The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)(79)

The line moves at a snail’s pace. By the time we get to the front, Katie and I befriended her neighbor and mine, turning our duo into a quadruplet. Rowan is a good sport about it all, and I feel kind of guilty I spend our date fangirling with other book nerds.

“Your turn.” He nudges me with the palm of his hand straight into Juliana’s breathing space.

“Hi! I’m a huge fan.” I hold out my shaky hand.

The wrinkles around Juliana’s brown eyes tighten as she looks up at me from her table. She has the most ridiculous outfit on that looks like something straight out of a pinup catalog, and I instantly fall in love with her. Her graying hair is secured in a perfect ponytail, and her side bangs swoop across her aging forehead. It’s exactly something I’d expect from the shows my mom loves to watch.

“My, my. Aren’t you a looker!” Juliana stands and crushes my cheeks between her hands in the most grandmotherly gesture.

Oh my God, Juliana is touching me!

Would it be weird if I ask Rowan to snap a picture?

Yeah, probably. I withhold the urge and take a few deep breaths of Juliana’s heavy perfume.

Juliana’s grin stands out against her red lips. “Rowan, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend is as cute as a button.”

Rowan? She knows Rowan?! Why didn’t he say anything?


He clears his throat. “Zahra isn’t my girlfriend.”

My stomach takes a dive off a very long cliff.

Her eyes slide back to mine. “Well, my dear, you need to lock this man down immediately.”

I ignore her because hello, she knows Rowan. “I had no idea you knew Rowan!”

Am I dreaming?

Rowan must read my face or something because he pinches my arm for me.


He shrugs. I grin like an idiot because it reminds me of our first meeting. He really does remember everything.

Juliana pats Rowan’s cheek like a mother would. “He scheduled this entire event for you because he said you’re my biggest fan.”

I think the room shifts. “Are you serious?!” I turn and look up at him. “How?”

“Ah, you didn’t tell her,” Juliana speaks up.

“You planned this whole thing?” I gape at the man who planned an entire book event for me.

“No. I had help.”

Juliana cackles. “Dear, without him, my ass would be glued to a lawn chair somewhere in Hawaii right now celebrating the release of my new book.”

“But you’re here? For me?”

“It pays to have friends in high places, doesn’t it?” She winks. “His company made my books into the show you love.”

“His company?!” I’m not sure how I’m remaining upright with the amount of carpet she’s pulling out from under me.

How could I be so stupid? Rowan’s mentioned his streaming company in the past but I didn’t connect it until now. “Scott never needed my password to watch TV. Did he?”

He has the audacity to shrug. “No.”

“Then why use it?”

“Why else, dearie. Love makes us do silly things,” Juliana intervenes.

“Oh no. We’re just…”

“Seizing the day,” he finishes for me.

I snap. “Right! One day at a time.” I nod at Juliana like that explains every complicated second of my relationship with Rowan.

Juliana wags her finger at us. “You let me know who stops believing the lie first.”

I roll my eyes. She is a romance author after all. Of course she’s going to believe every couple is destined for a happy ever after. I’m not against one, but I’m also not all for getting my hopes up too soon. Although this book signing has me wondering what next step we might take together.

Rowan deposits my books on the table.

“Why did you use my account then if you literally created the entire platform?”

“I wanted to see what you were interested in.”

I’m tempted to cry from how sweet that is. For months I thought he barely liked me, and here he was watching TV on my account to feel more connected.

I wrap my arms around him and give him the best hug. He kisses the top of my head.

“Well, come on now. I have about a hundred more people to see after you two.” Juliana waves me over. She signs each of my books with her name and a short message. People behind us grumble about how long she takes with me, but she is so full of life and hasn’t stopped talking to me. I can’t help wanting to soak it all in.

Rowan all but drags me toward the bookstore entrance like a child once Juliana needs to move on.

We walk through the front doors and are met with real snowflakes.

“It’s snowing!”

“We should be getting another few inches tonight. Talk about freaky weather.” He frowns.

I laugh as I run out onto the snow-covered sidewalk and twirl in a circle, trying to catch the pieces with my tongue like a kid.

“Slow down there before you kiss the sidewalk.”

The words leave his lips a second too late. My sneakers catch on a slick patch, and I throw my arms out, but there’s nothing to hold on to.

Rowan runs and catches me with some kind of superhuman speed, but his boots meet the same fate of the icy sidewalk. We both go down in a tangle of limbs and a plastic bag filled with all my signed books. Rowan turns to protect me and ends up landing on his back. I follow, smacking right into his chest. He lets out an audible breath. His other hand still clutches on to the bag, protecting all the books from falling out and landing on the wet sidewalk.

Lauren Asher's Books