Midnight Moonrising (Moonrising #2)(41)

What was I going to do with her?

"Can I have your word on that? However much that's worth," I mumbled to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"If I say it, you can believe it," she said.

"Well, if Phoenix wasn't worried about me leaving the compound, what the hell is he worried about?"

"You are a werewolf in a house full of vampires who have never met you. I'd imagine he locked you in to keep us safe. I'm sure he's expecting a nasty text message, so if you really want the upper hand, I suggest doing the complete opposite."

Pursing my lips together in irritation, I looked down at the phone in my hand. She was right. I hated that she was right. It grinded me in a bad way that she was right. But that anger stemmed from the fact that she was right most of the time, and I didn't feel in control over my body, my mind or even my destiny anymore.

"Do the right thing, Mena."

"I hate that I'm stuck with you for an eternity."

I heard her sigh. "I'm not a bad person, Mena. If you would just—"

"You're not a person at all," I said, irritation creeping back into the tone of my voice.

"Fine! I'm not a human, but the fact remains that we are stuck together, so we need to figure out a way to co-exist and be happy about it. Your whining is a little annoying."

I rolled my eyes. She was right again. "Okay. I'll try if you will stop instigating—"

"I'm only trying to test my boundaries."

"You could just ask instead of taking over every time you or Phoenix don't get your way."

"All right… I will also try."

"And you will stop taking away my emotions?"

"I only do that so your fear and grief don't cloud your thoughts. But, yes, I will also let you keep your emotions… unless I see that I need to interfere."

I thought about that a moment, but doubted I would get a better compromise.

I typed out the text: 'I'm sorry about our argument. We'll talk when you return.' Then I hit send.


"I miss pancakes," Jaxon said as Phoenix pulled into a parking spot at the IHOP.

"How can you miss something that you haven't had in centuries? I don't think I've ever even had pancakes."

Jaxon's mouth pulled to the side as he pondered the question. "I think it's the smell of maple syrup that makes my mouth water," he said, and then opened his door when Phoenix did.

Phoenix smiled when the phone chimed from his pocket, but the grin slowly slipped from his face as he read Mena's text.

"Damn wolf is smarter than I thought," he grumbled, and then looked up to meet the confused expression of Alex Rhodes.

Without responding to the question in the detective's eyes, Phoenix turned his attention to Roel. "IHOP? Really?"

"What?" Heath said. "We were hungry."

Brad chuckled. "He's just jealous because he can't eat—"

Roel's elbow came up swiftly and collided with Brad's mouth.

"Shit!" Alex said. "What the hell is wrong with—?"

Wanting to take this whole convo on a detour, before the human discovered their secret identities, Phoenix glanced up at the sky when lightening streaked across the horizon. "She's expecting us. We need to go; dawn will be here soon." He nodded toward Jaxon. "This is Jaxon, my… friend," he said when Alex's wide eyes moved to look back at him.

A slow smile spread across Alex's face as he shook Jaxon's hand, and Phoenix's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Alex Rhodes. It's nice to meet you, Jaxon. I wasn't aware Phoenix was dating anyone. How long have the two of you been a couple?"

A burst of laughter erupted from either Brad or Heath; Phoenix wasn't sure which with the blur of profanities going through his mind at the moment. Shit, he thought as he realized the guy thought friend meant lifelong partner, and that there could be no possible way he could come between him and Mena now, since he was gay!

He cringed as he glanced at the murderous glare in Jaxon's eyes, and ran a hand down his face as he nodded; maybe if the cop thought he had same-sex interest, he wouldn't keep coming up with excuses for why Mena shouldn't stay with him at his compound at night.

"A while," Jaxon said through a clenched jaw as he released the detective's hand, "but we try to keep our relationship status private, if you know what I mean."

Alex nodded. "Absolutely. It's nobody's business."

It no longer mattered who had laughed first, because all three wolves were red-faced and nearly down on the sidewalk, clutching their sides and howling with laughter. He was never going to hear the end of this, and the worst part was it was his fault the guy got the wrong idea in the first place. Way to go, Phoenix!

"Wait," the cop said, "who's expecting us?"

"Meridia," Phoenix replied solemnly, and then glanced toward Jaxon as everyone made their way to the black Suburban.

"You f*cking owe me," Jaxon said quietly.

Phoenix pressed his lips together as he opened the rear door. Maybe now was a good time to punish him for the mistakes the guy had made over the last few months. Holding out his hand, he winked as he encouraged Jaxon to get in first. "After you, Sweetheart."

K.S. Haigwood & Anne's Books