Only You (Adair Family #5)(70)
So, yes.
The idea of letting myself fully give in to a friendship with Brodan definitely intrigued me. However, the vibe between us was plagued by a sexual tension much more potent than what it was when we were hormonal teens. Just when things started to feel comfortable between us, Brodan would look at me like he wanted to eat me alive, and I knew I was teetering on the edge of control.
Despite my tumultuous emotions around him, the dominating one was disappointment in knowing that next week would be our last rehearsal. Which was why, when he approached at the end of our penultimate week of rehearsal, a mixture of relief and fear swirled within me when he asked me out on a date.
“I thought I told you, if I can give you anything, it will just be friendship, Brodan,” I’d said, my voice shaking.
He’d given me this arrogant, cocksure look and replied, “We both know that’s bullshit. It will always be more than friendship between us. Let’s finally stop lying about that.”
And since he was annoyingly bloody right, I’d sighed and told him honestly, “I don’t think I’m ready.”
“You’ll never be ready unless you give me a chance.” He’d taken another step toward me. “I’m not asking for promises. I’m asking you to go on one date with me. We’ll see what happens from there.”
Memories of what had happened the morning before our lovely afternoon at Regan and Thane’s remained with me, and I’d whispered apologetically, “I’m not sure I can handle the fame thing.”
Brodan nodded in understanding. “I’ll promise not to hold it against you if it becomes too much.”
“Monroe, give me a chance. Let’s not waste another eighteen years.”
That was why I was currently a mess of nerves, even unable to eat breakfast, as I waited for Brodan to pick me up. For our first-ever date.
“How did I get here?” I murmured to myself as my knee bounced rapidly. How had I gone from vowing to guard myself against this man to promising a date?
It’s just a date, I told myself. No promises. Just a date. Don’t kiss him. That will definitely complicate things and fluster you and seduce you into forgetting all the reasons you don’t quite trust him yet.
You should tell him that. No kissing or hanky-panky, I ordered myself. Make your boundaries clear from the start.
The doorbell rang, giving me a jolt, and I stood, taking a deep breath. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this nervous about a date.
It’s just Brodan, for goodness’ sake.
Smoothing down my fitted winter jacket, I summoned inner calm and strode across the room to open the door.
Brodan stood on the pavement, beautiful in his wool peacoat and gray scarf, his cheeks flushed from the cold. Those famous pale-blue eyes glinted with delight at the sight of me. “Morning, Sunset.”
I’d long given up on telling him not to call me that. I smirked. “Morning, Adair.”
He held out a hand. “Ready to go?”
I stared at his outstretched hand, then his face. “There have to be rules first.”
Brodan lowered his arm, his expression wary. “Okay?”
Licking my lips, I drew myself up and ordered primly, “There will be no kissing on this date. There will definitely be no sex. Physical desire will be ignored so that we have all of our faculties about us.”
“Why? Will we be solving equations on this date?” he teased.
“I’ll be solving the puzzle that is you, Brodan, so yes, as a matter of fact. I will need to be clearheaded so I can decide what I want, and I can’t do that if I have lust gumming up the works.”
His lips twitched with amusement. “Don’t you think our amazing sexual chemistry is an important deciding factor?”
Typical man. “Unlike some people, I’m not led around by my vagina.”
“Oh, really?” He took a step toward me, challenge blazing in his gaze. “Fine. I’ll bet I can hold out longer than you.”
Surprised, I gaped. “From what? Kissing me?”
“Kissing, fucking … the lot.”
I snorted long and derisively. “I’d like to see you try.”
“And you will. I’ll wager if you break first, you have to agree to date me for at least three months.”
He nodded, anticipation clear in his expression. “And if I break first … it’s just a month.”
“Pfft. If you break first, I don’t have to date you at all.”
“No, I’m not taking that bet.”
“Ha, because you don’t trust yourself not to break first.”
“Fine.” He scowled. “If I break first, you don’t have to date me at all.”
I held out my hand, feeling pretty certain I was going to win this bet, and trying not to think about why that filled me with unease. “Shake on it.”
Brodan shook my hand, still glowering. When he released me, he gave me a look of such longing, I felt a crack across my heart. Looking away, I reached inside to grab my keys and bag off the sideboard and then stepped out to lock up. “Okay, let’s do this.”
When Brodan drove us south and we were crossing the firth, I was worried for a second that he was taking us to Inverness. I was pretty sure we’d never get a moment’s peace in the city, if the Christmas fair had been anything to go by.
Samantha Young's Books
- Samantha Young
- A Cosmic Kind of Love
- Much Ado About You
- Hold On (Play On #2.5)
- Fight or Flight
- The Fragile Ordinary
- Samantha Young E-Bundle: Castle Hill, Until Fountain Bridge, One King's Way
- One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
- Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2)
- Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street, #3)