Power Drilled (Roommates, #8)(25)

Rather than stomp over there and beat the crap out of him, I did the next best thing. I grabbed Penny and pulled her up against me, holding her even tighter than I had on the dance floor. I cupped her face with my free hand, tilting her head back. Then I laid my lips on her and kissed the hell out of her.

Shock was her first reaction. I could feel it in the way her body stiffened. But she didn’t pull away. By the time I was thoroughly exploring her mouth, she slumped against me and wrapped her arms around me.

Encouraged, I pushed her against the wall, trapping her between two hard places. Very hard. I ground my crotch against her and swallowed the little gasp she made.

God, she tasted good. Like berries. But her body—it wasn’t sweet, it was on fire. She was a fucking goddess, and my blood thundered as I deepened the kiss. I slid my hand down her side, enjoying the way the slinky fabric moved over her warm skin. Then I squeezed her ass and she moaned, deep in her throat.

If I’d had the keycard in my hand, I would’ve whipped the door open and thrown her on the bed, so perhaps it was good that she’d put it in her purse. As much as she was enjoying this kiss—and her body said she was too—she wasn’t ready for more yet.

But before I let her go, I indulged myself and ravaged her mouth for a little longer.

When I finally pulled back, her eyes were closed, and her mouth was swollen as fuck. As if in a daze, she brought her hand to her mouth, tracing her bottom lip like I’d just done with my tongue. Her long lashes still rested against her smooth cheeks, and if I hadn’t had her pressed between me and the wall, she probably would’ve slid down to the floor.

I loved this kind of moment so fucking much. The moment when a woman was thoroughly undone by the way you’d touched her. The way I’d touched her. No way the real Reid would’ve kissed her like that.

I looked down the hall. Her cousin and her ex were nowhere to be seen. But we were still in the middle of the hallway, likely surrounded by rooms her other relatives were staying in. I still had a raging erection, and Penny had that freshly fucked look to her, which I still enjoyed seeing even though that hadn’t been the case.

But nothing lasted forever. “I think it’s time we head back to the house.” And to the others, which made things complicated. Jackson obviously had a thing for Penny, and Reid probably did too—he just didn’t know it yet.

Penny’s eyes were still closed. “You okay?” I asked.

Her voice was distant and dreamy. “I think so.”

Then her eyes flew open in alarm and she straightened up, looking down the hall to where her cousin had been.

“It’s okay, they’re gone.”

“They… they saw all that?”

Truth be told, I had no fucking idea when they’d disappeared. But they’d certainly seen me grab her and push her against the wall. “Yeah. That was kind of the point, wasn’t it?”

Her plush lips drew into a confused little bow. “The point?”

“Yeah. I figured me kissing the crap out of you was as good a way as any to prove to your ex and your piece of shit cousin that you have a new man now.” And a far better man than him.

“My ex?” She stared at me, and I wondered if I’d completely fucked things up. Sure, she wanted a fake boyfriend, but maybe she’d never intended for him to see something like this?


“If you want, you can slap me,” I offered, trying to figure out how badly I’d upset her. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Her lip quivered, and I mentally chewed myself out as I waited for the tears to glide down her perfect skin. Her shoulders began to shake, and I wished I’d let Jackson come with her tonight. He wouldn’t have upset her like this.

And then she laughed. It was small at first, but then it grew, echoing up and down the corridor. “What?”

“That—” She couldn’t get the words out, she was laughing so hard.

“Seriously, what are you laughing about?” I wasn’t mad, just confused.

“That wasn’t my cousin Tanya. That was her sister,” Penny finally managed to say.

“You mean, that was…”

“Claire and Matthew.” Her smile lit up the hallway. “You just kissed the heck out of me in front of the bride and groom.”

That took a moment to sink in, and then I gave a rueful grin. “Oops.”


“You really can slap me, you know. Or we could go find them and you could do it in front of them.”

“I’ll pass—for now,” she said with a stern little look that was sexy as hell.

I did something I never did and took her hand in mine as we walked down the hallway. I couldn’t even say why I did it now, unless it was an apology of sorts. “So if you’re not going to slap me, do you forgive me?”

She grinned up at me, amusement still in her eyes. “What’s there to forgive? You’re not even here. Reid’s my date for this week.”

“Yeah, good point. Let’s blame him.”

She nodded and squeezed my hand as we headed out into the night.



Warmth filled me. Delicious shivers raced up and down my spine. Jackson’s lips were on mine, and all my cares melted away.

Stephanie Brother's Books