Mine to Have (Mine #5)(68)

“Look at the results. Elizabeth Ward is your daughter, you prick. The proof is right in front of your face. You put out a hit on your own daughter!”

“No!” Luther’s face had turned ashen. “Maryann said she wasn’t—that she was Stan’s—Maryann betrayed me, she—she—”

“You and Maryann were involved, on and off, for years, right?” Because he’d been digging hard into Maryann’s past. “You met when she first entered law school…back in the days before you were a drug lord.” They’d actually gone to the same college.

Then fate had split their lives apart.

“Years later, you needed a lawyer, so you went to her. Guess you just couldn’t keep your hands off her, huh?”

Luther still appeared stunned.

“She was the mother of your daughter, and you had her executed.”

Luther’s shoulders sagged. “Mine?”

“Cancel the hit on Elizabeth. “

Luther was just staring blankly at the report.

“Hugh knew that Elizabeth was your daughter. He thought it was hilarious that you were going to kill your own flesh and blood. Like I said, he told us that you were destroying your own house.”

Luther balled up the test results.

“The sexy agent that you mentioned? She was going to kill Elizabeth and Zoe…because she wasn’t working for you.”

“She worked with Gary,” Luther bit out. “He trained her—”

Sonofabitch—that was what he’d feared. What he’d feared, but the Brass at the FBI had cleared her despite his protests. “She killed Gary.”

Luther’s eyelids flickered.

Well, well… “You paid her for that, didn’t you?” The Feds were already searching for off-shore accounts that could be tied back to her. Accounts they must have missed the first time around.

“Gary disappointed me,” Luther said, his voice eerily calm. “I hired him for a job, and, even after all this time, he didn’t finish it.”

“Yeah, well, be glad, or your daughter would be dead.” Did the psychopath even care? Probably not. He wasn’t capable of caring, he wasn’t—

“Assassins always work for the highest bidder…Agent Adams must have gotten a higher offer from Hugh. He would have known that I spoke to her here.” Luther’s head tilted to the right. “Just as others will know that I spoke to you today.”

But there was one big difference. “I’m not on the take for you.” He didn’t like the shit the guy was implying.

“Aren’t you?” Luther taunted.

The bastard wasn’t going to budge. If he didn’t cancel that hit, then Elizabeth and Saxon would be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives.

I’m wasting my time with him. “Tracy Adams was screwing you over from the get-go. She was involved—intimately—with Hugh Rowe. I’m betting she’s the one who led him to Zoe. Then, she convinced you to actually pay her to kill Elizabeth, even though she knew the woman was your daughter. She played you, through and through, and you never even realized it.” Victor strode toward the door. “You’re a clueless bastard, and you’re going to die in this prison.”

“We’re not done!” Luther shouted.

Yeah, they were.

“Protect her…” A low whisper.

Victor glanced back.

The man’s eyes were blazing with emotion. “Protect my Zoe. She’s the…the only good thing I had.”

“And Elizabeth? She’s good, too.” She’d fought like a tigress to save his brother. He’d never forget the sight of her, swinging that crowbar like a bat.

Luther’s breath heaved out. “Don’t ever tell anyone about Elizabeth, got it? Not a single damn word. Because you think you’ve cleaned house at the FBI?” Luther laughed. “Not even close.”

He’s calling off the hit.

“Protect Zoe,” Luther said as he held Victor’s gaze. “Because my enemies won’t stop—they know about her. And they can’t ever know about Elizabeth.”

An image of Zoe flashed in his mind. I’ll do anything…

“What will you give me if I do?” Victor asked.

And in that moment, he knew that he had Luther Bates. He had the most powerful criminal in the East Coast under his control. Because Luther promised, “Anything.”

Like father…

Chapter Seventeen

Three weeks later, the winery was full of well-dressed men and women. Men who cut through the room in their tuxes and women who shined in their top-end dresses. A band was playing, their music filling the room.

It was the official opening, and the Laurent Winery was making a splash.

Elizabeth’s gaze drifted around the room. This was their big night. Everyone was sampling the wine and having a fantastic time.

So where is Saxon? It was his party, and the man needed to show up soon.

She smiled at a businessman. There weren’t any reporters at this event—she’d made sure of that. Saxon was going to be the reclusive owner of the winery—a guy who seldom, if ever, gave interviews.

Because his past needs to stay buried.

As for her own past, Victor had told her that she was safe, that the hit had been canceled.

Cynthia Eden's Books