Up in Smoke (Crossing the Line, #2)(61)

“I was going to come back to you.”

Still, he said nothing. Didn’t move. Just stared down at her with an unreadable expression.

She took a step closer to him. “Do you believe me?”


A pained sound slipped past her lips. Her ribs were caving in. She’d expected his anger, but she hadn’t expected him to lose faith in her. He’d never been emotionless with her, through all the shit she’d thrown at him. She’d always been able to get a read on him, break through. “I’ll convince you. I’ll make you believe me.”

His attention shot to the door like a whip being cracked. “Is he inside?”

“Connor, no.” Oh, God. Her worst fears were playing out. She couldn’t stop him when he was like this, could she? Her Connor wasn’t anywhere to be found. Just this stiff, closed-off man who could brush her off like a fly if she tried to prevent him from going inside. “I took care of it. He won’t come after me again.”

The air around them thinned. “You killed him?”

She swallowed. “Yes.”

His laugh was dark, unfamiliar. “That’s two lies you’ve told me already tonight.” He focused back on the door. “You’re not a murderer. I know you’re not.”

I can’t let him go inside. “Take me home. Please.”

He tried to sidestep her, but she blocked his path. His hands curled and uncurled at his sides. “If you did as you say, let me confirm it. Let me see it with my own eyes.”

“Don’t. Don’t go in there. It’s not worth it.”

“You’re worth it.” His voice thundered down at her. “You’re worth four days of hell. Busting into a f*cking motel, wondering if I’d find you dead inside. Wondering if I’d see you again. Then finding out you weren’t even there…you were somewhere else when I was not.” A light came on in the neighbor’s yard and he automatically blocked her from its path. He lowered his voice but it was no less furious. “He made you run from me and I want to check the f*cker’s pulse. It’s worth knowing that will never happen again. Do you understand me?”

She battled with the relief that assailed her. Nearly took her to the ground. He still wanted her. At least he still wanted her. “Show me, then. Show me I’m worth it. Trust me now.”

“Oh, no. I didn’t say anything about trust.” He lowered his face just above hers. “After what you’ve put me through, I can’t even trust you not to vanish when I turn my back.”

He changed directions and started to move past her, sending panic tunneling into her midsection. No. Erin didn’t think, didn’t reason with herself.

She grabbed both of his hands and laid them on her face.

It burned like blue fire. It had been so long since someone had touched her face…maybe no one had ever touched her face. If they had, she had no memory of it. It felt like two brands had been applied to her skin. So hot and sharp was the pain that her knees dipped; a scream trapped itself in her throat. But she didn’t let go. She refused to let go. Green eyes bored down into hers, dulling the pain in degrees. He spoke to her, his voice raw, so different from moments ago, but she could barely hear him.

“I trust you.” Her teeth chattered around the words. “I trust you. See?”

“Sweetheart…oh God. Stop. Let go. You’re making me hurt you. Please…please.”

Miraculously, the pain was starting to lessen. Instead of a spiked burn, it turned into a rounded throb…then it dimmed. And dimmed some more. She moved his hands down her throat, marveling at the new sensation. Every new inch encountered a distinct burn, but it eased quicker the farther she went. She focused on his agonized eyes as she dragged them down, down, over her shoulders. Underneath her shirt to caress her belly. Alive. She felt alive. Her nerve endings were singing. Connor. Only Connor could do this to her.

She must have said it out loud because he choked a curse. “Tell me what it feels like. Tell me I’m not causing you pain. I’m all f*cked up right now, Erin. I can’t deal with any more.”

“Your hands…they’re making me real. They feel so perfect. So perfect. Take me home,” she whispered. “I’ll let you touch me everywhere.”

He dropped his head into the crook of her neck and groaned. “You feel so good. Your skin…” Erin sobbed a breath as he fell to his knees, wrapped his arms around her waist, and buried his face in her belly. “God, I missed you so much.” His hands smoothed up her back and she arched into his touch, needing to feel everything. Every single stroke of his hand. “Now that I’ve had this, touched you, don’t take it away from me. Please don’t take it away from me.”

“I won’t. I can’t.” His hands swept down her thighs and traced the backs of her knees. A gasp flew from her mouth. Who knew she was so sensitive there? She wanted to stand there all night and let him touch her, let him acquaint his hands with every inch of her body, but time was a limited resource. Luther could stir at any time, and if he walked outside, it would be over in seconds. Connor wouldn’t hesitate to act, and this beautiful moment would be lost to them.

Connor rose slowly to his feet, dragging his open mouth up the center of her body as he went. As soon as his face was even with hers, she captured his mouth with a kiss. She swayed into him with a moan and took. She’d seen him aroused before, but nothing compared to this. His erection dug into her belly, hard and demanding. Hands tunneled through her hair, making up for lost time as he seduced her with his tongue. Her primary goal of getting him away from the house blurred, but she snatched it back. She was fighting for their lives and needed to remember that.

Tessa Bailey's Books