Lord Have Mercy (The Southern Gentleman #2)(37)

I dropped down to my knees and kicked her legs wider open as I did.

Her pupils dilated, and her mouth dropped slightly open.

Moments later when I pinned her hands up over her head, she started to breathe harshly.

“You like it when I’m rough with you?” I asked teasingly.

“My heart is racing,” she whispered. “Why?”

“Because the idea of what I’m about to do to you is making you excited,” I said. “Can you not feel it?”

She swallowed hard. “Yes.”

I reached for one of her hands and brought it to my chest, placing it over my galloping heart.

“My heart is going ninety to nothing just like yours. I just don’t have such pretty nipples that show my arousal like yours.” I let her wrist go and circled one of those pretty, perky peaks.

She sighed and reached for me, but before she could make contact with the part of my anatomy that she was aiming for, I once again had her pinned. This time with her hands above her head and her legs spread even wider.

That was when I allowed the top of my cock to drag deliciously against the swollen folds of her sex, barely brushing the bundle of nerves that normally caused her to thrash.

This time it only caused a slight jerk, and her eyes narrowed.

“I want you inside of me,” she stated. “Please.”

The ‘please’ was tacked on at the end almost as an afterthought, as if her manners forced her to say the words even though she didn’t mean them.

Honestly, if I wasn’t mistaken, she was actually being quite impatient.

“You want me?” I asked, knowing her answer.

“Yes,” she answered simply. “Right now.”

I snorted. “It’s funny that you think you can control what I’m going to do to you.”

She had the decency to look chagrined.

“I’m not trying to dictate what you do.” She blinked her eyes at me coquettishly. “It’s just that I’m about to die if I don’t get you inside of me. I’ve done nothing but think about you for the last couple of hours, and I’m about to expire if you don’t hurry.”

“Expire?” I couldn’t help the bubble of laughter from leaving my throat. To cover my amusement, I bent down and licked her nipple, circling the areola with just the very tip of my tongue. “I’d never let that happen.”

“If you’d put your penis inside of my vagina, we wouldn’t have to worry about me expiring,” she informed me.

When she went to continue talking, I bit her nipple.

She gasped and arched up, practically begging me without words to continue, but I pulled away before she could force feed me any more of her delicious peak.

It was her inhalation that decided it for me.

She was just as in need as I was, and I wasn’t accomplishing anything by denying both of us.

In a fast move, I turned her over onto her belly and hiked her knees up. In the next breath, I was lining my cock up to her entrance and slowly easing my way inside.

Her head and shoulders dropped down until her face was buried in the mattress and her hands were fisting the sheet.

By the time I was sinking completely inside of her, the tight walls of her sex clutching me like she never wanted me to leave, I was just as breathless as she was.

“Oh my god,” she gasped. “You fill me all the way up to my throat.”

I grabbed two handfuls of her ass and squeezed. “As much as I love hearing your compliments, I’d rather you shut your mouth and concentrate.”

She turned her head to the side and stared at me as best as she could over her shoulder. “On what?”

I pulled out all the way and slowly sank back inside. “On the way I’m making you feel.”

She shook her head, causing her hair to fall from the bun she’d had it up in, long strands of her curly hair spilling over her face and around her head.

“If I concentrate too hard, I’ll come,” she informed me. “And I want to come with you.”

Her hand went up to wipe the hair out of her face, but before she got it all out of her eyes, I caught her wrists and locked them both behind her back.

The new position made her barely able to move, causing her to scowl at me.

I patted her ass, causing her to bare her teeth.

“Now, now…” I said, pulling out and thrusting back inside. “That attitude won’t get you anywhere.”

“Really?” she asked, batting her eyes. “A couple of weeks ago you seemed to like this attitude.”

“I do,” I admitted. “I’m hoping you’ll fight me. It makes me hotter.”

She fought me. Boy, did she fight me.

It was the greatest thing I’d ever experienced.

She hissed and kicked out at me all at once, causing me to freeze.

Using my momentary distraction, she pulled away, and I instantly felt her retreat in my gut.

My dick bobbed from where she’d left me hanging—literally—and started to move off the bed.

I caught her by her ankle and hauled her back.

“When I said ‘I hope you’ll fight me’ I meant with your words,” I teased, dropping myself down on top of her. “But I like this.” I dropped all of my weight down on her. “Let’s see you fight, girl.”

Lani Lynn Vale's Books