The Wrong Bones (Widow's Island #10)(28)

Where is Logan?

Shannon moved sideways, carefully skirting an open and partially unpacked box on the floor. Behind Shannon, a long table overflowed with more boxes. The shop must have received a recent shipment.

“Don’t take another step,” Shannon threatened.

“You don’t want to hurt your son,” Tessa reasoned.

“He’s my son. No one is going to take him from me,” Shannon said in an “If I can’t have him, no one can” tone.

“Put down the gun, Shannon. You can’t get away,” Tessa said. “They won’t let you on the ferry.”

“I’ll get away if you back the fuck up. Me and Chandler are going to start over. We’ll find a way.” Sweat beaded her upper lip, and there was far too much white around her eyeballs. She was losing control.

Chandler’s gaze pleaded for help. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Tessa silently swore that woman was not taking that boy anywhere. “Put down the gun, Shannon. You’re scaring your son.”

“He’s mine!” Shannon screeched. Her lips peeled back in an angry snarl.

“That doesn’t mean you can hurt him,” Tessa said, her voice calm.

“Chandler loves me. We’re all that’s left for either of us. He wants to go. Get out of our way.”

“If he wants to go, why are you holding on to him?”

“Shut the fuck up!” Shannon screamed. “Chandler would never betray me. Not like Simon did.”

“What did Simon do?” Tessa used an empathetic tone.

“He was weak. He fucked that little whore, Alyssa.” Shannon all but spat out the words. “She learned her lesson. No more stealing other women’s men for her.”

“You killed Alyssa?” Tessa couldn’t completely hide her shock.

She heard a faint scratch in the back of the shop and silently prayed it was Logan.

A chilling, smug smile curled Shannon’s lips. “I did. It was simple. Stupid little slut was easy to lure.” Her eyes darkened. “But Simon couldn’t let go of her, even after she was gone. I made him bury her. He still couldn’t accept the fact that she was dead.” She huffed, her chest heaving. “I finally convinced him to come back to me, but he fucking brought her with him.”

Tessa’s stomach turned cold.

Shannon’s smile faded. Disgust flattened her lips. “Can you believe it? He dug up the bitch’s bones and brought them with him. He thought he could hide her from me, just like he thought I wouldn’t find out he was fucking her.” She shook her head. “Did he think I was stupid?”

Tessa didn’t respond.

The room went silent for a few seconds. Then Shannon moved sideways, toward the rear exit. “You can’t stop me.”

Tessa held her ground, keeping her gun aimed at the woman. The last thing in the world she wanted to do was shoot Shannon while Chandler watched. On the other hand, Tessa didn’t want to get shot either.

Chandler met Tessa’s gaze. The fear in his eyes filled Tessa with rage. How dare this woman terrorize her own son? Keeping her eyes locked with Tessa’s, Shannon inched closer to the door. Chandler gave Tessa a solemn nod that made her pulse spike. What was he going to do? Shannon took her eyes off Tessa to glance behind her, likely making sure the floor was clear. The gun shifted slightly to the side. Chandler took the opportunity, shoving his mother’s arm upward with both hands.

A split second later, the pile of boxes behind her tumbled toward her in a huge crash. A box struck Shannon’s back. She stumbled. The gun went off. An overhead light shattered, and glass rained down. Shannon ducked and shoved her son. But the boy held on, keeping her arm pointed at the ceiling.

Logan emerged from behind the table, moving toward them.

The boy was still in the way. Tessa couldn’t risk a shot. Instead, she shoved her gun into its holster and lunged forward. Grabbing Chandler, she pushed him toward Logan. With both hands, she grabbed Shannon’s gun arm and kept it pointed toward the ceiling.

The gun went off again, sending bits of ceiling tile scattering.

Tessa drove Shannon into the wall and banged her arm against the edge of a shelf. “Drop the gun!”

Shannon struggled.

Tessa slammed her arm into the shelf again. The gun clattered to the floor. She shifted her grip, putting Shannon in an armlock, then spun her around and twisted her arms behind her back. After snapping handcuffs onto her wrists, Tessa turned out Shannon’s pockets and patted her down for additional weapons. When she was certain the threat had been eliminated, Tessa breathed.

Her pulse echoed in a crazy rhythm in her ears, and her knees went soft. The sweat under her body armor went cold. She glanced around. Behind her, Logan had shielded Chandler with his own body.

Bruce’s voice burst through the shop. “Tessa!”

“We’re okay. We’re in here,” she called out. Then she used her mic to notify dispatch of the shooting and the arrest of the suspect.

Bruce appeared in the doorway.

“Would you take her?” Tessa shoved Shannon at him.

“Of course.” Bruce took the handcuffed woman. “I’ll put her in the car.”

Chandler emerged from behind Logan. The teen’s entire body was shaking. Tessa wrapped her arms around him, and he began to cry. Logan turned away, giving them a moment.

Melinda Leigh's Books