Make Me Yours(20)

For starters, what happens when it’s over? How could she continue working here with us seeing each other every day? How could she continue living in the house? It’s too much of a risk to expect things to go back to normal after something like that.

I suppose it could happen, but I can’t take the chance. No matter how strong my feelings are for her, I will not act on them.

I don’t write it down, obviously, but it’s decided.

The rapid thud of footsteps on the stairs draws my attention to my open door just in time to see the woman in question on her way to the third floor.

Her purple skirt swishes around her legs, up to her narrow waist. Her silky hair falls around her shoulders and her small breasts bounce… Damn, I reach down to adjust my fly.

Turning quickly, I swipe the mouse back and forth to bring my oversized Mac to life. A large colorful bar graph is on the screen.

Yes, market analysis is what I need. The perfect boner-killer…

I refocus my thoughts.

I’ve always been good at tests. No reason to think I’ll fail this one.



“Wait. How long have I been gone?” Drew’s voice is all the comfort I need after my run-in with the elementary school bitches turned preschool mean moms. “You’re a nanny?”

I’m pacing my enormous bedroom on the third floor. “And you’re not going to believe how much he’s paying me.”

I tell her, and she shrieks again. “That’s… a hundred eighty thousand dollars a year!”

“I know!” I walk to the French doors facing the lake. “I was going to flip out, but then I googled it. Most celebrity nannies make like two hundred a year.”

“So you’re not the highest paid nanny in America. I guess you’ll have to keep looking…” She’s playing it off, but I can tell she’s impressed. “You know, I had a feeling Remi was well-off, but hell. I didn’t know he was that rich. What is he? Bill Gates’s kid?”

“I don’t think Bill Gates is old enough to have a son Remi’s age. He’s only thirty.”

“Have you slept with him yet?”

I almost choke. “He’s my boss, Drew.”

“Well, have you?” She’s laughing now. “He’s hot as fuck.”

“You can say that again.” Leaning against the window sill, I remember him in those bare feet and faded jeans last night. “But I’m a professional childcare provider.”

“Why should that stop you?”

“I couldn’t keep working for him if I was sleeping with him.” My voice goes soft, and my stomach sinks at the truth. “I’d have to give up this amazing job… give up the chance at finally being financially independent.”

We’re quiet, and when she speaks again, I’m reminded why Drew and I have always been so close. She just gets me.

“So are you going to sleep with him?

We both start laughing harder. “I’m hanging up now.”

“Love you, hooker.”

“Love you more.”

Only Drew would know exactly the predicament I’m in—brain versus hormones.

Isn’t the brain controlled by hormones?

I’m in trouble.

A glance at the clock tells me I have about an hour before I have to pick up Lillie. Walking down the stairs, I stop on the landing at the second floor and see Remi at his impressive workstation, frowning at an enormous computer screen. Those hazel eyes quirk up to meet mine, and the frown is replaced with that smile.

My stomach tightens.

“Hey!” He slides back and stands, walking to where I’m waiting. “Did you meet Lillie’s teacher? She seems great, but I don’t know. What’s your professional opinion?”

That makes me grin. “She’s amazing. Lillie’s going to learn a lot this year.”

He nods, and I notice his bare feet again. He’s in those jeans, but this time he’s wearing a maroon tee that shows off his toned arms. Those biceps… I remember him lifting Lillie this morning at breakfast and how they flexed. It takes all my willpower not to exhale a delighted sigh.

“Seemed like something was up with Eleanor this morning.” He walks back into his office, and I follow, noting that ass, wondering how much I should share with him about my earlier power struggle.

I guess he did say Eleanor was driving him crazy, too. “I didn’t mean to have a run-in with her on my first day here.”

“Technically it was your second day.” He stops at his desk and looks up at me with that panty-melting smile. “What happened?”

The way he says it, it’s almost like a joke, like he knew it was coming all along. I guess that makes me feel less guilty?

“Apparently, she’d put out this fancy dress for Lillie to wear to school. I didn’t know, so I let Lillie wear what she wanted.”

“I thought Lillie looked great—exactly like herself. Mermaid princess.”

“Right.” Now I’m confident he’ll understand. “I guess I could have made her change. What she wears isn’t so important to us… but it’s a big deal to her.”

“I think it’s great how you treat her. It’s how I would.”

Tia Louise's Books