Only You (Adair Family #5)(84)

I’d told Roe I wasn’t going. I’d rather ring in the new year with her, hoping it would be a good omen for the future. But mostly, I was worried that if I took her into that world, the world of glitz and glamour and fame, it might scare her off. She was already cagey about my celebrity.

As we sat on the couch in her cottage, however, just a few days out from the party, I watched Roe warily over the top of the science fiction book I read.

I thought by now my fear would have set in. About losing her. There was an occasional flicker, but the euphoria of actually being with her pushed it out.

Now there was fear.

Fear of her withdrawing.

Changing her mind.

I’d leaned in to kiss her in the kitchen an hour ago and she turned, so I caught just the corner of her mouth. She’d given me a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

Now, she was sitting on the other sofa when we hadn’t detached ourselves from each other in days.

She was glued to the show playing quietly on the television. We’d watched a movie two nights ago, and she thought it hilarious as we flicked through a streaming app to click on all the movies I’d starred in. “Jesus, Brodan, people are bound to be sick of seeing that gorgeous face everywhere.”

After I’d tickled the life out of her to get the remote back and her giggles had died down, she’d given me an admonishing look and said, “In all seriousness, no wonder you collapsed. You were working yourself to the bone.”

It was true. I’d become obsessed with chasing a distraction. Because of it, I’d made some films I wasn’t proud of. It was a life lesson, to be sure.

I didn’t want Roe to be my next obsession. A passionate burst of flame that burned out too quickly.

I was going to slow down and not ignore moments like these. “There’s something wrong,” I finally said after stewing for hours.

Monroe’s gaze jerked to mine. “Oh? What happened?”

Sighing, I dropped my book and leaned toward her, elbows on my knees. “With you. There’s something wrong with you.”

She turned fully to look at me. “There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Ever since we got back from Arro’s, you’ve been strange. Distant.”

“No, I haven’t.” She frowned and turned back to the TV. “I’m right here.”

Frustration bubbled within me because I’d heard friends complain about their partners asking them the same question. I’d thanked fuck I didn’t have to put up with that level of interrogation. Look at me now.

“Roe. Don’t make me sound like a whiny girlfriend.”

She cut me a glare. “Don’t say sexist shit.”

“How is that sexist?”

“Uh, because men ask what you’re asking just as much as women do. But we’re the insecure ones? Pfft.”

“I’m right to ask? There is something on your mind?”

“It’s not important.” She gave me a tight smile. “Are you bored? Do you need a different book? Or do you want to watch something else?”

Irritated, I got off the couch and then lowered to my knees in front of her, pushing her legs wide before yanking her to me.

“Brodan,” she spluttered, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders as she gaped. “What are you doing?”

“I wanted your full attention.”

Her hands slid down my arms and around my back, and heat flashed through me.

Stay focused.

“Well, you certainly have it,” she murmured, eyes narrowed with heat.


“I’m serious, Sunset.” I squeezed her small waist. “What did I miss?”

Roe sighed. “Brodan, it’s nothing. I’m just … being silly.”

“Tell me.”

She nibbled on her lower lip.


Another heavy sigh. “Fine … I’m just … Are you ashamed of me?”

“What the fuck?” It slipped out angrily.

She tensed and tried to pull away, but I held on tight.

“No, you don’t get to ask that shit and run away. Explain.”

Her eyes flashed. “Don’t boss me around, Brodan Adair.”

A different kind of heat simmered.

Stay focused.

“Tell me, Monroe.”

She released me, crossing her arms over her chest, expression mulish. “Are you going to be an arsehole about it?”

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head. “No. I’m sorry. Continue.”

Her expression was suspicious, but to my relief, she explained, “I don’t mean in general. Obviously, you’re happy for everyone here to know that we’re together, but … you didn’t even consider the invitation to your brother’s Hogmanay party. Am I … do you … would it be embarrassing for you to attend one of those things with a primary school teacher?”

Shock held me frozen and speechless for a few seconds. It never even occurred to me she would assume that. Fuck. I tugged her closer, and her arms dropped from across her chest to rest on my shoulders again. “Sunset, no. Of course not.” Deciding that too many lies had derailed us in the past, I answered honestly, “I didn’t want to take you there because I’m worried being surrounded by those people, being in that world, will drive you away from me. You … you told me you’re not sure you can handle the fame.”

Samantha Young's Books