Lunar Love (80)

“They’re being practical about it all. I’ve been delegated to making calls. The paramedics came this morning. We don’t know what happened yet.”

I nod, even though he can’t see me. Remaining calm is Mom’s specialty. My theory is that it comes from her years of lawyering—If I let myself feel all the emotions I want to feel working in this legal system, I’d never make it through the day—and being raised by Pó Po, the most practical of them all—Everything comes to an end. That’s life!

“I’ll come over in a bit,” I say, dazed.

When Dad and I hang up, I bury my face in my hands and sob, not caring who’s watching. Pó Po can’t be gone.

After one last look at Bennett on stage, I head to the only place that can provide real comfort right now.

I push forward on the door of Lucky Monkey as I’ve done day after day after day, only to remember I have to pull. The door feels heavier. While normally butter and sugar welcome me in, today I don’t smell anything. I wind my way past browsing customers to the back counter and find Mae Yí-Pó shuffling back and forth. I can tell by the look on her face that she already knows.

“Olivia,” Mae Yí-Pó says. She extends her arms, and I bend down, letting myself be cocooned in her embrace. I squeeze my eyes shut to prevent tears from leaking out onto her shoulder, but no luck.

“I can’t believe it,” I say, sniffling.

Mae Yí-Pó holds me as my tears cascade down my cheeks. She gently pushes me back, holding me by the shoulders. “Come with me,” she says.

I follow her to the back office of the bakery where there’s another person sitting in a chair. My steps slow as I process who’s in front of me. She must’ve heard about Pó Po from her mom, who’s close friends with Auntie.

“Colette?” I whisper. “What are you doing here?”

Colette jumps up from her seat and takes a step toward me before stopping herself. She looks exactly the same as she did three years ago but has longer hair. People confused her, Nina, and me for triplets. We all may be mixed-race Chinese American, but we don’t look the same.

“Hi, Olivia. I heard about Pó Po. I’m so sorry,” Colette says sadly.

Mae Yí-Pó clears another chair covered in aprons and papers. “Please, both of you sit,” she directs to us both. “I’ll be back in a second.”

I walk past Colette and take a seat on the edge of the chair next to hers as Mae Yí-Pó leaves the room and quietly closes the door behind her.

“When did you get back in town?” I finally ask.

“Five months ago. I was in New York City for the past few years after…” She trails off.

I twist my ring. “How’d you find me?”

“When my mom told me the news, I had a sneaky suspicion you’d come here. It has always been our safe place,” she says. “I meant to get in touch earlier, but I wasn’t sure how. Then I saw you at that baking class, and you totally ditched.”

An unexpected laugh slips out at the thought. “I didn’t. My date slipped,” I respond, surprising myself by how natural our interaction feels. It’s as though no time had passed since we last saw each other.

Colette’s eyes widen, her mascaraed eyelashes framing her light brown eyes. “You have a new boyfriend? I…that makes me so happy to hear, knowing that you didn’t let your ex ruin love for you.”

Before I can correct her, she adds, “I saw the recent press on Lunar Love. You’re in charge now. That’s amazing. It’s what you always wanted.”

“It is. I am. I learned a lot ever since…” I start.

“About that,” she says, adjusting her position toward me. She crosses one leg over the other, her bare knees peeking through the rips in her baggy Levi’s. “I owe you an apology.”

“You—wait, what?” I say, stunned. “It’s me who owes you an apology. I hurt you with that incompatible match. I made you leave LA. I’m so sorry I messed up. I will always regret my mistake.”

Colette sweeps her long bangs to the side and shakes her head. “Mistake? Are you kidding? You were just doing what you thought was right. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s the men who we thought we could trust. It wasn’t your fault. But I’m sorry I cut off communication. I thought you were mad at me for the match not working out and for disgracing Lunar Love and you and Pó Po. I couldn’t face you. I couldn’t handle the embarrassment.”

I huff out in disbelief. “Never once was I upset with you for either of those things.”

Colette laughs humorlessly. “You were going through your own stuff, and I should’ve been there for you instead of running away. But I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m not going anywhere, either,” I say. Colette pulls me in for a hug, and I soak her oversized sweater with new tears.

There’s a light knock on the door, and Mae Yí-Pó pokes her head in. Seeing her sends me into another sob.

“What am I going to do without Pó Po?” I ask, hunching forward on my knees. The pit in my stomach grows. “What will happen to Lunar Love? I don’t know how to do this without her.”

“Too many questions.” Mae Yí-Pó sits across from us in her own chair. “You’re going to keep doing what you’re doing. She prepared you for this moment. You already have everything you need. I know your pain right now feels unbearable, but the last thing Pó Po would’ve wanted was for you to be sad.”

Lauren Kung Jessen's Books