Lord Have Mercy (The Southern Gentleman #2)(33)

She gasped when my tongue darted out to taste the juices that were already leaking out of her.

I could’ve made it inside with what she’d already given me, but I didn’t want her freaking out while I was trying to work my cock inside. She was right. I was big and always had been. So big, in fact, that I’d had quite a few women look at it and immediately deny it fitting just as she’d done.

Though, when they’d bowed out, I hadn’t been that offended.

I wouldn’t let Camryn leave. She’d take me, even if it took all night to accomplish.



Flint’s tongue was doing delicious things to my pussy, and there wasn’t a single thing on my mind other than getting him back inside of me.

“Flintstone.” I buried my hands into his hair. “Jesus Christ!”

His tongue. His fingers. His beard. Everything was downright beautiful.

He chuckled when I pushed his face into me further, urging him without words to give me more.

He gave me more by adding an extra finger and then scissoring them.

My body arched.

My mind went all white static, and my entire body shivered.

This man with his talented tongue, broad shoulders, and all-around bad attitude was doing dirty things to me.

I shouldn’t be letting him do this.

I shouldn’t have allowed it to get this far.

I shouldn’t…but I did.

I had.

I was so lost.

Lost in all things Flint.

He curled his fingers, and my eyes crossed. His tongue took a long, slow lick of my clit, and I tensed.

The orgasm that I could feel building was on the verge of being something I’d never felt before.

I’d given myself orgasms in the past. Hell, I’d even had sex with three men and kind of sort of experienced something that might have been an orgasm if it’d gone longer.

But what I was feeling right then? It had the possibility to be something huge. Something I’d never experienced before.

“Pay attention,” I heard growled.

I swallowed and tried to make sense of what I was feeling.

“Don’t think,” he ordered. “Feel.”

That was the problem. I was feeling too much!

A sharp slap to the side of my hip had me gasping and squirming, while also narrowing my eyes.

“You bastard!” I growled. “What was that for?”

He grinned, then leaned forward and sucked my clit into his mouth.

It wasn’t possible to keep that smug smile on his face while also having my clit in his mouth, but he accomplished it. I didn’t know whether to applaud him for his ingenuity or smack him across the head for being proud of himself for eliciting that reaction out of me.

He was right, though. I was thinking too much.

I needed something to do with my mouth, something to make my brain turn off. Something to keep me occupied.

Something like him.

“Flint.” I tugged on his hair. “I want to suck your cock.”

His head lazily came up and he started blinking like I’d stunned him speechless.

And maybe I had because he’d frozen with his fingers buried inside of me and his mouth hovering inches above me.

“Please?” I rolled my lower lip down into a pout, and suddenly I was back over the top of him, this time with my vagina in his face and his massive penis in mine.

The next second, he was ripping the condom off and tossing it onto the floor.

I made a mental note to remind myself that I needed to pick that up before my cleaning lady came the next day. How embarrassing would it be for Marsala to find that?

“Thought you wanted to suck my cock?” he teased. He pinched me on my ass. “Focus.”

I couldn’t. The particular appendage was what had started all of my inner turmoil.

I leaned down and pressed my lips to the head. He smelled of me and latex, and I experimentally leaned forward and took the tip into my mouth.

He hissed so loud that I looked up, worried that I’d hurt him in some way.

I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder.

His head was thrown back, and the veins in his arms and neck were standing out so starkly that I wanted to run my fingers over them.

Smiling devilishly, I experimentally licked him again, causing him to curse.

He stayed still, though. No matter what I did. How far I took him into my mouth.

By the time I’d enjoyed myself thoroughly, I knew that I was ready for him.

While I’d been busy with him, he’d completely and utterly forgotten all about me.

But that didn’t matter. I was well and truly wet, and I highly doubted that I couldn’t take him at this point.

I was probably dripping onto his face at this point. Not that he seemed to mind or anything.

Crawling off of him, I scrambled up and around, planting myself back astride him, only this time the correct way. The moment I was in place, I started to reach for his cock, lining it up with my entrance and slowly starting to sink down on him before he’d had a chance to say a word.

I closed my eyes and slowly started to lift myself up and down, one slow stroke at a time until he was all the way inside of me. By the time that my ass met the saddle of his hips, I felt like I was bursting at the seams.

“Jesus,” he hissed. “Oh, Jesus.”

His hands finally left the bed where he’d been fisting the comforter for the last few minutes and found my hips, squeezing them lightly.

Lani Lynn Vale's Books