Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(81)

“Positive,” he said dryly. “I am, after all, the second kind.”

“Which is different how exactly?” I asked.

“I draw my strength from the Lake of Fire because I was baptized in it when I was first cast down,” he said. “But I am not made of it.”

Cast down from where? I wanted to ask but remembering his earlier defensiveness, I bit my tongue.

“So Mamma—my mother—was unlucky enough to get the wrong kind of fire demon when she did her spell?”

“Unlucky or unknowledgeable. Calling anything demonic to you is very dangerous, as I am sure you know. You are opening a doorway—opening yourself –to dark forces when you call upon one of my kind.”

“I know,” I whispered. “That was why I was specifically trying for a lesser or minor demon when I first did the spell that you answered.”

“And yet, you got me instead. For when you open a door, you cannot always be sure who or what will come through it.”

His words made me remember the door I’d opened onto the Abyss and the HellSpawn that had come through. The HellSpawn that was no doubt hot on my trail right now. For the first time it really hit home with me how foolish—how reckless I’d been. And yet, I still would do it again. Taylor was my friend—I wasn’t sorry I’d called her back from the edge of death—I just wished I’d been more careful when I was doing it.

Laish seemed to take my silence for calmness. He brushed my cheek lightly with his knuckles and sat up.

“You should try to get more sleep. It is hours yet before dawn.”

He started to get up but I reached for him—I couldn’t help it.

“Wait…” I put a hand on his bare, muscular arm. “Please…stay with me. Hold me a little while longer.”

A change came over his face—a more open look than I’d seen since our disastrous discussion over dinner.

“Do you truly wish me to?”

“You know I do.” I tugged on him a little. “I wanted you to earlier but…well, I didn’t know how to ask.”

“Simply ask, mon ange,” he murmured, a small, amused smile quirking one corner of his sensuous mouth. I am yours for the asking at any time.”

“I’m asking now,” I told him. “Hold me.”

“As my lady wishes,” he said, his deep voice amused. Lying down beside me again, he took me in his arms and held me close.

I pressed close to him, just as I had when he had first rescued me from the demon. I nuzzled my head under his chin and pressed my cheek to his broad, warm chest. His dark spice and cinnamon scent filled my nose and it smelled like safety and comfort and home. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I sighed contentedly. This was better—it was what I had wanted all along. And while I knew I was being weak, giving in to the impulse to snuggle with him didn’t seem wrong or dangerous—it felt good. Felt wonderful and safe and right.

I pressed even closer to him and suddenly something hot and hard was nudging against my belly.

“Oh!” I bit my lip.

“Forgive me.” Laish started to move away. “Though I am a Prince of Night and Shadows, I am still male. With all my power I cannot help the way my body reacts to yours, Gwendolyn.”

I couldn’t help the way mine reacted to him either. Already I could feel my nipples growing tight and my * getting wet, just from being close to him and smelling that warm, cinnamon musk. Not to mention feeling his big, warm body pressing against mine.

Suddenly I had an idea.

“Wait…” I reached for him when he would have moved away. “I want to try something.”

“What?” He frowned at me inquiringly.

“This.” I pushed at his broad shoulder until he lay on his back.

“What exactly do you have in mind, mon ange?” he murmured, his eyes glowing red and gold in the dim light.

“Paying the Sin Tax,” I told him. “But this time I want to be in charge. I want to explore you the way you explored me.”

“Is that right?” A little grin played around his sensual lips and he put his hands behind his head, leaving himself completely open to me. “Well then, by all means, Gwendolyn, be my guest.”

What are you doing? screamed a little voice in the back of my head. I thought you decided not to touch him again or let him touch you! It’s dangerous—you know it is!

And yet, it didn’t feel dangerous—or not as dangerous as it probably should have.

I’m going to be in charge this time, I told myself, stroking the broad, bare planes of his chest and letting my fingers trail across his muscular abs. I say what we do and how far we go—that way it’s safe.

“Safe,” Laish echoed my thought aloud.

“Are you reading my mind?” I asked, addressing it directly for the first time. “Is that it? Can you hear everything I’m thinking?”

“I only catch snippets—things you’re thinking very loudly. And only when we are close or touching,” he assured me. “Right now you’re thinking that it will be safe to touch me as long as you are in charge.”

“That’s right,” I admitted. “How do you feel about that?”

“It is perfectly fine with me. If this is what it takes to make you feel safe with me, I will gladly give you the power.” He nodded down at himself. “Go on—touch me, Gwendolyn. Tease me…take me. Do what you wish with me—I am yours.”

Evangeline Anderson's Books