
The last words were barely out when he leaned over and slammed his dick into me. My eyes rolled back as a shuddering, muscle tensing moan ripped its way through me.

There was only a second before he drew his hips back and thrust them forward again. It was a hard, sensual rotation that hit in all the right places.

Low moans slipped from my lips as I drowned with each pounding stretch.


I opened my eyes to find Five sitting on the edge of his bed. His hand fisted around his cock, moving in fast strokes.

No shame amongst killers.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him, off the large cock in his hand. It was more erotic than I could have imagined—I was in a live porno. The girl getting f*cked while he was the voyeur.

Six moved down so that our chests were mashed together. One arm slipping underneath my back, fingers lacing around the base of my skull. He kissed me again, drawing my attention back to him, back to his cock. Not that it ever left.

His teeth nipped at my neck, scraping their way up toward my jaw.

“For the rest of your life, you’re mine.”

What he said shouldn’t have sent fire through me, because he would be the one to end me, but the possessive edge in his voice was unmistakable.

My thighs clamped down around his waist, keeping him closer, right on the spot that was scorching my mind blank. Muscles tightened, and I pulled him so tight against me in case I did melt, so I could fuse with him.

A tight whimpering shook me as my mouth opened in a scream as he forced an orgasm from me. No sound came out, but the moment after I broke, nothing could keep my pleasure filled wails down.

His thrusts sped up, his grip on my shoulder and hip tight as his muscles tensed. Sitting up, he gripped my hips in both of his hands, using the leverage to slam harder into me.

The groans next to me grew in volume, and I looked over in time to watch the angry red head of Five’s dick let out thick droplets of pearly white all over his chest and legs.

The sight had my * clenching again, and Six moaned. He usually came inside me, so it surprised me when he pulled out. A few short pumps with his hand and come exploded out all over my abdomen and breasts.

Warm, heavy drops of his seed, painting my skin. Marking me.

His fist moved slowly up to the tip shaking, pushing out the last few drops.

“I totally get why you’re ranked higher than me now,” Five said, his arm thrown over his eyes as he lay on the bed.

I let out a small laugh and as I did, I heard a much deeper one. Opening my eyes, I looked at Six. He was smiling. It wasn’t a huge grin, but both sides of his lips were drawn up.

I realized immediately that I was staring at the most genuine smile I’d ever seen from him. Not some act to pick a girl up, or to play for the normal world.

I was struck, once again, by how handsome he was.


Waiting to hear from Jason was just as boring as all the previous waits. The only difference being the hotel we found Five in had a much larger television channel selection. That, and Five was entertaining to be around.

The night before was a power play, but when Six pulled out and came all over me, I realized what was really going on—he marked his territory. Leaving no room for debate—I was his.

Possession was added to the growing list of things I was other than a person. Though something inside me liked the idea of being his.

With Six I was able to knock some things off my kink bucket list—it was hot seeing a guy stroke his cock while he watched me get f*cked.

My bucket list was growing with new things and being checked off almost every day. I didn’t even know I had a kink section of the list until Six.

“Are you ever going to tell me what all the numbers mean?” I asked Six from my usual position on the bed. It was a question I was tired of speculating in my own head, especially after what Five had said.

“They’re our ranking system.” The way he answered was like I’d asked if he was hungry, his eyes never leaving the computer in front of him. “Our only form of identification.”

Over the past week our dynamic had changed, though I had no doubt this was “if I tell you I have to kill you” information, but since he already had that all planned out, it was no biggie.

“Okay, so is bitchy blonde whore extraordinaire top dog or bottom feeder?”

He made a small little laugh-like sound, but I doubted he’d ever own up to it. “One is the lowest ranking of our elite agents.”

“The Killing Corps.”

He ignored my nickname. “Nine is highest.”

That explained a lot. Nine had an arrogance that could be from knowing he was the deadliest.

My stomach rumbled, and I rolled around on the bed and let out a groan. “He’s been gone so long.”

Five was the official food runner. Six didn’t trust him enough to leave me alone with him. I couldn’t leave because we were in a more populated area where my face could be recognized, especially being in the same state as the motel where he killed two people.

The beep of the electronic key went off and I sat up, my stomach’s call answered.

“They’re coming,” Five said as he stepped in, throwing a few bags onto the table.

“Are you sure?” Six asked as he shut the screen and put away the gun he’d been cleaning. In my opinion, he had an unhealthy relationship with his firearms.

K.I. Lynn's Books