Vicious Minds (Children of Vice #4)(31)

“I’m indifferent.” I shrugged, dipping my bread in the soup.

“Liar,” he said, causing me to look into his green eyes. “If you were indifferent, you would have let her marry the idiot from this afternoon, or you would have made him disappear quietly, and she could pine for him for the rest of her life. Instead you exposed her to ridicule. She won’t be implicated in the crime, but everyone is still going to know her fiancé was murdered while wearing bondage gear, high on coke, with another woman.”

“It’s not like I knew he’d be in bondage gear.” I couldn’t help the grin on my face as I ate the bread.

“You knew I would most likely follow you,” he added. “You wanted me to see you today.”

“I told you not come—”

“Knowing full well it would make want to come even more. That’s your weapon; you make people think they’re doing what they want when you’re really pulling the strings.”

“And here I thought you were the puppet master?” I shot back.

He shook his head. “I don’t think I’m on your level yet.”

“Ethan Callahan, is that humility I’m seeing?” I gasped in mock astonishment.

“Honesty,” he said a with a smile. “You are more committed to the act, while I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch.”

“In your defense, I doubt you could be more emotional in public. Silent and threatening works on you.”

“Calliope Orsini, is that compliment?” He gasped in same mock astonishment as me and I couldn’t help but laugh at that too.


Cartagena, Colombia

Tuesday, July 2nd

It wasn’t the wine.

It wasn’t even the conversation.

I just wanted her.

And the moment we got back to my place, I knew she wanted me too.

She pushed me off her and forced me back down on the bed, kissing down my chest until her lips reached the waistband of my boxers. She kissed me over the fabric before pulling them down, taking my cock in her hands. She glided her hand over my length and I closed my eyes as pleasure overwhelmed me. Her hand slid down to the base and she kissed the side of my cock. From kissing she moved to licking me; up and then down again. I sat up and brushed her hair from her face, breathing in through my nose. She brought out a new side of me, one sparking with lust. Sex with her was fucking heaven and it clouded everything else.

“Ah…” I exhaled as she took me into her sweet wet mouth. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed like she thoroughly enjoying herself as she sucked me. Gritting my teeth, I grabbed on to her dark hair tightly. Thrusting into her mouth a few times, I was enraptured by the feeling of her throat. It didn’t take long before I felt the urge…the ache.

It was only when I tugged on her hair did she pull off of me.

Her mouth hovered less than an inch from my cock and she licked her lips, looking up at me with those damned eyes of hers. They haunted me. They pierced right through me. They were beautiful, mystifying, and filled with lust. I had to stop her because I knew she was enjoying seeing me at her goddamn mercy.

Fuck, she was an evil one.

Like she knew what I was thinking she licked my tip once more, my blood turning to lava in my veins. I wanted to ram my cock back into her mouth and fuck it until I no longer ached. But that’s what she wanted. She wanted me to lose control for her. Swallowing the saliva in my mouth I inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself down. When I did, she smirked up at me, hovering over me.

“You passed on the chance at fucking my mouth just because you didn’t want to come first…you really don’t like losing,” she chuckled, shaking her head at me. “Fine. I’ll go for a shower now.”

Just like that she got up from the bed, and I could only watch her go, unable to tear my eyes from the curve of her ass and the small little birth marks decorating her body, one of them being on her left ass cheek.

Rising from the bed I stepped out of my boxers and followed her into the bathroom.

“Another one of your mother’s old safe houses?” She sat in the deep stone sunken bathtub that dominated the bathroom. She brought her dark brown hair over her shoulder, the long locks resting on her breast. “Is it weird to bring up your mother while you have a hard on?”

She had a malicious smirk on lips. Taking the remote, I turned on the water, which fell from the ceiling like a waterfall. She gasped, her chest heaving and her breath quickening as the heat of the water hit her. Stepping inside the tub I sat across from her, the warmth relaxing my muscles but not helping my cock at all…nor was she. She stood up in the center of the letting the water rain down over her.

“This is how you should have invited me over the first time.” She picked up one of the bottles from the side of the tub before pouring the rose oil on herself and slowly massaging it into her skin. The way the water dripped over her breasts, gliding down her body, was torture.

“You never told me how you got rid of their bodies, ” I said, trying to ignore my lust. She was just one fucking woman. I was the don of two fucking families. I had the power, and she was the outside. Still, I felt powerless against her.

This so fucking wrong.

I was risking so fucking much. But that risk, that danger, it excited me. She excited me in so many different ways.

J.J. McAvoy's Books