the switch.”
For me, the nights were always rougher. I needed the sunshine. The four p.m. to two a.m. and two a.m. to nine a.m. shifts were brutal. I had to mainline coffee and do the occasional round of jumping jacks in my cubicle.
“They really should give us extra pay on those switch days.”