Vicious Minds (Children of Vice #4)(27)

She sounded so sweet, as if she were trying to sell him baked goods, however, the look on the guy’s face was pure horror and fear. Calliope turned to the woman.

“Did you know he was engaged, miss?”

The woman stared, opening her mouth and closing it again. She knew. Regaining herself, she crossed over arms over her fake breasts. “Engaged isn’t married, now is it? Tony and I are in love. I feel bad about your sister but—”

“Catalina!” The man, small dick Tony, yelled at her.

“Calliope, please—”

“Shut up, Tony.”


I was so distracted by their…outfits that I hadn’t noticed Calliope had pulled a gun until she fired it at the man to the right of her beside the couch. She missed but was so close the man fell over.

“Tony—please,” the woman begged when Calliope pulled the gun on her. Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry, please.”

“Prove it,” Calliope flipped the gun for the woman to take. “Kill him.”

“What?” The woman’s mouth dropped open.

“Aren’t you sorry?” Calliope asked, her voice still laced with that fake sweetness. The woman just nodded and Calliope offered her the gun again.

“I can’t,” she shook her head and the moment she did Calliope threw some white powder in her face causing her to scream out and stumble back.


“Tony, please don’t make me focus my attention on you,” Calliope warned with her back to him. He glanced towards the phone and then over to me, as if he was trying to figure out if I’d stop him before he could make it, while the woman cried at her feet.

“What did you do—?”

“Lusel,” Calliope answered.


“What?” The woman cried.

“It’s a type of poison, it starts with burning of the eyes, until they begin bleeding. Your eardrums will spilt and you’ll be deaf and blind within twenty minutes. In an hour you’ll paralyzed from the waist down without the antidote. Tony, I hope to god you aren’t thinking you can reach that phone before I pull the trigger. That would be very stupid on your part and I don’t think you have room to be stupid today.”

The man froze, his body outstretched as if he were preparing to move. I wondered how she knew until I noticed the reflection on bedroom door Calliope was facing.

“Anyway, Catalina, you aren’t looking too good, hun.” Calliope knelt down to her. She lifted a small white ball. “Kill him and I’ll spare you.”

Once more she handed the woman the gun.


“Catalina!” Tony yelled at her.

“You or him,” Calliope whispered softly, petting the side of the woman’s face as she started to shake. Slowly Calliope put the gun in her hand shifted to the side. The woman and the man locked eyes.


“I know you aren’t a bad person. He was the one who came on to you, he was the one who made you fall in love with him, he had someone else but still came after you. It’s not your fault.”

“Shut up, you crazy bitch!” Tony screamed at her. “Baby, don’t listen to her. Come here. You got the gun, you have it! We don’t get to—”

“Do you know you aren’t the only one?” Calliope frowned as she told her. “The last woman really loved him too. She couldn’t do it. She took her own life.”

“What the fuck are you talking about—”

“Don’t be like her,” Calliope went on as if she could not hear him. “He’ll move on from you just as quickly. He doesn’t love you. How can someone who loves you put you in this position?”

Tears streamed down the woman’s face as she began to cough. She held on to her throat, panicking.

“I guess you’re going to be just like the rest,” Calliope added, rising and looking over to Tony. “Why do you keep doing this, Tony? I’ve already warned you before.”

“I don’t even fucking know you! What the fuck—”


“You shot me you fucking stupid slut! Are you fucking crazy?” Tony yelled out, grabbing his arm and taking off running towards the other room in the suite.

BANG! She shot him in the leg and he stumbled but managed to get into the bathroom.


The woman dropped the gun, holding her throat and coughing, “Please, the pill—”

“He’s still alive.”

“Please…it burns…”

“You or him,” Calliope stated again. “You have only a few…your eyes….”

“NO!” the woman cried out, grabbing the gun and running to the bathroom. The poor fuck didn’t seem to have any luck, the door didn’t lock.

“Catalina! NO! Catalina!”




She didn’t stop firing until the clip was empty and just as quickly as she entered the room, the woman stumbled out covered in blood. Calliope lifted the antidote to her but before she could take it, Calliope stuffed it into her mouth.

“No! You said you’d give it to me.”

“Relax,” Calliope reached into her pocket and dropped half a dozen hotel mints on the ground in front of her. “They’re free with each stay.”

J.J. McAvoy's Books