The Married Billionaire's Surrogate An African American Pregnancy Romance For Adults(27)

“I'll put an end to this,” he spoke at last grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.

“End to what?” His best friend confusingly asked.

“All of it. Finally I'll do what I should have months ago.” Steven grinned and ran out of the company's building.

He started the engine of his car and swiftly drove out of the parking lot. The tires screeched on the wet streets as he headed downtown. The whole city was crowded with people walking on the sidewalks and cars tooting in the traffic jam. He looked around at the massive glass buildings and chuckled at the memory of Alicia's face when they first landed in the Bahamas. That woman deserved everything in the world and he was determined to give her that and more. If it took renouncing his family or selling the mansion and the company, so be it. His woman and their child were worth it.

He turned left a few times and then drove down the widest lane in the city until he reached the mall and made his way amidst the mess of cars. Patiently he waited to park before stepping inside the huge building full of stores for everyone's taste. Looking around, he stared at the glowing name boards when he sensed something passing by his feet.

"Sir? Can you give me the ball?" A boy was coming in his direction. He could be no more than seven or eight years old.

Steven leaned down and picked the red ball in his arms, while waiting for the boy to get to him.

"Here." Steven smiled and passed it to the child. "What's your name?"

"Leo." The boy shyly replied. "Thanks for... For this." He pointed at the ball in his hands and ran toward the toy store. Steven followed him and for some reason he felt like he could do anything in that moment.


Bent down before the fireplace, Alicia Balfe for who-knew-which time cursed her life and unwillingly changed the wood inside. Her back ached beyond imagination, the baby restlessly kicking from inside and she eventually gave up. All nervous and stressed she threw the wood aside and sprang her feet on the sofa.

“Two more months, honey,” she spoke to her growing stomach and sighed. Only two more months to decide what she would do with her life. It was not like she could lean on Steven anymore after he had lied to her. As much as she tried she couldn’t bring herself to trust him.

The sound of footsteps on the marble floor disturbed her thoughts and she abruptly turned back to see Elizabeth in her nightgown approaching her. It was already something past nine, so she wondered for a moment what her mistress was doing down there at that time, but chased away her opinions and stood up to face her.

“Do you need anything, madam?” Alicia asked when she spotted something glinting in Elizabeth’s hand. It was either glass or metal.

“I need you to vanish from my life,” she said it peacefully as if she was asking for her usual glass of wine and put the blade of the knife to Alicia’s throat.

Alicia was spell-bound. What was happening? The rhythm of her heart paced and she sensed her hands getting sweaty. “M-m-madam?”

“I am sick of you and Steven and that hideous baby of yours. I’ve had enough of putting up with all of you,” Elizabeth was talking in her ear and Alicia cringed a little.

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand.” Alicia attempted to push her captor’s arm away and wiggle out of her grasp, but without success.

“You mustn’t be the mother of the Wyatt family heir. Oh, no, I’ll never let that happen.”

“Now I am sure you planted the necklace in my room all those months ago. Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me?” Tears welled up in Alicia’s eyes again.

Elizabeth just brought the knife closer to her throat making a small cut on her skin. Alicia cried in pain to which Elizabeth grinned. “I can’t stand you, do you understand me now? I can’t bear to see your face close to me!” Elizabeth’s grin widened as she pressed the knife deeper and deeper when she suddenly stopped. The expression on her face froze as the color left her skin.

Alicia didn’t know how, but she succeeded in grabbing the fireplace poker and stabbing it into Elizabeth’s arm. She screamed and by the time Alicia was running away, her mistress was on her feet again.

“Why don't we calm down... Elizabeth?” Alicia spoke making a few steps backwards toward the hall. If the woman attempted to hurt her again, at least she could try to run outside.

“Oh Elizabeth? Am I Elizabeth to you now? What happened with madam? What happened with the shaking hands and the innocent look? Or was that only one of your games to seduce my husband?” Elizabeth furiously yelled.

“How dare you tell me that after all this time? I did everything you asked of me, served you and cleaned after you and...” Alicia started.

“And what? Say it! We know perfectly well that you didn’t do that out of charity or compassion for the woman who can't have her own child. You did it for Steven. To capture him in your claws forever.” Elizabeth was close again, rage evaporating from her eyes. Luckily she didn't hold any sharp objects this time.

Alicia felt the baby stir in her stomach and instinctively placed her hand over it. No one would do it harm even if she had to fight for that with her life. She looked at the woman standing before her and for a moment pity overflowed her. Pity that she couldn't have her own family. That she was alone.

“You know that I agreed to be a surrogate mother for your baby. And I would have done it... Only I-I couldn't separate from the child. It has become a part of me and when I heard that you were going to take it to Europe I...” Alicia said, biting her lip.

Kalissa Lewis's Books