Make Me Yours(48)

I have a full-on semi at the sight, and I put the other half in my mouth. “It’s juicy and sweet, just like you.”

“Remi…” Her voice is a warning, but my hands go to her thighs.

I slide them higher as I lean closer, possession running hot in my veins. “I don’t like you talking to Henry Pak. I don’t want you going to his condo when he’s moved in. I don’t want him calling you.”

Her eyebrows rise, and her hands grip my wrists, stopping my progress. I’m ready to devour her like that fruit, and I’m pretty sure she sees it in my eyes.

“That’s not your business.” Her voice is low, thick, and her breath is a little faster.

“I can make it my business.”

“How?” Her brow quirks, but her grip on my wrists loosens.

“I don’t want Lillie around him.”

“Henry’s polite, he’s a doctor, he’s Korean…” Her lips twist into a cute frown. “He’s just the type of guy my mother would love.”

“Now I really don’t like him.” That makes her laugh. “Besides, you don’t like polite men. I can tell.”

Her eyes narrow. “How can you tell?”

“I watch and learn. Figuring out what you like has become my favorite pastime.” My hands start to move again, but she catches my wrists.

Her chin lifts, and when our eyes meet, it’s electric, like always. “What are you saying?”

I’m not sure exactly. “You’re important to me… I care about what you’re doing. It matters in a way I didn’t expect.”

“I really need to find my own place.”

Those words are a slice to my stomach. “I don’t want you to move out.” Leaning forward, our breath mingles. “Then I wouldn’t be able to kiss you whenever I want.”

“Not here. Someone might see us.” It’s a heavy whisper, but she leans closer, meeting my mouth.

Her lips part, and our tongues entwine. She’s sweet like the strawberries and a little salty, which I guess is from me. Her small hands cup my jaw, sliding her thumbs lightly along my cheeks. Our mouths move faster, and I pull her closer so her core is against my waist, hitting the top of my cock. Fuck me it feels so good.

“You taste so sweet.” My lips travel to her cheek, higher to her ear, and she exhales a soft moan. “You smell so good.” I inhale the flowery scent of her hair.

“Remi,” she speaks my name on a breath, and I move my hand to the top of her thigh, higher into her shorts, sliding my thumb along the damp center of her panties.

She moans, and I close my mouth over hers again, kissing and chasing her tongue. I loop my fingers inside the thin lace until they’re slipping inside her pussy.

Another soft noise, and her hips begin to rock in time with my fingers sliding up and down her wet folds, touching her gently, then more insistently, massaging that little spot as she whimpers and sucks on my lips.

All at once, she stops and moves away. “We can’t do this.”

She catches my hand, taking it out of her pants and hopping off the bar. Her back is to me, and I watch as she brings her hands to her cheeks, her shoulders rising and falling with her rapid breaths.

I rake my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Forgive me.”

Pain is in my chest, and the last thing I want is to drive her away. I’ve dreamt of her moans, how she says my name when she comes, since I buried my face between her thighs. She’s like a drug to me now, and I want to hear those sounds again and again. I want her to want me as much as I want her. I can’t stand the thought of someone else having her, touching her that way.

“You don’t have to apologize. I like it. Too much.” It’s what I want to hear, but she doesn’t turn to me.

I want to pull her into my arms and hold her close, taste those sweet lips again. I want to ask her if she’s decided about New York… but I decide maybe I’d better not go there with the scent of her still all over my fingers.

“I’d better go to bed now.”

With that, she leaves me standing in the kitchen with a tent in my pants.



“So? Are you going to New York with Remi?” Drew sits on her feet on my mom’s couch.

Her bridal shower is small, but it’s what she wanted—just our closest friends, Dotty Magee, and a few girls from Drew’s church group. They’re in the kitchen helping Ma with the platters of cake and cookies. I’m on the couch, surrounded by torn wrapping paper, sexy lingerie, photo albums and frames, with the book listing who gave what on my lap.

“Shush!” I hold my hand in front of her lips. “If Ma hears you, she’ll put me in a convent.”

“Too late for that.” Drew leans back, beaming. “Well? What did you tell him?”

My lips press into a frown. “I haven’t told him anything yet.”

I think about our hot make-out session in the kitchen, his fingers in my panties nearly making me come. It makes me hot all over, and I clear my throat.

Again, I’d spent the last two days doing my best to stay out of sight. It didn’t matter. He would find me, and every time we’d look at each other, it was blazing hot. Any time our hands would brush, whether I was handing him a plate or taking care of his daughter, it was sparks of lightning.

Tia Louise's Books