Strange Medicine (Dr. Maxwell Thornton Murder Mysteries #1)(64)

“Can’t wait till this party is over and we can mosey on over to my place.” His warm breath wafted against my ear, sending shivers of pleasure along my spine.

I swallowed with a little nod, and he chuckled.

The sound of breaking glass made me jump. When I looked over to where the noise had come from, I saw Penelope’s father staring angrily up at a tall, thin man. The other man was wagging his finger in the larger man’s face.

“You know perfectly well you promised me that contract, Bob. You didn’t even give me the respect of finding out from you. No, I have to hear about Lydia getting the account from the grapevine.” The thin man’s face was beet red.

“You’re overreacting, Sal.” Bob’s voice boomed across the patio.

“Easy for you to say. You don’t have small kids to feed.” The man waved toward Penelope, who was watching with a scowl.

“Now, Sal, how about you have a drink and relax?” Penelope gestured toward the beverage area. “This party is all about fun. No talking business.”

Sal grumbled, but he accepted the beer she pushed into his hands. “He’s not going to get away with this, Penelope. Mark my words.”

The red-haired lady I’d seen talking to Bob earlier nodded her head. But when she saw me watching her, she turned her back and walked away.

Penelope came over to us, her face red. “I should have known better than to invite that man.” She huffed. “He’s always got a conspiracy theory or two rattling around in his noggin.”

“I take it he had business dealings with your dad?” Royce asked.

She lifted one shoulder. “Dad does business with lots of people. Sal wasn’t a good option, and so Dad went another way. It’s just business.”

Judging from the dirty looks Sal kept sending toward Bob, it seemed he felt like it was personal. But it had nothing to do with me, so I held my tongue.

“Who’s that redhead hovering around your dad?” Royce gestured with his head.

Penelope squinted and then rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s my dad’s latest conquest.” She sighed. “Ever since Mom died a few years back, he’s jumped from woman to woman.”

I frowned. It wasn’t like Bob was an especially attractive man. “She’s his girlfriend?” The redhead wasn’t bad-looking, maybe a little too thin, but she was pretty enough. Maybe she was after his money.

“She’s half his age and jealous as heck,” Penelope whispered. “She wants to get married, but Dad is just having fun.”

“Huh.” Royce met my gaze, looking as puzzled as I felt.

The rest of the evening seemed to progress calmly with no more arguments. Penelope had hired a country-western band, and she had them set up to perform at one end of the yard. Some people danced on the grass while others just listened to the music and chatted happily. There was a huge pink five-layer birthday cake that was served midevening, and I drank a little more than I usually did. Downing three cold beers, I enjoyed the shivers of pleasure that hit me whenever I locked eyes with Royce.

At one point I slipped off to use the restroom, and when I came out, Royce was in the hallway waiting for me. He immediately pulled me into a side bedroom and pushed me against the wall. His mouth was warm and insistent, and I opened happily, our tongues tangling lustily. His hands roamed my body, and it didn’t take long before my cock was hard and cramped in my underwear.

“I’d love to take you right here. Up against the wall,” he whispered, sending a jolt of need through me.

I wound my arms around him, pressing closer. “God, yes. But if we got caught, we might give Penelope a stroke.”

He chuckled. “Yeah.”

I nibbled his neck. “We can probably sneak in a little frottage if we’re quiet.”

He sighed and rolled his hips. “I can’t promise anything. You turn me on too much, Doc.”

We kissed desperately with lots of tongue and shared breaths. He was in the process of unzipping his jeans when there was a bloodcurdling scream from out on the patio.

We both froze, and he immediately did up his pants and left the room quickly. I took a little bit longer, my mouth still throbbing from his passionate kisses as I willed my cock to deflate. Eventually I made my way to the back patio, where I found a chaotic scene.

Penelope was crouched over her father, sobbing uncontrollably as people ran around yelling and hugging one another in tears. Royce was standing over Bob, who didn’t seem to be breathing. Fearing the worst, I moved toward them and stood next to Royce.

“Is he breathing?”

Royce gave a curt shake of the head. “I can’t get a pulse.”

I leaned over the still body and felt for a pulse in the obese man’s neck. It wasn’t easy to find the correct spot because of his size, but I did my best. It seemed Royce was right—the man was dead. Of course, my first thought was a heart attack because of his girth.

I straightened and patted Penelope on the back. “I’m… I’m so sorry.”

She looked up at me with her face stained with tears. “He’s been doing so well. I don’t understand. I don’t understand.” She shook her head. “He just had a checkup with his doctor in Dallas where he lives, and everything was perfect.”

I grimaced, taking in her father’s size. “His heart was okay?”

S.C. Wynne's Books