Power Drilled (Roommates, #8)(30)

Claire batted her eyelashes and looked imploringly at Reid. “If you won’t do it for your muscles or for your girlfriend, will you do it for me?”

Reid held her gaze for a moment and then nodded. “Anything for the bride.”

“Excellent! Naomi’s waiting for you,” she said, and gave us the room number.

Reid held out his hand and pulled me to my feet. Even though he didn’t do as much of the construction as Hunter, he was just as muscular. All three of them were.

“He’s a good man,” Claire whispered as I passed. I already knew that, but I didn’t know what he was thinking right now. To be honest, I was a little afraid to find out.



As Penny and I walked across the vast lobby, all I could think about was what her cousin had just revealed. Apparently, my baby brother hadn’t been on his best behavior last night. And from what it sounds like, Penny hadn’t minded a bit.

Which surprised me, even though I’d seen many women fall for Hunter’s charm.

I gestured for her to go first into the elevator. The moment the doors slid shut, she turned to me.

“We just went into the room to hang up my clothes,” she said. “We weren’t in there for more than five minutes.”

I shrugged. “I’m not your father, Penny. You can do what you want with whomever you want.” Even to my own ears, the words sounded stiff and, well, like something a father would say. A father who was a patriarchal jerk, at least.

“I just wanted to explain.” The concern on her face was real, and I leaned back against the wall of the elevator, deliberately softening my expression.

“You don’t owe me or anyone here an explanation. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the wronged party and you can do whatever the hell you want this week.”

She gave me a ghost of a smile. “Thanks. I just didn’t want you to think anything happened.”

I knew I should let that one go. It wasn’t any of my business.

But I couldn’t.

“Claire said she saw Hunter kiss you.”

Penny flushed. “That was a mistake.”

My eyebrow arched as I stared at her. Most women Hunter was with had no regrets.

“See, when we came out of the room, we saw Claire and Matthew, and he thought they were my other cousin and my ex. So he kissed me to make my ex jealous.”

Shit. The mix-up sounded like something Hunter might do—but I wasn’t sure I bought it. It would have been just as easy for him to pretend to mix up the couples just so that he could lay one on such a pretty young woman.

“Do you want to make your ex jealous?” I asked her.

Penny stared at the floor. “Not exactly.”

“What do you want?”

She bit her lower lip. “I just kind of wish that he’d feel regret for how he treated me. He caused me so much pain. I know it’s wrong, but I kind of wish I could cause him a little.”

“By kissing your new man in front of him or by pushing him off an eleventh floor balcony?”

She still had her head down, but I could see a faint grin.

“Either one.”

“All right. I’ll keep that in mind for my next shift.”

She looked up at that. “Is it really that much of a chore?”

“Not so far.”

The elevator doors slid open, and we located the suite at the end of the hall. I knocked, but no one came to the door.

“Maybe she’s finishing up another session,” Penny said.

“Your cousin said she was waiting for us.” I knocked louder.

Then the door was wrenched open by one of the most peculiar women I’d ever seen. She had to be at least eighty. Her hair was a bright red and she had enough rings, bracelets, and bangles on to sink a ship. If she was the massage therapist, I’d be black and blue for a week.

“Aunt Evelynn!” Penny sounded surprised, but she recovered and introduced us.

“Come on in. I’m just waiting for my turn, but Naomi told me you two were coming.”

She led us into a living room. The far wall was made up of floor to ceiling windows. It was a nice space, but I was preoccupied by the older woman. There was no way she was a blood relative of Penny’s, right? They looked like they were from two different planets.

Aunt Evelyn turned her gaze on me. “I hear you’ve got quite the moves on the dance floor, young man.”

“Yes, ma’am.” It was all I could think of to say.

“Glad to see you’re treating this beautiful girl right.” She made her way over to me and placed her hand on my bicep. “You’re strong, too. If you and Jeff get in a fight, my money’s on you.”

“Aunt Evelyn!” Penny was scandalized, but I was rather amused by the old woman’s nerve.

“I won’t let you down,” I said, and Penny gave me an exasperated look.

We were saved from trying to finish that odd conversation by the appearance of the massage therapist. She, too, had dark hair, but it had more curls than Penny’s. “Reid and Penny?” she asked, and we nodded. “Come on in, I’m Naomi.”

She led us into a bedroom that had been converted into a temporary massage parlor. There were two padded tables side by side, and candles lined the dresser and windowsills.

Stephanie Brother's Books