The Auction (Club Indulgence Duet, #1)(45)
Panic fills me as his statement sets in. His wishes aren't possible. There's no way everything he wants can be achieved. I'm not a robot waiting for him to give me directions.
He softly chuckles, but it's just another challenge. He adds, "You're going to hate me, then love me, then hate me some more. When you get to the club, you'll be so confused over your feelings about me, you won't even know what's about to happen. And it'll be at that moment that you have to decide. Whatever you tell yourself you'll do, you won't be able to count on. That I can promise you."
I don't need a few weeks to pass. I'm already confused over his claims. And I'm starting to get more freaked out.
He releases my hair, steps back, and orders, "Take your shirt and shorts off."
I hesitate.
He crosses his arms, and his face hardens.
I obey, and he takes them, then puts them on a table and steps back in front of me.
Satisfaction fills Riggs's expression. He commands, "Flower. Come kneel."
Shock fills me as a woman close to my height, with the same-colored hair as mine and matching blueish-purple highlights, enters the room. She's wearing the same gold thong, bra, and stilettos as me. Her body isn't quite as curvy as mine, and it's hard not to compare us.
She kneels at Riggs's feet, her spine perfectly straight, her butt on her calves, and her head bowed. She folds her hands on her lap and waits.
He crouches and lifts her chin, studying her.
My stomach churns. I told Riggs no others. I meant it. I'm not okay with this. I will not share him.
"Say hello and introduce yourself to Blakely," Riggs states.
She turns her head and smiles, but not before I see the look she gives Riggs. She respects him. She responds to him. She might even love him. Most of all, she trusts him. Completely. I see it.
Her soft voice is friendly, but I already hate her. She offers, "Hi, Blakely. I'm Aria."
I glare at her, fighting the angry earthquake ready to break inside my body.
"What do you say in return, pet?" Riggs questions.
I turn my rage to him, my emotions spinning out of control. Violent tremors fill me, along with more anger and jealousy than I've ever felt. They have a relationship. It's sexual and intimate, and I'm sure she knows how to please him way more than I do. It makes every insecurity I have about my lack of knowing what Riggs needs come to life.
"Don't be shy," Riggs orders.
I keep my eyes pinned on his and snarl, "You're right. I hate you."
A sinister smile curves his lips, mocking me. He steps forward and caresses my cheek, taunting, "Welcome to Apartment Thirteen."
My pet's anger blazes off her, searing into me. Her lips quiver, and she keeps her glare pinned on me.
Her reaction doesn't shock me. I'd be disappointed if she didn't react this way. I know how she feels about involving others in our relationship. I intentionally had Aria dye her hair and wear the outfit to match Blakely's. It's all part of drawing out my pet's insubordination.
She lowers her voice and seethes, "I told you no other women."
Arrogance explodes inside me. I couldn't have predicted this any better. I keep my gaze on Blakely and boom, "Who's in charge, Flower?"
Blakely's hatred grows in her expression, her cheeks turning redder.
Aria answers, "You are, Sir."
I question, "Who decides what happens and with whom at all times?"
"You, Sir."
"Why would I bring someone else into my relationship?" I question, continuing not to flinch under Blakely's death glare.
Aria replies, "For the well-being of your sub, Sir."
She adds, "They need it, Sir."
I step closer to Blakely and ask Aria, "Am I a Dom who plays around?"
Aria says, "No, Sir."
I continue, "Who is my focus on?"
She answers, "Your current sub."
Blakely's lips tremble harder. She blinks fast, trying to control her emotions, but never tears her gaze off mine.
"Flower, are you my current sub?" I ask.
"No, Sir."
"Who's my current sub?"
"Blakely," Aria answers.
"That's right. So who is my focus on?"
"And why are you here?"
Aria claims, "To help train Blakely."
I slide my thumb over my pet's trembling lips, asking Aria, "Why?"
"So rule fourteen doesn't get enforced," Aria declares.
Blakely shuts her eyes. A tear escapes, and I watch it roll down her cheek. I swipe over her jaw, wiping it away, and she opens her eyelids.
I lean into her ear and murmur, "You need to learn. I want you with me for the year. Do you still want that?" I retreat and study her.
Her defiance swirls with her desire to stay with me. She stays quiet.
I warn, "There's only one answer here, pet. There are no do-overs. Now, I asked you a question, don't make me repeat it."
She takes two short breaths, her nostrils flare, as she manages to get out, "Yes. I want to stay with you."