Resisting Mr. Kane (London Mister #2)(43)
London Bridge is bustling with Thursday night drinkers already in weekend mode. I wrestle my way through the crowds until I'm inside the hotel.
Fortunately, Chris resembles his profile picture. I meet him at the entrance, and we travel up in the elevator, exchanging nervous niceties.
In the mirror, I catch him checking out my butt. I'm wearing a blue top that Megan says makes my eyes pop. It cuts too low at the back, and I'm starting to feel self-conscious.
“Thanks for meeting me here, Elly,” he says as we are seated at a table by the host. Chris seems nice but I already have zero sexual interest. "My work project means I'm leaving the office really late these days. But you'll like it. It's got great cocktails.”
“It's lovely.” I look around the plush bar. Oh, there's a button Press for Champagne on the table! "That's cool that you get a discount.”
He nods. “It's because the Nexus CEO Danny Walker is friends with the owner of the Lexington Group. They own this place.”
I flinch. Jack Mathews, another guy who witnessed #linenclosetgate.
Chris runs a hand through his hair. "I have to admit, Elly, I'm rusty at this. I split up with someone, and this is my first online date.”
A sense of relief floods me. “Me too!”
He nods. “Have you just been through a break-up?”
“Uh, no.” I falter, feeling stupid. “I'm just…rusty.”
We order cocktails, discussing in unnecessary depth the ingredients of each in an attempt to drum up chat. The conversation is pleasant, if a little stilted. I find myself subtly looking at my phone to check the time.
Chris tells me he is into cricket. I tell him I watched it once and gave up when I realised it would be going for another five hours.
He laughs. “That's what my ex-girlfriend used to say. She couldn't stand it when I sat indoors until a cricket game was over.” It's the only time his eyes light up.
We both look down at our drinks as the conversation dries again.
“Your profile said you work for Madison Legal?” he asks.
I nod proudly. “I just started about a month ago at their headquarters on Fleet Street. I'm on their two-year trainee contract.”
“Fleet Street," he repeats like it's the only thing he heard in the sentence. "I used to go out around there after work. My ex worked there.”
“Really?" I ask, my smile faltering. That's a few times he has mentioned his ex-girlfriend.
“Do you know Fleet Street gets its name from an underground river—the River Fleet?” he explains. "She told me that.”
“Who did?" I ask, confused.
“My ex-girlfriend, Mai,” he replies.
Ah, we are still on the subject of the ex. “Were you together long?”
He looks distant for a moment. “Six years.”
“Quite a while.” I gulp. “When did you split up?”
He looks pained. “Three months ago.”
“Oh, that's a pity,” I reply, wondering where I'm going with this. Where are these cocktails?
He shrugs. “These things happen. In the end, we found we just weren't compatible. She wanted to get married, and I didn't. Don't get me wrong—she was lovely. I'm just not ready for the next step.”
“Plenty of time for all that,” I offer, wondering how I managed to turn my first date in ages into a counselling session.
I’d prefer to talk to myself. What’s the polite minimum number of drinks these days? He bought the first round so it would be rude not to buy him one back…two should be enough, right?
Chris's eyes flicker with interest at something behind me. “Bossman is here,” he murmurs.
“What?” I turn and am hit by smouldering blue-grey eyes, unapologetically hungry with lust and maybe something close to anger, blazing at mine.
Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. I stare back at her then my gaze drops to roam up and down her body.
Who is this idiot with her?
The idiot waves in our direction.
“Is this guy trying to antagonise me?” I bark at Jack and Danny. “Why the fuck is he waving at me? Is this Elly's idea of a wind-up?”
Danny chuckles. “He's not waving at you. He's a developer at Nexus. He's waving at me.”
Danny gives a salute back, and the guy beams.
Elly looks distraught, like a deer in headlights.
Serves you right for dating someone else, I think bitterly.
“She’s stunning,” Danny murmurs. “He's a lucky guy.”
I glare at him as my temperature rises. "He's not fucking lucky.”
“I don’t think she's wearing a bra,” Jack observes.
My hands tighten around the glass. “I can see that, Jack,” I snap. “Keep your lecherous eyes off her.”
“My hotels have the best linen closets, you know,” he says. “Maybe Elly and her date could try them out.”
My jaw tightens. I'm not in the mood for their banter.
“Do you know his name?” I ask Danny in a steely voice.
Danny thinks for a second. “Nope. And by the look on your face, I'm not sure I'd tell you if I did. I don't want to be an accessory to murder.”