Mine to Have (Mine #5)(69)

I’m free.

Only she hadn’t returned to Miami once she’d gotten the news. She’d stayed at home, with Saxon. Their new home.

Her gaze swept the crowd once more. When she didn’t see Saxon, she slipped through the crush and made her way to his office. The door was shut, but she knocked lightly, then went inside.

He was there, with his back to her, staring out that big window and looking into the night. His shoulders were so stiff and tense that she hesitated, worried that something had happened. “Saxon?”

If possible, his shoulders seemed to tense even more. Worried now, she quickly made her way to him. As she approached, he turned toward her, and Elizabeth sucked in a sharp breath. The man was killer hot in that tux. Like danger wrapped up in a sexy package.


But his tense expression had her heart racing with worry.

“Wh-what’s wrong?” Elizabeth asked him.

His hands were shoved into his pockets. “It’s a big night.” His voice was the deep, rumbling growl that she loved.

She flashed him a smile. “It’s your night. You should be out there, enjoying it.”

His gaze slid to the door, then back to her. He shook his head. “Why go out there? Everything I want is right in front of me.” He reached for her hands and pulled her closer. “Right here.”

Sometimes when Saxon looked at her, she could actually see the love in his eyes. She wondered why she hadn’t seen it sooner. Maybe she’d been afraid to look too deeply into his dark gaze.

He gave her a small smile. One that was oddly hesitant. Then he bent down in front of her. Her heart seemed to jump straight into her throat. “Saxon?”

He pulled his right hand out of his pocket. That hand held a ring. A beautiful diamond that glinted up at her.

“I love you.”

She would never get tired of hearing him say those words.

“Will you marry me?”

She couldn’t speak.

Fear flashed across his face. “I-I know I’ve got a shady past, that I’m not always the…the easiest of lovers, but, sweetheart—”

She took the ring from him. Put it on her finger. It fit her perfectly, just the way that he did. “Yes.”

“You’ll marry me?”

Elizabeth stared into his eyes. “You’re not the easiest of lovers, you’re the best of lovers.” He’d sure ruined her for anyone else. “And I plan to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Saxon smiled at her. God, she’d never get used to his smile. The way it lit his face. Changed his whole face. Not dangerous then…


And Elizabeth knew she was staring at the man who was truly hers. And he’d been there with her, during her darkest moments, keeping her safe, loving her, and she hadn’t even realized that all along…

He’s all I will ever need.

He pulled her into his arms. Put his mouth on hers. He kissed her so carefully, as if she were the most precious thing in his world. And that was how he made her feel—always so important.

So wanted.

She eased away from him. “Everyone is waiting outside.”

His gaze was on her mouth. “Guess we should go out there.”

“No.” She kissed him again. “We should let them drink all the wine they want, and we should stay right here.”

His brows climbed.

“Do you like my dress?” She asked him.

He nodded.

“Do you like my underwear?” Elizabeth pushed.

His lips parted.

“Oh, wait,” she murmured as happiness bubbled inside of her. “I forgot…I’m not wearing any underwear.”

The darkness of his gaze grew even more intense. “Sweetheart…”

“I’ve missed your desk.” Her hand trailed down his chest. “You’re all healed now, right?”

He was already pulling up her dress. When he saw that she was, in fact, not wearing any underwear, Saxon let out a rough curse.

She smiled.

And he lifted her onto the desk.

“To be honest,” she told him as her hands went to his waist. “It wasn’t the desk I missed.” But she’d known that he needed time to recover.

His hand was on her sex. His fingers were in her. Her moan came fast and hard, the same way that she knew her climax would be hitting soon. She was already wet for him. One touch, and she felt as if she were close to exploding.

His cock was out. Fully erect. She wanted to take time and stroke him, to caress him with her lips and tongue.

He moved between her thighs. Positioned the head of his arousal right at her sex. His hands caught hers. Their fingers threaded together, and he drove into her in one, long, mind-blowing thrust.

Then a knock sounded at the door.

Elizabeth froze. I forgot to lock the door!

“Go the fuck away!” Saxon snarled. His gaze never left her face. His cock filled her completely, stretching her, and she had to arch against him.

Then he groaned.

And she moaned.

And the footsteps padded away.

“Now where were we?” Saxon withdrew, then plunged back into her. “Ah, yeah, I think…” Another thrust and retreat. “We were right…here.”

He kissed her.

She came a few minutes later, her whole body exploding with pleasure, and he was there, right there with her. Holding her tight.

Cynthia Eden's Books