What We Find (Sullivan's Crossing, #1)(51)
He gave a couple of deep thrusts and felt her instantly tighten around him. He buried his face in her neck, ground his teeth and held on, letting her come. When he felt her begin to relax beneath him he found her nipple with his mouth and teased it with his tongue. Then he drew it into his mouth to suck. His fingers inched down to work her a little bit and he knew exactly what to do. He stroked, sucked, pumped and she froze, clenching again. He let it go, pulsing until his brain was empty. The orgasm washed over him in a warm haze and he glazed over. A moment later he lifted his head and looked into her glassy eyes, saw her slight smile.
“That was easy,” he said with a smile. “Feel better?”
“For now,” she said.
“Have I mentioned how much I enjoy that little trick you have there?” he asked. “Two for the price of one. Do you have any idea how good that feels?”
She smiled. “I believe I do. Could the princess do that?”
“Don’t talk about my previous exploits while we’re naked and satisfied. Let me just say, she gets an A for effort, but that was predictable. We didn’t really mean anything to each other. The difference is always obvious.”
“That sounds suspiciously like you’re saying you care about me,” she ventured.
“Maggie, it is not a secret. Not in the least. And you care about me.”
“Oh yes, and damn, it’s scary. I want to ask you a question right now, while you’re compromised, while I have you captive, because I know you can’t lie to me. Are you going to be leaving me a lot? Coming back sometimes to get laid?”
He ran his fingers through her hair. He shook his head. “I don’t think that’ll be enough for me. I kind of like your idea of keeping me captive.”
Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.
—Coco Chanel
Chapter 10
It was interesting to Cal that after all he’d been through in life he should face Sully with a case of nerves and a boyish blush. He should be well beyond such self-consciousness. Life was a little short for that.
“Relax,” Sully said after taking one look at him. “This might come as a shock but you’re not her first boyfriend.”
His blush deepened.
“I have to get you on the payroll,” Sully said. “How long are you staying?”
“How cold does it get here in winter?”
“Son, the average elevation in this county is over 5,000 feet. Leadville sits at over nine thousand with the highest airport in the world. Or at least the US. That mountain behind us there is 14,500. The best skiing in the country surrounds us. It’s cold. And in case you haven’t ever been here in winter, it’s beautiful. The lake freezes and folks go ice sailing—it’s so fast, your head’ll spin. And things aren’t too busy—no tents at all, just full cabins, campers, maybe a couple of RV’s. Cross-country skiing, mainly.”
“I hate being cold,” Cal said. He cleared his throat. “I care about Maggie.”
“And, if I heard correctly, you’d like to help out around here. Stay busy?”
“Sully, how about a cabin? So I can have some...privacy?” And again, his neck felt warm. He ducked his head and muttered, “Jesus...” He was a man who had defended hardened criminals at trial and he never broke a sweat. He felt ridiculous.
“I guess you think I was never your age? My cabins are pretty much booked with just a day here and there we have an empty one. No chance for you to settle in one this summer. But, I got a little behind around here, stuff I usually get done in March before it all starts still needs doing. There’s things that Tom and his kids don’t have the time for or can’t handle and I’m just getting back in my swing. Stuff I’m talking about takes a little muscle.”
“We’ll get it all done, Sully. But, if there’s no cabin...”
“Don’t worry about it. I never even heard you last night, starting around three...” He grinned. “You’re a nice guy. Maggie’s a grown woman. I make no judgment. Besides, after what I saw her do with that shotgun, she doesn’t need me to run interference for her.”
“All right, look...” Cal rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “I’m not taking your money. I’ll earn my keep.”
“And then some,” Sully said. He smiled slyly.
Cal supposed he’d adjust. The problem wasn’t having sex with Maggie in her father’s house while her father slept in the room across the hall; it was doing that in her father’s house without being married to her, with no plans to marry her. It was a great dichotomy, considering the way Cal grew up. The weird things his parents were into, not the least of which was his father’s dope, and everything from nudism to Wicca, did not foster this conservative thinking. Of course none of their interests were as challenging as those long stretches of time Jed thought the government was monitoring his thoughts or, more fun yet, thinking he had been personally chosen by Jesus to be the next savior of the world. But conservative worries about whether or not a person was married? It never came up.
How I ever got out of that nuthouse with a working brain is a miracle, he thought.
“There’s one thing,” Sully said. “Sit tight.” He went into the back room and came back with an envelope. “This came for you.”
Robyn Carr's Books
- The Family Gathering (Sullivan's Crossing #3)
- Robyn Carr
- My Kind of Christmas (Virgin River #20)
- Sunrise Point (Virgin River #19)
- Redwood Bend (Virgin River #18)
- Hidden Summit (Virgin River #17)
- Bring Me Home for Christmas (Virgin River #16)
- Harvest Moon (Virgin River #15)
- Wild Man Creek (Virgin River #14)
- Promise Canyon (Virgin River #13)