The Wrong Bones (Widow's Island #10)(30)


Tessa smoothed her dress in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She’d been calm about the wedding until today, but this morning had brought a flurry of nerves.

“Tess, you look amazing.” Patience looped an arm around Tessa’s shoulders.

“Hold still.” Cate wielded a makeup brush and applied powder to Tessa’s cheek. Cate stepped back, her mouth twisted as she assessed her work. The bruise, which had faded to a gross yellow-green color, had disappeared. “You’re perfect.”

Tessa turned to the mirror, pleased. Normally, she wasn’t very glam, but this was her wedding day, so a little vanity was allowed, right? She straightened the tiny pendant, her something old, one-third of a heart. Cate and Sam wore the other two pieces. They’d owned the matching set since childhood.

“That dress is lovely.” Sam brushed a happy tear from her own cheek.

Tessa had chosen a simple sleeveless A-line dress with a modest V neck and gathered bodice. “Look! Pockets.” She shoved her hands into them.

All four of them laughed.

“It’s gorgeous,” said Sam as she poured bubbly into two glasses. She filled Patience’s and Cate’s flutes with sparkling cider, then handed out the glasses. “I’m so happy we’re together again.” She raised her glass. “To Tessa and Logan!”

“To new beginnings.” Cate clinked her glass against theirs. “And best friends that last a lifetime.”

“Don’t make me cry. You’ll mess up all your hard work.” Tessa dabbed a tear from under her eye.

The door opened, and Jane walked in. She smiled wide. “You look lovely! I’m so happy for you and Logan. You were meant for each other.”

“Don’t tell me you always knew.” Tessa laughed.

“Okay. I won’t tell you.” Jane grinned. “Now let’s get you married. I’ll go out and get things started.”

Jane would officiate the ceremony, just as she’d married Cate and Henry a few weeks before.

“I have something for you,” Tessa said to Patience. She handed her sister a small box. “For my maid of honor.”

Patience opened it. Inside, a small heart pendant hung on a delicate chain. Patience said, “Ooh. It’s just like yours.”

“I couldn’t get through a day without you.” Tessa gave her sister a one-armed hug. She took another sip of her bubbly, then touched up her lipstick. “Ready!”

They walked through the house to the front door. Tessa looked through the screen. Rows of chairs formed an aisle. At the top, Logan stood, waiting for her, in a blue suit that matched his eyes. The moment she saw him, Tessa’s nerves vanished.

They were meant to be together. She felt it in her bones.

When Herb from the inn started playing “Here Comes the Bride” on his oboe, Tessa had to contain a burst of giddy laughter. He’d volunteered. They hadn’t been able to say no without hurting his feelings. The whole island had come together to throw the wedding. Vases of donated flowers flanked the yard. Cate and Jane had made the cake—a giant cinnamon roll topped with a tiny bride and groom. The knitting group had prepared all the food. On the porch, a long table was covered in casserole dishes.

Tessa walked down the porch steps, her eyes locked with Logan’s, her own love reflected back at her. She stepped into the grass, her low heels sinking into the earth. Guests stood and smiled as she started for the aisle. In the front row, Tessa’s mother was supported on both sides by members of the knitting group. The ladies had worked hard to get her into a dress. Her hair was combed and arranged in a neat bun. Tessa’s heart nearly burst when she saw her mother was wearing lipstick.

Cate and Sam followed her down the aisle. As she approached Logan, a loud squawk sounded. A chicken fluttered from an overhead branch, right into Tessa’s face. Wings flapped around her head. Logan leaped forward, grabbing the chicken with both hands and restraining it.

Killer Hen.

Tessa heard her mother croon to the bird. Logan set it on the grass, and it ran to her mom like a dog.

Cate plucked a feather from Tessa’s low bun. Her eyes met Tessa’s, and they burst into laughter. Joy bubbled over in Tessa’s heart. She didn’t care if the chicken had ruined her hair and makeup. Mom was happy. She was having a good day, and Tessa would savor every moment.

“We should have made the chicken the ring bearer,” Logan said, deadpan.

Tessa stepped up next to him, trying to keep it together and only partially succeeding.

Jane cleared her throat. The corner of her mouth quirked as she clearly fought to remain serious. “Neighbors, family, and friends, we are gathered here today . . .” She married them without fuss and declared them husband and wife. “You may kiss the bride.”

Logan took both of Tessa’s hands. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life.”

“Same.” Tessa rose onto her toes, and they kissed. “I’ve loved you forever.”

The crowd exploded in applause, hoots, and whistles. Henry, Cate, Sam, and Patience hugged and congratulated them. Jane beamed. Tessa looked around at the community that surrounded them. She considered all of them family. Some were related by blood and others bonded by love.

She knew deep in her heart they all would meet life’s joys and challenges together.

Melinda Leigh's Books