Strange Medicine (Dr. Maxwell Thornton Murder Mysteries #1)(63)

“Do you?” I smiled, kissing him softly and sharing his warm breath.

“Mmmm,” he mumbled against my lips. “Very much.”

I rolled my hips, our cocks rubbing together, and I shivered at the delicious friction. “Promise me you’ll at least stay till Christmas?”

“Why Christmas?”

“I don’t know. I just want you to see this place in the winter. It’s prettier all covered in snow.”

He lowered his lashes, and I couldn’t see his emotions. “This town needs a good doctor. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”


He flicked his gaze to mine. “I’m not big on promises.”

I grinned. “You weren’t big on luck neither till you met me.”

“True.” Something fluttered through his blue eyes. “But what’s that saying? Promises are made to be broken?”

I narrowed my gaze. “I don’t break my promises, Maxwell.”

His eyes warmed, and he reached up and pulled my head down so that our mouths were only inches apart. “I know, Royce,” he whispered. “I can read people too.”



“Welcome. Welcome,” Penelope Granger called out as she flung open her front door. “This is such an honor to have the sheriff and the town doctor at my birthday party.” She waved her hand in front of her face as if she had a case of the vapors. “Such a lovely surprise.”

Since she’d basically strong-armed me into coming to her party, it was difficult to force a smile. But I did my best. I figured even if I wasn’t happy to be at her event, Royce was my date for the evening, and that meant I would definitely enjoy myself.

I handed Penelope a bottle of cabernet. “Happy Birthday. This is for you. I know how much you love your wine.”

Her expression faltered, but she smiled. “Oh, you know a sip here and a sip there.”

Since her drinking was well-known all over town, I wasn’t sure why she was trying to pretend she wasn’t a lush. But I decided it wasn’t my business to worry about. Besides, the feel of Royce’s hand against my lower back gave me butterflies, and I preferred to give him my attention.

We followed Penelope into the house and then out onto the back patio where the party was in full swing. There were bright pink and green lights strung around the yard and white streamers looped around the trees. It looked a little like a leprechaun had thrown up, but I knew better than to give my opinion. When I’d first arrived in Rainy Dale, I’d have probably shared my observations, but after three months of living here, Royce mostly had me trained to keep my mouth closed if I couldn’t say anything nice.

I observed a man I didn’t recognize sitting in a lounge chair across the redwood patio. He caught my eye because he was wearing a wild Hawaiian shirt and he was huge. Morbidly obese even. His folds of fat hung over the arm of the lounge chair, and when he laughed, his many chins jiggled. Royce caught me looking at the man, and he stepped so that he blocked my view.

“I don’t like the look on your face.” His voice was hushed.

“It’s exceedingly dangerous to be that large.” I peeked around Royce, noticing a red-haired woman talking to the large man. She looked angry as she spoke, waving her arms wildly.

“Maxwell.” Royce’s voice held a warning as he pushed a cold beer from an ice bucket of drinks into my hands. “Drink. Fixate on something else.”

I sipped the beer and shivered because the liquid was so cold. “Seems irresponsible not to say something to him.”

“Do you honestly think he got that big and doesn’t realize it? I can guarantee he knows he’s large. This isn’t your office, and he didn’t ask for your advice.”

I shrugged. “Fine. I won’t say anything.”

Girdy walked up with her boyfriend, Todd. “I’m glad to see you here,” she whispered.

I nodded to her and Todd. “Why? Don’t you see enough of me at work?”

She laughed. “With you, I know I don’t have to make boring small talk.”

“Good point.” I sipped my beer.

Royce patted my back. “I’m trying to stop him from lecturing Penelope’s father about his weight.”

Todd grimaced. “Yeah, no. Don’t say a word, or Penelope will lose her shit. She adores her dad.”

I met Royce’s gaze. “I said I wouldn’t say anything.”

“True. But you have a stubborn look in your eyes.”

I scowled. “I’m just standing here minding my own business, like everyone else.”

“You move fast though. I’m afraid if you get a head start I won’t be able to stop you.” Royce’s lips twitched.

“Ha. Ha.”

Girdy and Todd shared an amused look.

Royce put his arm around my shoulders, and my gut fluttered with attraction as his hip pressed against mine. We saw each other almost every night, but we hadn’t made anything official. I had to admit, while I wasn’t ready to say we were a couple, if I found out he was also seeing other guys, it would bother me.

When he kissed the side of my head, my knees weakened. He really got to me, and I didn’t always like that fact. I wanted to feel more aloof and in charge of my feelings, but I couldn’t seem to manage that with Royce.

S.C. Wynne's Books