The Auction (Club Indulgence Duet, #1)(50)
"Tell me then," he demands.
I lean closer to his mouth, wanting to kiss him but deciding I can play his game. I murmur, "Since you brought another woman into our relationship, tossing in my face your intimacy, we can return to enforcing your rules." I try to roll off him, even though I still need a release after everything that happened tonight. I don't understand why I got turned on by everything in the playroom, but I did. I assumed Riggs would continue whatever lesson he was trying to teach me when he returned from taking Aria away, but he didn't. And I don't know why he refused to shower with me.
He surprises me and flips with me, pinning his body over mine.
My mouth turns dry, and my heartbeat increases.
He shifts his hips so his cock's directly on my clit, sliding back and forth. He scowls at me, grinding his molars, keeping his face two inches from mine. He warns, "You should realize who you're playing with, pet."
"We're not playing right now, remember?" I remind him.
His eyes turn sinister, his lips curving in arrogance. He states, "We play when I say we're playing. It seems to me you want to play."
"I don't," I state.
"I don't believe you," he claims.
I glare at him.
He warns, "If you want to let your jealousy rule your actions, instead of being mature enough to understand why I need to do what I do, then that's your choice."
"Jealous? I'm not jealous," I declare.
He grunts. "Sure you aren't."
"And this isn't about maturity!"
"Yes, it is."
I fire, "I told you no other women!"
"You missed the entire lesson, didn't you?" he seethes.
I continue, "And you didn't bring just anyone. You brought someone close to you. Someone who still has it bad for you!"
"Shh. Keep your voice down," he orders.
"Why? So your piece on the side can't hear?" I accuse.
He covers my mouth.
I shriek, but it's muffled.
"Enough of this outburst," he demands.
I push at him, but he's too heavy.
He doesn't budge, except to lean into my ear. He states, "I'm not telling you this again. I'm not a Dom who plays around. She's here for your benefit...for you to learn. And if you don't trust me soon, your days in my bed are limited, understand?"
Fear fills me. I hate everything about the possibility of what he threatens. Yet I can't stand the thought of him and Aria together.
She's beautiful. Her body is smaller than mine, which normally I wouldn't care about, even though I'm in L.A. and would be considered bigger by many people's standards. Yet it suddenly makes me feel insecure. And the worst thing is that she has something with Riggs I don't. The intimacy between them was undeniable. Watching them together was like taking a knife and stabbing my heart over and over.
Disappointment washes over him. He slowly bobs his head from side to side. "You don't get it, do you?"
I stay quiet, my insides quivering with anger and swirling with hurt.
He traces my lip, admitting, "I kind of like your jealous streak."
"Not funny."
"I'm not laughing."
I claim, "I'd rather not be with you than see you with her."
He holds his breath, studying me, finally saying, "I know you don't mean that."
"I do," I insist, then add, "And that goes for any of your other women."
"It's to help you," he reiterates.
"No, it's not."
"It is!"
"Do not bring her or anyone else in front of me ever again, Riggs. I mean it. If you do—"
"You'll what, pet? What exactly are you threatening? And be very clear before you open that pretty little mouth of yours."
I swallow hard, my eyes locked on his, my pulse beating so hard, it feels like it's going to push through my neck.
He lowers his voice even further, stating, "If you can't see that I'm doing everything in my power to make sure you stay with me, then you're blind."
"By bringing her here tonight?" I seethe.
"Yes. Exactly that. And you admitted you learned a few things tonight, so get off your high horse. Now, go to sleep," he orders, rolls off me, and turns away.
His words do nothing to calm me. I'm more frustrated than before we began. The jealousy never dies, and I toss and turn all night, listening to Riggs breathe, unsure if he's asleep or awake.
When dusk hits, I get up and creep out of the room. I close the bedroom door, walk down the hall, and find my clothes. I put my shorts and sweater on.
"Oh, sorry to disturb you," Aria says quietly. She moves toward the door with a bag slung over her shoulder.
"Where are you going?" I blurt out, my heart racing faster from just looking at her.
She spins, and I suddenly feel bad for her. Black circles darken the skin under her eyes. They're swollen, and she looks super fragile.
Is this what being with Riggs does to you?
I push the thought away and close the space between us. "Aria?"
She keeps her voice low. "I need to go. Tell Riggs I'm fine."
"You don't look fine."