
Five tossed me a bottle of water, then handed me a bag. “No onion, right?” He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to be kissing you. Why are you denying me vital nutrients?” Inside the bag was a sandwich, along with two new books. I smiled up at him. “Thanks.”

He grinned. “You looked bored.”

“Back to the subject,” Six called out, directing our attention back to him. “Nine and One are coming here?”

Five popped a fry into his mouth, chewing as he nodded. “They’ll be here today. Jason talked to them after you got here and they headed out.”


Two killers turning their attention to me was never going to be a comfortable feeling, less so when Five’s lip twitched.

He tossed another fry into his mouth and stepped back to the bed. “Which is it—you can’t stand Nine or you want to scratch One’s eyes out?”

“Why is it one or the other?” Did it make a difference?

“Just answer.”

I let out a huff. “I want to scratch One’s eyes out.”

“Because he f*cked her?” he asked.

I gave a reluctant nod as the unwanted jealousy flared inside me. “She rubs me wrong.”

“We’ve all f*cked her,” Five said in that tone like it was no big deal.

I blinked at him. “W-What?”

“Sex is sex, Lacey. One’s just as f*cked up as we are.”

My jaw dropped open. “Oh, God, she’s probably some disease ridden skank. Ew!”

Five’s head tilted back as he let out a loud laugh.

“There is nothing funny about that! You shitheads could have given something to me. That’s gross.”

Five wagged his eyebrows. “Condoms and constant testing, darling.”

“Condoms? That’s it?” I looked to Six, my jaw jutted forward. “Would you have still f*cked me that night if I didn’t have any?”

Five’s eyes widened, and he turned to Six. “No you did not try to play that card.”

“You,” he pointed to Five, “shut up.” His attention then turned to me. “And since I didn’t have any on me, yes. I would have been taking more risk f*cking you raw than you would have on me.”


Six didn’t take risks. Not like that.

“Not prepared and you picked her up, huh?” One of Five’s eyebrows twitched up as he looked at Six, whose gaze narrowed.

What Five said, or rather didn’t say, had me reading between the lines. Their exchange implied things that indicated maybe that night didn’t go down exactly how I believed.

A knock at the door a few hours later made me freeze and two hitmen grab their guns. It was a few ticks in before they relaxed. Whatever pattern sounded seemed to be a signal.

“Be normal,” Six said, looking to me as he headed to the door.

“Oh, I’m super normal. If I had my phone, I’d hashtag the hell out of that shit.”

“What does a hashtag have to do with anything?” Five asked, chuckling at me.

I shook my head. “All you killers need to pop into the real world once in a while.”

With the door open and no words exchanged, a familiar blonde stepped in carrying a large case and a bag followed by Nine with a few more bags.

As soon as they were in, they dropped their gear and One turned to Six with a smile.

“I have a surprise for you,” she said, setting the long case on the table.

Six’s eyes widened, and he placed a reverent hand on the case. “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you.”

My brow scrunched, watching as he flipped the latches and lifted the lid. Inside was a gun, one I recognized to be a rifle. It wasn’t like most found at the local sporting goods store—it was military grade.

A sniper rifle.

“Told you I’d take care of her,” One said.

All of their attention was on the weapon, staring intently as Six picked it up and shouldered it.

Nine shook his head. “I can’t believe you still have that.”

Six set it back in the case. “You’re still mad I outshot you.”

Nine quirked a brow. “Only by fifty meters.”

Five let out a chuckle. “Yeah, he’s still mad about it.”

“You snipers and your rifles,” One said with a shake of her head.

“Sniper? That’s new.” The moment the words were out of my mouth, One and Nine looked my way, while Six buttoned the case back up.

There wasn’t surprise, so they knew I was there, just chose to ignore me. Based on the sour, utter look of disgust on One’s face, she was not happy I made my presence known.

“I see you still have your toy,” she said.

“Still shiny.” I smiled real big while I flipped her off in my head. The urge to do it to her face was tempting, but she was one of the Killing Corps after all.

“Best pet I’ve ever seen,” Five said, giving me a wink.

One pursed her lips and straightened her shoulders before strutting over to Five. She reached down and grabbed his junk, drawing his gaze to her.

“Let me know if you need to let off some steam.”

Her seductive act had me vomiting in my mouth.

K.I. Lynn's Books