Up in Smoke (Crossing the Line, #2)(28)

Connor exchanged a level look with Bowen and all three men fell silent. He felt itchy between his shoulder blades. Had ever since Erin left the apartment, hours earlier. This morning had almost been the end of their already-unpredictable relationship, and it was his own damn fault. He’d never been a heavy sleeper, but something about her soft body behind him, her slender arms locked around his chest like she couldn’t get close enough, had induced a near-coma. He’d fallen asleep feeling needed by her. It was no wonder he’d had to get closer to that need, absorb it.

God, he couldn’t close his eyes without seeing her in that state of panic. The fear radiating from her had reached out and choked him, guilt running him through. He needed to be careful, patient, alert. Couldn’t risk her leaving again. Somehow in the space of a few days, she’d become vital. She’d crawled up inside him and put down roots that couldn’t be dug up. Those roots had already grown into a shade tree that cooled him where he usually ran so hot. Only a handful of hours had passed since she’d left the apartment, and already he was desperate to see her. Be touched by her. She’d said touching him made her feel good, and he was dying little by little with each passing minute, knowing she was going without something that made her happy. Something that relaxed the monsters lying in wait inside him.

“Time’s up,” he muttered, striding toward Derek’s office door. Just as he reached for the knob, the door swung open to reveal a petite brunette in cowboy boots and a pink sundress. She was stunning and…young. Couldn’t be more than twenty-five or twenty-six. If Connor wasn’t mistaken, she had a fair amount of whisker burn on the side of her face. A low growl rumbled from behind her and Connor looked up to find Derek, arms crossed, with a dark look on his face.

“Any reason you’re standing so close to my wife, Bannon?”

“Derek,” the brunette admonished before giving Connor an apologetic look. “The man doesn’t have the manners the good Lord gave a goat. I’m Ginger and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She stuck out her right hand, complete with sparkling diamond ring. “I had to come down here and meet the reason my husband has been working so dang hard.”

Based on Derek’s forbidding expression, even touching Ginger’s hand was against the rules. Connor had no choice, however, and he’d be damned before he started backing down from the guy. He shook Ginger’s hand. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“Jesus, don’t ma’am me. I’m a new mama and I feel tired enough.”

Austin stepped forward and extended his hand. “Well, you don’t look it, that’s for sure.”

Another growl from Derek.

Bowen just looked anxious to get into the office, shifting back and forth on the balls of his feet. But he managed to shake Ginger’s hand and give a half smile.

Derek kept his eyes trained on all three of them as Ginger went up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Don’t work too hard, sugar.”

They all piled into the office when Derek stepped back, Bowen leaning against the far wall beside Connor, while Austin dropped into the single chair. Derek took his position behind the desk, arms still crossed over his chest. He pointed at Bowen. “You go first since your twitching is irritating me. What do you want?”

“I want to know who I’m working with.” Bowen jerked his chin toward Austin. “Who the hell is this guy? What did those two girls do to get locked up?”

“I’ve vetted you all thoroughly. That should be good enough.”

“It’s not. Not where Sera is concerned.” He swiped a hand through his hair. “I need to know who has my back while I’m watching hers. No surprises.”

“I’m the only one who needs to worry about Erin.” Connor stared hard at Bowen until it visibly sank in. “That’s why I’m here. I need to know where she’s been and I don’t want an audience for it.”

Derek released a heavy sigh. “Let me get this straight. Bowen is here for Sera’s safety. Connor came to pump me for information on Erin.” He turned his attention to Austin. “That leaves you and Polly. Is there something in the Chicago f*cking water? It’s barely been three days.”

Austin’s face betrayed nothing. “I only drink bottled water.”

Connor could almost hear Bowen’s massive eye roll. “Look, you can’t blame us for being cautious. I think I speak for everyone when I say we’ve gotten this far by not giving blind trust.” He ignored Bowen’s sniff of agreement beside him. “If we don’t know one another’s weaknesses, there isn’t a hope in hell of trusting one another’s strengths.”

“Seconded.” Bowen shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. “How would you feel if it was your wife out there?”

“Don’t ever say that out loud again,” Derek ground out.

Austin gained his feet. “This is going rather well, wouldn’t you say?” He stopped at the door. “Have fun deciding whose dick is biggest. Hint, the winner is about to leave the room.”

When the door snapped shut behind Austin, Bowen pushed off the wall. “Man, I hate that guy.”

Derek held up his hands, appearing to collect his thoughts. “Bowen, Sera is a trained officer. Treat her like one.” He turned to Connor. “As far as weaknesses go, you already know Erin’s. Otherwise you wouldn’t have ripped the plywood off that window yesterday.”

Tessa Bailey's Books