Saving You (Love Wanted In Texas Book 2)

Saving You (Love Wanted In Texas Book 2)

Kelly Elliott

Dear Readers,

Just a few things to mention to you about Saving You.

First, let me tell you how much I loved writing Luke and Libby's story. I fell in love with them the moment I began writing Without You. I hope you fall in love with their story as much as I loved writing it.

Second, I wanted to give you a bit of a heads-up. Luke and Libby's story starts in the past. What is this you ask? The past? Yep. You will actually be going back in time a bit. Luke and Libby's story starts about in the middle of Without You, so some scenes might seem a bit familiar to you.

Third, my readers got to pick which book I will be writing next in the Love Wanted in Texas Series. The winning book will be announced at the end of Saving You. I'm super excited for y'all to find out who won. Will it be Colt and Lauren you get next? Or Grace's book?

Happy reading y'all!


I STOOD AND looked around my dorm room before dragging in a long deep breath. Closing my eyes, I prayed I’d make it through the next few hours. I was driving back home with Luke for the Thanksgiving break.

Turning, I looked at myself in the mirror. My blonde hair was pulled up into a sloppy bun on top of my head and my makeup was minimal, like always. I had put on mascara, blush, and a very light shade of pink on my lips. I leaned in closer and sighed.

“It’s not like I’m trying to impress him,” I barely said as I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. My phone buzzed and I reached for it.

Luke: Hey, I’m about a minute from there. Ready?

Me: Yep. Heading down now.

Quickly turning on my heels, I reached down and grabbed my duffle bag. I threw it over my shoulder and then grabbed a few of my books. I needed to study for a chemistry test I had once break was over.

I made my way out of my room and headed down to wait outside for Luke. As soon as I pushed the doors open, the warm breeze hit me in the face. There was a cold front moving through and I couldn’t wait for cooler weather. And home. I wanted to go home, sit, and talk to my parents.

I walked toward the area where Luke would be pulling up. My heart started beating harder in my chest as I remembered my conversation with Will yesterday.

“LIB, WHAT’S GOING on with you and Luke? I see the way the two of you look at each other, but neither one of y’all hardly say a word to each other. You used to be the best of friends.”

My eyes filled with tears as I looked away and shrugged. “I don’t know, Will. I guess Luke doesn’t want to be friends with me. I think he likes his f*ck buddy better.”

Will sighed. “Lib, he hasn’t even mentioned Abigail in so long. I don’t think he’s seen her since that weekend they went to the coast.”

Dragging in a deep breath, I let it out. “Doesn’t matter, I’ve tried to figure it out and I’m done with it. I just have to get through the drive home and then I’ll have my own car and will see less and less of Luke.”

THE HONK OF Luke’s truck pulled me out of my memory. “You can do this, Libby,” I said under my breath as I walked toward his silver Ford F250. Luke jumped out and ran around the front of his truck. His smile about knocked me over. I shook my head and looked away. One minute he avoids me, and the next minute he looks at me like I’m his entire world.

He reached for my duffle bag and took it from my shoulder. “Hey, Lib. You excited about heading home?”

My stomach fluttered at the sound of his voice. I wish he knew the effect he had on me. I smiled as I nodded my head. “Yeah, I’m excited to see my parents. I just wish Will was coming home.”

Luke’s smile faded briefly. Opening the back door, Luke tossed in my bag. I went to get in and when he took my hand to help me up, I let out a small gasp. I was pretty sure he hadn’t heard it. Glancing back at him I smiled weakly as I whispered, “Thank you.”

Luke smiled, winked, and shut the door. He headed around the front of his truck but was stopped by a guy who had been running. The guy was dressed in a Texas A&M T-shirt and jogging pants. His blond hair was longer than Luke’s and his body not anywhere near as nice as Luke’s. My eyes moved to Luke as I watched him stand there and talk to the guy. Luke was dressed in jeans that fit his body better than they should have. His tight, light-blue T-shirt clung to his toned muscular body and made his green eyes seem almost gray blue.

I bit down on my lower lip when he ran his hand through his brown hair. Luke never was one to worry about his hair. He didn’t really wear it in any type of style. It always looked like he woke up and ran his hands through it and that was it. It worked for him, though.

Luke reached out and shook the other guy’s hand as they said their good-byes. Then he slapped the other guy on the back as he threw his head back and laughed. The runner was a bit taller than Luke, probably six feet tall. Luke stood at five-feet-eleven inches. He thought he was short, but I thought he was the perfect height. When we used to dance together, I fit perfectly up against him, and he would rest his chin on the top of my head. Smiling, I thought about all the times we danced together growing up.

Looking away quickly, I attempted to take charge of the emotions trying to build up. I missed him. I missed my best friend.

The door to the truck opened and Luke jumped in. “Sorry about that, Lib. That was a guy from one of my classes. He had a question about something.”

Kelly Elliott's Books