The Married Billionaire's Surrogate An African American Pregnancy Romance For Adults(24)

Tip-toeing, she left the house at dawn, taking only one photo of Steven from the living room. Not wishing to be noticed by anyone, she called a cab and covered her shaking body with a red coat. Her cell phone buzzed in her pocket for a brief moment and she fished it out. ‘A message from Steven Wyatt: My love, call me when you wake up’ it said and she cried despite herself.

“Not now, Steve. Please… Not now.” She sniffed and entered the cab, telling the driver the address of the hospital.

The tall buildings changed before her eyes, one after the other. Massive structures of people’s labor, their dreams and ambitions to rule the world embedded in their base. When she was a child Alicia always admired those buildings. Whenever she would see them on TV she wished with all of her heart to live and work there. To be a part of that rich world.

However now, driving alone with her hands closed on her stomach and tears splashing on her coat, she wished that she had never come to the city. That she had never met Steven and Elizabeth. That she had never worked in their house. She simply wanted to be the Alicia in the dirty pink dress with flowers, playing on the street with the other children and not worrying about a single thing.

The tires screeched on the wet street and the driver pulled up before the hospital. Alicia paid him and climbed the stairs toward her destiny. She hoped never to see those walls again and the desperate people in the waiting rooms. Never to smell that horrible scent of medicines once more. After telling her name to the nurse at the counter, she was sent to the third floor with the elevator and into another waiting room. She felt a bit dizzy and rested her head on the wall behind, impatiently waiting to hear her name. She just wanted to get done with it and go home. Someone accidentally nudged her in the arm and she opened her eyes startled.

“I’m sorry, madam.” The woman said. Alicia observed that her stomach was a small bump, not bigger than her own. “You ‘ere for the… You know… Getting the baby out?”

Alicia’s head ached and she only nodded.

“Me, too. He left me and now I have to deal with his doing all on my own.” She motioned to her stomach.

Just when she was about to reply, Alicia heard someone shouting her name. It was her doctor. Her pregnancy doctor not the one that would make the baby inside her vanish in a few moments. He mustn’t know what she was doing there so she abruptly stood up intending to run away. But he was too close and caught her by the arm.

“What’re you doing here?” He asked her. “Never mind. I want to give you something. Come with me to my office.”

Alicia obeyed deciding that she had a couple of minutes more before her abortion and followed the doctor down the hall. The familiar pictures of monkeys, forests and other children’s stuff greeted her as he showed her the chair before the desk.

“Ready? Or you want to wait for Mr. Wyatt? I called him and he said he was on his way.” The doctor informed her and she confusingly glanced at him.

“Ready for what exactly?” She asked.

The doctor smiled, handing her a white envelope. It had her name on it. “Open it.”

With trembling hands she pulled out a thin picture from inside. It showed some kind of a gray filled circle and… And a small circled dot blending in the dim colors. It was nearly unrecognizable, but Alicia could clearly spot it. Her heart went to her heels and she couldn’t breathe for a second. There it was. Her baby. Her own child. Wyatt junior nested in the middle of the circle that was her stomach. Alicia gently lay her hand over it and fondled the place where it stood, totally forgetting where she was and who she was with. It was just her and her baby. “It… It is real,” she said it aloud realizing just then what she would destroy if she entered the other office instead of this one.

Without listening to the doctor, she rushed out of the room, the picture pressed on her chest and hurried down the stairs. Reaching the entrance door, she didn’t care about the nurses she bumped into or the patients; the only thing that mattered was her child. And the man that appeared before her out of nowhere in his dark blue jacket.

“Alicia?” He began, but she threw herself in his arms and wept, everything coming back before her eyes. If only you had known what I would have done minutes ago, she thought, muffling her crying in his white shirt.

He held her close to him, his chin on the top of her head. “Shhh… What happened?” His fingers slowly stroked her back.

She sniffed unable to speak.

“You’re scaring me, sweetheart. What is it?” He asked again, fear evident in his tone.

She separated from him a bit and placed the picture in his hand. “Meet our kid.” She chuckled and wiped her nose.

Something passed across Steven’s face. Jubilance mingled with surprise. A blend of emotions only a father could feel in the same time. Briefly she wondered how her father had felt at the first sight of her. Her eyes darted to the picture only to see it shaking in his hands. His hands were shaking as well.

“Steve? Are you–“

“Yes. I am all right,” he said as his body dropped on a bench in the dreadful waiting room. “This… This is our baby, Al. Right here.” He put his left hand on her stomach. “It’s a miracle.”

“It is,” Alicia replied as a tear fell down from the corner of her eye.

“I would fight the whole world if need be, only for this child. I would kill and tear apart anyone who tries to do it harm.” Steven kissed her forehead then putting her head on his shoulder. “Our baby! I still can’t believe it.” Putting his chin on her hair proved to her the theory that he actually didn’t want Alicia to see him crying. He didn’t want her to see the huge billionaire Steven Wyatt crying over the two people he loved most. Alicia Balfe and their child living inside her womb. And she knew it now. No. She was convinced that he would never let Elizabeth or any other take it away from them.

Kalissa Lewis's Books