The Stand-In Boyfriend (Grove Valley High #1)(49)
She screws up her face and walks over to my window, opening it up wide and letting some fresh air into the room. “When was the last time you showered?”
I scrunch my nose up. It’s been five days and I definitely stink, but I haven’t had the energy to undress and bathe.
“Get in the shower and then come downstairs. I made brownies and I’ll order you a pizza for lunch if you’re up to eating.”
My stomach actually clenches at the thought of pizza, and that’s when I know I’m feeling better. I haven’t wanted to eat all week, but now that she’s said it, I realize I’m starving. I start to push back the covers from my bed. “I’ll just come down now.”
She shakes her head and turns to walk out the door. “Trust me, you’re going to want to shower.”
I roll my eyes and sniff my shirt. It’s not so bad that she can’t deal with me for a couple of hours. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and while I definitely have more color in my face than I’ve had all week, my hair is a greasy mess hanging around my face.
I go downstairs anyway—and want to die on the spot when I see Chase standing in my kitchen, hovering by the table while he talks to my mom.
He smiles when he sees me. “Hey, how you feeling?”
I swallow loudly and look over at my mom smirking by the fridge. I glare at her, suddenly mortified by my appearance, and she starts to chuckle as she strolls toward me, passing me in the doorway and murmuring, “Told you you’d want to shower.”
I close my eyes at how humiliating this is. Now that I’m not in the cesspool my room has become over the last couple of days, I know how ridiculous I must look right now. I’m wearing an old University of California shirt of my dad’s and oversized basketball shorts that fall down my hips.
When I look back at Chase, he’s looking at me nervously. “Sorry…I shouldn’t have come. It’s just you haven’t been at school all week and I know you’ve texted a couple of times, but I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” He pauses briefly. “Look, I’ll go.”
“No!” I feel terrible that he must think he’s not welcome here. “Thank you for coming—really. I feel a lot better now, and I think I’ll be back at school tomorrow.”
“You sure?” He takes a step closer to me. “You don’t seem—”
“Stop!” He looks horrified at my tone, and a snort of laughter breaks out of me. I glance away, feeling my face blush red before looking back at him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“Look, I’ll go. I didn’t mean to intrude, and you’re obviously feeling better.”
I start to laugh, real laughter this time. He thinks I don’t want him here. “Chase, I stink okay?” He looks completely perplexed, which just makes me laugh more. “I’ve barely been out of my bed since Tuesday, and I haven’t showered since that morning. I totally stink. I just don’t want you to get close enough to smell me because there’s a very real possibility you may pass out.”
Understanding fills his face and he crosses his arms over his chest, grinning back at me. “I mean, I didn’t want to say anything, Chapman. I just figured your mom hadn’t taken the garbage out today.”
I can’t help chuckling. It’s only been five days, but I’d forgotten how carefree and easy he is to be around, how he makes me feel like that. “Stay here,” I tell him, turning to run back upstairs. “And don’t eat all of those brownies before I get back.”
Twenty minutes later, I’ve scrubbed my body clean and even shampooed my hair twice to make sure it’s as clean as possible. I’ve thrown my bedroom window open even wider, stripped my bed, and dumped my bedding into the laundry along with my sick clothes. I’ve pulled on a clean pair of sweats and a fresh shirt and have towel-dried my hair. I run back downstairs to find my mom sitting with Chase at the kitchen table.
She grins as I walk in. “There she is. That’s the daughter I love and adore.”
I mock glare at her, not completely forgiving her for not warning me about Chase, but when I see that’s she’s poured Chase a drink and he’s completely at ease, I stop, knowing she’s made him feel welcome. My mom’s great at that stuff.
“Hey.” I smile at Chase. “So you’ve met my mom.”
He grins. “Yeah, we’ve just been talking about school and soccer.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes. You didn’t tell me your new friend was the star of the soccer team and is about to compete in the state championships.” I nearly laugh at the fact that she called him my new friend. She’s been asking who it is I’ve been hanging out with but I haven’t gone into detail. Clearly she now thinks we’re dating, and by the smile on her face she’s happy about it. She’s always going on about my lack of a love life.
I glance at Chase, who is looking earnestly at my mom, not chill and laid back like he usually is but like he actually cares about her opinion and wants to make a good impression.
“Oh yeah.” I smirk at him. “He’s kind of a big deal. I’m honored he’s even here at all, gracing me with his presence.”
He smirks right back at me, shaking his head in amusement, and when I look at my mom, her face is beaming.