The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)(78)

I don’t think he’s using me for sex. There would be no reason behind carting me off to New York if that was the case.

Rowan’s hand finds the small of my back again as he leads us through an outrageous lobby with thousands of dangling gems suspended from the ceiling. He doesn’t need to press a single button on the elevators. Like he willed them himself, the doors slide open, revealing a shiny car of mirrors.

We step inside and the doors shut behind us.

His hand remains placed against my back. I’m tempted to step away and catch my breath, but he smells too damn good. The air thickens around us as he stares down at me.

“This is one hell of a date.”

“Please. We haven’t even gotten to that portion of the evening yet.”

“Just want to let you know you’re setting an unattainable bar for future men. I’ll never accept movie theater dates after this.”

Good, Zahra. Mention future men to throw him off.

“That’s because you’re more of a drive-in type of girl anyway.” He grabs my hand and tugs me closer. His head tips down and his eyes shut as he leans in. My eyes flutter closed as his lips press against mine. I hold on to him as his tongue traces my bottom lip, asking me nicely to open up. My head grows heavy as my body trembles under his attention.

The ping and the swooshing of the doors opening pulls us from our kiss. Rowan’s hand latches onto mine. He doesn’t let go as he walks us into a penthouse that could make an architect salivate all over the hardwood floors.

“I hope you know I might never leave this place.” I walk right up to the massive two-story window that shows off a panoramic view of the entire city.

One of his arms wraps around me, teasing the hem of my sweater while the other tilts my head to look over my shoulder. “You would give up Dreamland for the city?”

I let out a soft laugh. “No. I love Dreamland. I could spend the rest of my life there and never get bored.”

He looks at me with a weird expression I can’t place. “Really? Why?”

“My whole family lives there. I’d be crazy to give that up for some random city.”

“Hmm.” His hand strokes the sliver of exposed skin on my stomach.

“Are you happy giving up the city for Dreamland?” I shouldn’t probe but I’m too curious.

“I never thought I could feel happy at Dreamland again, but now I’m not too sure.”

I smile. “Really?”

“I might have met the one person who makes the place bearable.” His gaze remains solely focused on my face.

His answer makes my breath all shaky and my legs all wobbly. Hopeful little butterflies take flight in my stomach, proving just how far I’m falling.



I should have known it was game over the moment Rowan told me to unpack my suitcase.

I kneel on the hardwood floor, unzip my luggage, and throw it open. “Well, this explains the massive suitcase.”

Half of it is filled with my regular clothes while the other part is packed with all my regency romances written by Juliana De La Rosa. The Duke Who Seduced Me is tucked safely at the top with the protective straps keeping all the books from sliding around.

I rush out of the room to find Rowan, only to run headfirst into his chest.

He laughs as he readjusts me.

“Why is my bag filled with all my De La Rosa books?” I press a hand against my beating heart.

“Because the famous bodice ripper is signing books in New York tonight, and we happen to have tickets to her event.” He pulls two tickets out of his back pocket and dangles them in front of me.

My jaw pops open. I jump and grab them from him. “No way!” I throw my arms around his neck. The sudden move knocks him off balance, and he reaches out for a wall before we both topple over.

“You like it.” He chuckles in my ear. His hot breath makes my skin break out into goosebumps.

I untangle myself from his neck and return my limbs to my personal bubble. “Like it? I love it! How did you get tickets like this at the last minute?”

He clears his throat. “I have connections.”

“Okay, now I’m impressed by your wealth.”

Juliana freaking De La Rosa is standing only thirty feet away from me. The golden bookstore lights shine down on her like a halo, and I’m tempted to run straight into her arms. Instead, I play it cool, only because Rowan holds on to my hand like he’s afraid I might disappear or get arrested for stalking.

Surprisingly, Rowan doesn’t complain as we jump into line with all the other book lovers. It’s a complete one-eighty from us standing in the Dreamland lines. This time, he smiles as I take in my surroundings. He holds on to my books like they’re a national treasure, and I’m pretty sure I could kiss him stupid if it weren’t for the people surrounding us.

I comment on the woman’s bag in front of me and we end up becoming friends instantly. Katie and I compare our list of book boyfriends with one another and discuss what we expect will happen in The Duke Who Seduced Me’s season finale. Rowan even offers his analysis of the show which makes Katie about two breaths away from passing out.

When Rowan uses the bathroom, she asks me if he has any single brothers she can meet. My hackles go up, but Katie laughs and seems unaware of who stands next to her.

Lauren Asher's Books