Up in Smoke (Crossing the Line, #2)(63)

Christ. Jesus Christ. He could hear his pulse in his ears, banging like a steel drum. “What the hell are you doing?”

Erin lay faceup on the bed, her wrists wrapped in silk above her head. The yellow silk belt from her bathrobe? The makeshift restraint had been tied around a wooden slat in the headboard, restraining her. Connor almost went to his knees for a second time that night, but her shallow breaths wouldn’t allow him to succumb to the driving need. No, he couldn’t want her like this. Wrong. It was wrong.

Oh, but he f*cking did. Here was his ultimate fantasy brought to life. She looked spectacular, palm-sized breasts pointed straight up in the cool air, her stomach pulled taut. The things he could do to her like this. She’d cry out and try to get free, but it would be up to him.

Bastard. Think about what you’re considering. Think. He didn’t want her to ever hurt again, but she was doing it now on his behalf. A sacrifice. The ultimate apology. Giving away the freedom she required to keep her very sanity. All for him.

No, he couldn’t let her do it. He wouldn’t.

His willpower seconds from snapping in two, he climbed onto the bed on his knees, leaning over her to undo the bonds. When she licked her lips at his approach, wrists flexing in the restraint, Connor growled. “What are you trying to prove, Erin? Goddammit.”

“That I’m not leaving again.” Her voice was surprisingly strong considering the way her body trembled. This wasn’t easy for her. Or him. Definitely not him. He was starving for her, and she was offering herself up to him on a silver platter. Need her. Need her so bad. “I’m giving myself to you. I’m yours. I won’t go away again unless you make me.”

His heart felt like it might jump from his chest. “Make you leave?” he shouted. “I’ve been miserable with you gone.”

“Show me.” She shifted on the bed to glide her legs around his hips. Fuck. Her damp, naked * was mere inches from his aching cock. He could already hear the needy little sobs she’d make as he thrust into her heat, over and over. Could feel her knees wedged against his palms as pushed her legs wide to get deeper, ride her harder. She must have seen his resolve slipping because her energy changed. Right before his eyes, she went from sacrificial lamb to seductress. Her back bowed under his hungry gaze, displaying her tits for him like a prize to be won. She touched her tongue to her top lip and let it linger as she writhed on the bed. “Will you kiss me between my legs, baby? Please?”

His world imploded. There was no more self-control to draw from. If she were showing even a fraction of uncertainty, he could have held back. As it was, she was looking up at him like a sexually deprived siren desperate for a hard f*cking. His world turned a gritty shade of sepia, power roaring past his barriers and running wild. Dominate her. She’s begging you for it.

Almost casually, he slipped his fingers into her hair, smiling as she purred under the touch. Both of them sucked in a breath as his fingers went tight, gripping her hair in an iron fist. That’s it. I’m lost. “The next time you instruct me on how to please you, I will deny that request until you’re willing to give up everything to have it granted.”

Her mouth fell open on a sharp exhale. “Yes, Connor.”

She wasn’t looking at him the same as she had a moment ago. There was a new awareness. He didn’t know if he loved that or hated it. Should he exult in her acknowledging this side of him or be nervous that it would change what they had? He was too far gone to decide. The line had been crossed and he couldn’t turn back. Erin’s gaze ran the length of him, and although he wanted to touch, to arouse her more, he waited for her to look her fill. When her attention lingered between his legs, he came up on his knees to loom above her. “I’d love to let you suck it, sweetheart. I can see how bad you want to, but I’ve gone four days without you. The second you deep-throated it, I’d come like a f*cking freight train. I could tell you not to let it past your teeth, but you’d do it anyway, wouldn’t you? You love every inch.”

Her mouth looked swollen, begging to be breached. “Yes, I love it.”

He fisted his shaft. “I haven’t touched myself since you left. Do you remember why?”

Excitement shimmered all over her, like she’d been dusted with magic. “Because you only come inside me.”

“That’s right. Spread your legs and show me where.”

She wet her lips as she hesitated. Only a few beats passed before her legs fell open on the bed. He longed for rope to bind her ankles to the bedposts. He also knew if this situation got any closer to perfect, it might kill him, so it was a good thing he didn’t. Jesus, her thighs were enough to captivate him with their smooth lines, their slight quiver of anticipation. As he laid a hand on her right inner thigh, he watched her face for panic, but saw only trust. Good girl. Brave girl. His attention was arrested by the exquisite flesh at the apex of her thighs. Still wet and flushed from her shower, it begged for invasion. Begged to be mastered.

“You’re going to need a safe word, Erin, because I’m about to do such obscene things to your * with my mouth, you’re going to scream for me to stop even when you want me to keep going.” He slapped her between the thighs with his weighty erection, groaning at the sound of their most sensitive flesh connecting. “Pick a word to scream if you can’t take it.”

“Um.” He slapped her again with his cock, making her head thrash on the pillow. “S-skillet.”

Tessa Bailey's Books