Paradise Found: Cain (Paradise #2)(54)
“A mess, it looks like,” I said, entering the room I’d made specifically for those in need. In this case, it was Malik and another newbie, Raymond Edwards. Razor. The two were roughly the same age, and this was their safe haven, while we built them a schedule of fights. There was a smile of pride on my face, thinking of how I was trying to help these guys. Trying to give them a way of life that was safer than the underground of LA, a few hours down the coastline.
“Must be convenient to have a bedroom at the gym,” she whispered, an undertone to her meaning. Jealousy was unnecessary, but there was a hint present, and God forgive me, but I took jealousy as a good sign, not a sin. If she were thinking I was with others here, and didn’t like it, it meant she still felt something for me. I related to this because it absolutely made me want to kill, thinking of her with someone else. However, letting her think I was with another woman was what started all this trouble in the first place. I didn’t want to drag her into the limelight, so I let Malinda saunter up to me, wrap around me, and pose for those photos, her bitter tongue in my mouth. It was a horrible taste, and an evil thing to do to Sofie. To top it off, I never got to explain why I did it. Everything crumbled after that.
“The room isn’t for me,” I said, bending at the knees and forcing her to look up at me. Risking a finger under her chin, I raised her face to hold her gaze, but she flinched quickly out of my reach.
“The room was never for me,” I stated softly, emphasizing the words, with unwarranted disappointment in her reaction to my touch. “I have two guys living here, who needed a place to stay while they train, while they try to get their life on track. It was always my intention to have a place for just that. Those who needed time and space to figure out their life.” I could only hope she’d read deeper meaning into my words. I’d been trying to give her time and space, but the wait was killing me. Without the gym, I’d have gone insane. I threw myself into the renovations. My goal was one month, and I’d accomplished it.
“That’s really generous of you,” she replied quietly, attempting to shift her eyes away from me, but being the snake I am, I wasn’t ready to let her go. If the only contact I had with her was a finger under her chin and the connection of our eyes, I wasn’t breaking down. I’d hold her, hypnotize her if I could, to keep her attention on me, willing her to understand and accept my apology. For everything.
The minutes passed and I finally escorted her back out to the open gym space. Refraining from telling her I missed her took all my strength. I didn’t want to scare her when I’d finally gotten her to see me. Actually, Abel got her to see me. I don’t know how he did it, but I knew they were friends. I’d ask him about it later.
The music was loud and some people were dancing. Elma instantly sashayed up to Sofie and dragged her to the makeshift group of dancers, despite her hesitation. Sofie refused to dance, but stood near Elma who sauntered around and around Sofie.
“Hot damn, who’s that?” Malik hissed behind me. He was a smart ass, this one, always trying to rile people up. He was an amazing fighter, unpracticed, but skilled. His temper was a problem, but each move he made reminded me too much of someone I knew. His assessment of Sofie, reminded me even more so.
“She’s off limits, dickhead,” I replied, taking a long pull from the sports drink offered to me.
“Oh, yeah?” Malik questioned, coming around me. I grabbed him before he took two steps.
“Yeah,” I retorted. The challenge was clear in Malik’s intent, but I wasn’t playing. He wouldn’t go near her, if I could help it. Besides he was too young for her.
No sooner had I stopped Malik, when I glanced over to see Ray was talking with her. Compared to Malik’s dark look, Ray was California sunshine, coming across as more all American football player than a fighter. His hands on her hips sent me into a full fury of irritation. I didn’t want anyone to touch her. She laughed at something he said and my eyes narrowed.
Abel interrupted Elma’s gyrations and pulled Sofie in close to him. It was the final straw for me. I’d already had some concerns about Abel and Sofie in the past. I’d seen them together, with their easy banter and even easier smiles. I worked to convince myself they were only friends. Abel was a better man for her, no question, but I didn’t want Sofie to fall for him. Although Abel loved Elma, my mind raced with images I’d had in the past of Abel trying to win Sofie over. It was my own guilt come to haunt me.
Abel wrapped an arm around Sofie’s neck, as he leaned in to whisper to her over the loud music. This was enough to make my already pulsing energy, vibrate uncontrollably. With hands clenched, and a heavy step, I approached them, just as Abel spun Sofie out of his embrace. She smiled sheepishly at him. Abel gave a small nod. It was too much for me. I was ready to push Abel away from her, literally, when she turned to me. Her expression, one of mirth and excitement, dropped to concern the second she saw me stalking toward them.
Instantly, she stepped back, just as my hand rose to take out my own brother. Sofie walked into the line of fire and paused. Hands on my chest, she gripped my t-shirt with delicate hands.
“What are you doing?” she growled in my face. “He’s your brother,” she added.
“I don’t want him touching you. I don’t want any of them touching you,” I defended.
“We’re only talking,” she exhaled.