LOL: Laugh Out Loud (After Oscar, #2)(38)

He frowned, started to ask a question, thought better of it, and closed his mouth. Then opened it again and hesitated. “But… I mean… are you… you know… like…” He made a motion with his hands that I assumed was meant to approximate sex.

I laughed. “No. I’m not sleeping with Polly.”

Scotty glanced away. “But did you… like… are you… its… you know, the um…. parent?”


He met my eyes, his expression relieved. “Really?”


His frown was back. “Then why did she say you were?”

I took a breath, knowing I couldn’t tell him Polly’s secrets. But I could tell him my own part of it. I’d at least made that clear with Polly when I’d agreed to this ridiculous scheme. “She was desperate and panicked. She needed to protect the real father’s identity, and she knew if she gave the media a salacious alternative, they wouldn’t have any reason to question it. Since there’s been so much speculation about the two of us and we’re good friends, she knew I was a safe bet and that I’d go along with it.”

We stared at each other for a minute before Scotty moved closer and crawled into my lap to straddle me. His blond happy trail immediately attracted my attention, and I ran a finger through it to the elastic band of his pants. There was movement under the cotton of his sweats.

“So you’re not having a baby,” Scotty murmured, running his hands up under my shirt and across my stomach.

“Nuh-uh.” I leaned in and ghosted a kiss next to his mouth.

“And you’re not having sex with a beautiful woman.”

“Nope. Am having sex with a beautiful man. A sexy-as-fuck man,” I promised, sliding my hands around his sides and down into the back of his pants to cup his bare cheeks. “At least I’d like to.”

“Mmm,” Scotty hummed before latching onto my Adam’s apple and sucking lightly. His hands began to lift my shirt off me, and he pulled away long enough to let it come all the way off. “Lie down on your back, Spartacus.”

I did as he said and made myself comfortable with him stretched out on top of me. Our semihard dicks nudged each other through our pants, which only served to plump them up even more.

Scotty reached for my wrists and moved them above my head while his mouth continued to move and suck and lick down my neck to my collarbone.

I was a sucker for that and made appreciative noises accordingly.

“Like that, hm?” he purred.


Scotty released my hands and began moving down my body, kissing along my chest and belly until his stubbled chin was nudging down the loose band of my pants. I couldn’t wait for him to do it, so I reached down and shucked everything off, revealing my excited dick and the strings of precum it was releasing steadily now.

I caught sight of his smirky grin when he noticed how excited I was. “Proud of yourself?” I teased.

“Little bit, yeah.”

Before I could respond, he gave my slit a lick and then immediately took my entire cock down his throat.

“Fuck!” I barked as he swallowed around me. “Oh god, Scotty, fuck that feels… yeah, babe, please keep… doing that, please.”

He pulled off, leaving my shaft dripping wet. He jacked me with his hand a minute before lowering down over my cock again and repeating the deep-throat maneuver.

I grunted and tried to focus on not coming right away. It felt too good to let it end.

My hands made it into Scotty’s hair and held on. When he pulled off again, I saw tears in his eyes and saliva all over his flushed mouth and chin. He looked utterly debauched as he peered up at me through his lashes as if wondering if he was doing okay.

He was. He was doing an incredible job.

He didn’t even have his mouth on me when I blew. The look of him kneeling next to me, servicing me, trying to please me, was enough to finish me off. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him to me for a crushing kiss while I stroked my cock with my other hand twice.

I cried out into his mouth as we kissed and the warm fluid from my orgasm coated my hand and stomach. When I leaned back from the kiss to catch my breath, Scotty moved back down to lick up the remains of the cum on my skin. It was sexy as hell.

I threw my head back on the pillow underneath me with a groan. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Don’t die,” he said, smiling. “I’m going to need you to reciprocate after another round of Overcooked.”

Scotty sat up and licked his lips before leaning away from me and coming back with two game controllers. He plunked one on my still-heaving chest. “This time, don’t drop the burgers,” he told me. “It’s a cooperative game, dumbass. If you lose, I lose.”

I blinked up at him. My head was still spinning with “Scotty is a sex god” chants and general feelings of kick-ass well-being.

“What?” I asked, trying to figure out why he was talking about burgers when we’d just spent the last few hours eating our body weight in snack food.

Before he could answer, a strange male voice came from the direction of the stairs leading up to the main level of the house. “Yo, anyone here?”

I stood up and fumbled for my clothes, glancing over at Scotty to see him pulling on his own shirt.

Lucy Lennox & Molly's Books