Make Me Yours(44)

Her response makes me grin. She remembers where my face was last night. And how loudly it made her scream my name.

“Ruby?” Henry leans forward. “You okay? You seem a bit flushed.”

She’s more than flushed, fucknut. She’s mine.

“Sorry!” She blinks fast, looking at him again. “What did you say?”

“I said you wouldn’t have to be a babysitter if you were with me.” He grins widely, and I’m ready to punch him. “Once I move in, I’ll send you my number. Since you’re in Eagleton Manor now, you could just walk over.”

Like hell she will. I jump in at this point. “You know, I’d really like to see those condos. They’re supposed to be nice. Not as nice as the houses, of course, but maybe we could walk over together, Ruby.”

Henry leans back to look at me, annoyance all over his face. Get used to it, pal. Better yet, how about you flap those ears and fly on back to Charleston.

Ruby stands, helping Lillie to her feet and cleaning her up. “Why don’t we just see how it goes once you’re all settled?”

Henry stands beside her. “I’ll give you a call. Is your number still the same?”

“Uh… yeah, it is.” She smiles, and I’m two seconds from putting my arm around her and telling this guy to delete it from his contacts. Ruby keeps talking. “In the meantime, I’d better get back to work. Good to see you, Henry!”

Her pretty smile is too sweet, and Henry takes it as encouragement. Why are guys so clueless? She’s not into you, pal.

“Have a great afternoon. Good to see you again, Key.”

“Yeah, good.” I put my hand on Ruby’s arm, and lead her and my daughter away from our unwelcome intruder.

Once we’re several steps away, Lillie takes off running ahead of us to watch a guy twisting long, colorful balloons into animal shapes.

“You were rude to Henry.” Her voice is quiet, but sharp. I kind of love it.

“I don’t like that guy.” I toss the ice cream in a trash bin as we pass. “I don’t want Lillie around him.”

Ruby stops walking and makes an astonished face. “He’s a well-respected pediatric surgeon. I think he won an award last year.”

My voice is level, calm. “Award for being the biggest dumbass. He can’t even tell you’re not interested in him.” Her jaw drops, and our eyes hold each other’s. Several seconds pass, and she doesn’t have a comeback. “I stand by my statement.”

“There’s nothing wrong with Henry.”

It’s the best she can do. “He needs to keep looking. You threw him back, remember?”

“I should never have told you that.”

Several seconds pass as we watch the fellow making giraffes and dogs. It reminds me a little of Central Park, and I decide there’s no time like the present.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you… I have a very important business function next week in New York. It’s an overnight trip… I’d like you to come with me.”

Again, I’ve stumped her. I kind of like knowing I have this power over her.

“We’ll be attending a gala for tech developers and investors like me,” I continue. “So you’ll need a formal dress. I can help you with the expense if you need—”

She finds her voice. “I can afford a formal dress. But what about Lillie?” Her eyes dart forward to where my daughter is jumping up and down and asking for a unicorn.

“Eleanor has agreed to take care of her while we’re gone.”

“I don’t know about this.” She exhales, looking down and crossing her arms. “I can’t date you, Remi. You’re my boss.”

“You can think of it as more of a work function.” Bullshit. It’s a total fucking date.

My girl is too smart for that.

My girl? What?

I kind of like the way it sounds, though.

Dark eyes slant up at me, and she’s so pretty. “How is it a work function?”

“I have to take a plus one.” I shrug, adopting a very professional tone. “I don’t have the time or the inclination to find some woman to go with me. Your salary is dependent on my business being successful, so you’ll go with me. And we’ll have a nice time.”

“Will we be staying in the same room?”

“No.” Technically. “I booked the penthouse suite at the Four Seasons We’ll each have our own rooms.”

“In the same, bigger room? I don’t think so.”

I like that she’s apparently considering it. “How is it different from our current arrangement?”

“A floor and a mother-in-law.” We take a few more steps. “And a little girl.”

I’m standing just behind her shoulder, and I trace a finger up the back of her arm, thinking how soft her skin is. “None of that made a difference last night.”

Goosebumps break out on her skin, but her gaze is focused straight ahead, on my daughter. “You’re not helping your case.”

My tone changes to coaxing. “Come on, Ruby. It’ll be fun, and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have with me.”

Turning, she looks up at me. “Why?”

For a beat, I’m taken aback. “Because I like talking to you… because you’re funny and smart.” Because you’ll look amazing on my arm as we meet potential clients and intimidate the competition.

Tia Louise's Books