Shattered (LOST #3)(45)

“Like I’m leaving you.”

Her head turned to see Jax striding toward her. He’d come through the second entrance, just like she had.

“The police have cleared out the area. Until the fire’s out, no one else is getting back here.” He knelt on the floor next to her and he swore. “Baby, she’s not going to make it.”

“Yes, she is.” Sarah glared at him. “If you won’t bring a doctor, then help me get her out of here!” Because Sarah was not leaving that room without Molly.

Jax stared at the other woman a moment, then gave a grim nod. He slid his hands under Molly’s body and lifted her carefully.

But Molly didn’t make a sound.

“Where is he, Sarah?” Jax asked.

Her breath caught. “I don’t know.” Molly had been the only one in that room, but there were several floors in that old building. The guy could be there, hiding.

Waiting to attack.

A muscle jerked in Jax’s jaw. “You go out first,” he ordered. “I swear, I’ll be right behind you. I’ll get her out for you.”

Because Jax was protecting her. Trying to cover her back. But who would protect him?

“I’m not the target,” he gritted. “Go.”

Didn’t Jax get it? The guy that they were after obviously didn’t care about collateral damage. He wanted blood. He wanted death. He wanted . . .

She heard a squeak. The sound of wood, from right outside the door. The door that was wired with a bomb.

He knows we’re in here!

“Jax . . . run!” Sarah whispered.

Jax lunged forward, with Molly cradled in his arms. And Sarah made sure she was behind him. Covering Jax’s back even as—

That wired door flew inward. Only no one was there. A long pole appeared to have been thrown into the door, sending it flying open.

He did this. He—

And a ball of fire exploded seconds later.

Chapter 9

HE COULDN’T GO DOWN THE STAIRS. NOT WITH the fire shooting out of that room, but Jax had been in buildings like this one before. He knew there was always another set of stairs—some fucking place. Smoke was rising, turning the air around him dark, but he kept advancing. “Sarah!”

“Right . . . behind you.”

He didn’t want her behind him. He wanted her in front of him. He wanted her out of that inferno and someplace safe.

His hold tightened on the unconscious woman in his arms. One look at her wounds and he’d known just how bad off she was. If he left Molly behind, he could run with Sarah. He knew he could get himself and Sarah out of there safely, if he left Molly . . .

“Keep going!” Sarah said. “There’s fresh air—I can feel it!”

He kept going and he didn’t ease his grip on Molly. She’d been hurt, brutalized. Once upon a time, he had just been looking out for himself in the world. When you lived on the streets, you had to look out for number one. Or you died.

But that had been a long time ago.

He glanced down at Molly. She looked so damn weak. Vulnerable.

I’ll get you and Sarah out. Even if he had to carry them both.

Then he saw the second set of stairs. The freak who’d taken Molly might have another booby trap down there for them. The sick bastard. Jax squared his shoulders and started down those stairs. “Put your hand on my back!” he shouted to Sarah. He needed to feel her. He had to know that she was safe, or else he couldn’t go forward.

Sarah’s important. Sarah matters. So much more than he’d realized.

In that inferno, he understood just how well and truly fucked he was.

He hurried down the stairs. The smoke was thick at the top, but as he neared the bottom he could actually see—and he saw the form of a man, rushing forward. Jax tensed.

“Easy . . .” Gabe Spencer said as he reached out to take Molly from Jax. “I’m here to help.”

Gabe had run into a burning building for Sarah. I don’t leave my team behind. His respect for the man notched up.

“She’s . . . bad,” Jax said starkly. I don’t think she’s going to make it, but Sarah is desperate.

Gabe nodded and turned toward the landing.

Jax heard a groan from up above. Oh, hell, he’d heard a groan just like that in the other building. A sound that signaled the ceiling was going to be falling in very soon.

Gabe was rushing out with Molly in his arms. Jax turned, grabbed Sarah’s hand—and they hauled ass together. They flew down the last few stairs and rushed for the door. But to get to that door, they had to go forward about thirty feet . . . and the fire was burning on the ceiling over their heads. Chunks of burning wood fell down on them. One chunk hit Jax in the back, but he didn’t slow down. When Sarah stumbled, he just lifted her up into his arms and ran even faster. Faster, faster . . .

They cleared the door. The air wasn’t much cleaner out there because both buildings were on fire now. Sirens were screaming. Voices were shouting. It was madness.

And the perfect time for the SOB to escape. But Jax couldn’t worry about him. Not then.

Dean ran toward Gabe and helped to carry Molly. They all kept running until they were away from the fire and they were safely behind the perimeter of yellow tape that the cops had set up. Jax could feel blisters on his skin, but he didn’t care. He looked down at Sarah.

Cynthia Eden's Books