Resisting Mr. Kane (London Mister #2)(45)
My grin widens and for a minute I’m speechless. The woman can put me in my place. “Come on, you have to admire my persistence. My plan is for you to ditch this guy and spend the evening with me. Are you hungry?” My fingers run lazy circles on her exposed neck.
“Stop it!” She glowers at me. “Chris will see.”
I cut her a serious look. “I don't give a fuck who sees. Well?" I ask impatiently. “Are you coming with me?”
“No!” she snaps. “Can you choose someone else for your mid-life crisis please?”
Christ, this woman is going for the jugular this evening. My cock twitches under the table.
She turns her attention to the other three, leaving me staring at her with a slack jaw.
“Chris?” she asks, her voice stilted. “Perhaps you could tell me more about cricket.”
Chris looks gutted at the interruption of his verbal sucking of Danny’s cock.
“Chris, you’re neglecting your date. It's all our fault,” Danny chides while giving me a wicked smile. I preferred him when he wasn’t going out with my sister. He was grumpy and had no banter then.
Chris apologises and starts a mindless conversation that I don't bother listening to.
My eyes fixate on the brunette beauty sitting agonisingly close to me. Her entire back is exposed and at this angle, I have the perfect view of the curve of her breasts in the silk top. Exactly how I know she wants me to.
“So, this is your hotel, Jack?” I hear her ask.
He grins. “Sure is. If you ever want a complimentary stay, be sure to tell Tristan. Or do you prefer to call him Mr. Kane?” He winks at me.
“That would be amazing!” Chris jumps in, misreading the room for the fiftieth time this evening.
Elly fidgets awkwardly with her champagne flute. “Excuse me,” she mutters. “I'm going to the ladies’." She leaps out of her seat and speeds off.
I drain my glass and follow her with zero hints of subtlety. Danny must hire some gormless developers because Chris turns back to Danny and starts a new conversation.
The inside of the unisex bathroom is all dim lights and mirrors. It's a bar bathroom designed to have sex in, but I'll restrain myself. At first, she doesn't notice me standing at the door watching her as she fixes her hair in the mirror.
I clear my throat.
Her mouth briefly opens, then closes again as I take measured steps toward her until I'm standing behind her and staring at her in the mirror.
She freezes. The hand that was half-way to her hair falls limp onto her chest as she watches me with big eyes.
A long moment passes, our eyes locked.
I take a further step forward, pulling her between my open legs until her backside is firm against my cock.
Her lips part as she wordlessly stares at me. In the dark sexy shadows of the bathroom, we are just Elly and Tristan. Nothing else matters except the need to be in her presence, to feel her body against mine.
My hands tighten around her hips as my arousal grows harder against her warm body. All because of her. And all hers.
I slip my fingers ever so gently under the hem of her top at the small of her back. It’s a bold look for her, a plunging top that drops to her lower back. She lets out a ragged breath but doesn't protest, so I tease my hand further under the hem and slide my hand around her waist until I find her bare stomach.
“I’m glad you’re on a date.” I breathe against her ear. “So you can see how much better it would be with me.”
I press my palm against her stomach, pushing her body flush against mine. Her stomach contracts in shuddery movements.
I smile wickedly at her in the mirror stroking her stomach with my fingers. “Do you want me to go up or down?”
She takes small shallow breaths not reaching the pit of her belly.
My hand slowly travels up just below her breasts. I’m not in a hurry.
She sucks in sharply as my fingers tickle the under curve of her breast, not quite reaching the nipple.
“Down it is, then.” I smirk as I trail a line down her stomach to the hemline of her underwear.
Her eyes tell me she wants my hand to travel south and, hell, I want to, but instead, I gently move her hair to one side, exposing her neck. I'm not going to fuck her in this toilet. When I fuck her, it will be slow, hard, and somewhere private where she can moan my name in her beautiful lilt. My lips dip to her neck, and I lick and kiss her soft skin from the top of her jaw all the way down to her shoulder.
She closes her eyes, rolling her head back to settle on my chest. As my mouth devours her neck, she presses herself against my cock. Damn, I'm going to come in my trousers if she doesn't stop that.
“Give me a chance.” My eyes lock with hers again in the mirror. “Let me show you how good it could be between us.”
She closes her eyes, pained.
“It doesn't have to be one or the other. Your career or me,” I continue, almost pleading as I stroke her stomach. “You can have both.”
The bathroom door flies open, making both of us jump. Two girls stop in their tracks when they see us. “Somebody needs to get a room!” the one says loudly to the other.
Elly stiffens and whips my hand out of her top, her face like beetroot. “I have to go,” she stammers.
I call after her hoarsely, “Elly, wait!” but she ignores me, running from the bathroom, leaving me with a throb the size of Mount Everest.