LOL: Laugh Out Loud (After Oscar, #2)(26)

Granted, there was no blood to facilitate my brain function, but I was still confused. “Of course,” I told him. “Why wouldn’t I?”

His face softened and his hands ran gently up my chest. “You’re the sweetest thing ever.”

“I don’t… I don’t understand. I want to have sex with you, want to see you lose it and climax all over me, or in me, or near me. However that happens is super awesome with me.”

“I prefer to bottom,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“Wait, was that a test?” This was so fucking confusing. I just wanted to have an orgasm, preferably with my hands all over this beautiful man.

Scotty wiggled his butt over my dick again before pushing up on his knees and doing a sexy slow reveal of his hard cock.

The blush-pink tip appeared before the nest of dark blond curls and a pair of dusky balls high and tight. I reached out to fondle them, keeping my eyes locked on his for his reaction. His eyes slid closed, and he hummed in pleasure.

This was going to be so much fun.



Surefire Ways To Satisfy Your New Partner In Bed

I was nervous as fuck. Being in bed with Roman Burke, the Roman Burke, had suddenly gotten real. There were so many things I wanted to say, to ask, to clarify. Was this just a quick, meaningless fuck? I had to assume it was. Was I going to be expected to keep it a secret? Again, I assumed so. Was I just the nearest, easiest person for him to screw, or was there anything special about me that attracted him?

I tried to remind myself it didn’t matter. Why couldn’t I simply enjoy the moment without staging a mental lightning round of Jeopardy?

I remembered what I’d decided in the kitchen earlier: that I would give myself tonight without second-guessing things. And maybe tomorrow morning as well if he was up for it.

Roman wanted me; he’d made that clear. That’s all that mattered. I needed to stop questioning it and enjoy myself. There was no doubt in my mind I would kick my own ass down the road if my only memory was the second-guessing rather than the touching and fucking.

After shimmying off my underwear, I lay back down on top of him and kissed him on the neck, the jawline, his cheek, and finally his lips. I felt the warm strength of his large hands go immediately to my ass cheeks and begin squeezing. I fucking loved it when men played with my ass. I didn’t do a million squats before bed every night to have the thing ignored.

“Your ass, I swear to god,” Roman murmured. “Want inside it. Want to finger it, eat it, everything.”

I nodded enthusiastically which almost caused me to break his nose since we were still lip-locked. He pulled back laughing. “Get on your stomach before you kill me.”

I scrambled off him and lay facedown on the bed. Roman’s hand came down in a light slap before grabbing my ass again and mumbling more curse words. He moved away for a moment before returning, and within seconds, I felt him spread my cheeks and press cool lube to my hole.

“Nghh.” I drooled into the pillow as he teased me with his fingers. Roman pushed my knees up under me until my ass was propped in the air. He dropped openmouthed kisses on the skin of my lower back as he slid a finger inside me. I felt my body squeeze around him and heard the sharp intake of breath behind me.

“So hot, Scotty,” he murmured against my back. “Tight as fuck, Jesus.”

He pushed in another finger, and I literally mewled like a damned cat in heat. “Roman.”

His mouth moved in a line of searing kisses up my spine while his fingers found the bundle of nerves and dragged across it.

“Oh god, Roman, fuck!” I arched back into him, pressing my ass toward his stomach and driving his fingers in deeper. “Again, more. Please.”

He moved his fingers in and out, stretching and pulling and pressing my gland until I was desperate and begging for him. My head spun and my nerve endings twitched everywhere. But when Roman suited up and pressed the tip of his cock against my ass, I nearly blacked out.

I wanted him so badly, my dick ached and my ass squeezed. I had to force myself to slow my breathing in order to relax enough to let him in, only because I was so damned needy and desperate.

Finally, he pressed into me, stretching out again along my back and kissing the nape of my neck before whispering in my ear.

“You okay? Tell me to stop if—”

“Don’t stop.” I reached for one of his hands and held it next to my face, kissing his knuckles and turning it over to hold his palm against my face.

He pulsed in and out of me until he was balls-deep and my ass was pressed all the way back against his body. He groaned, the sound of it sending shudders through me.

“You’re so sexy, Scotty,” he said, trailing his lips across my shoulder. “Want to stay inside you all night like this.”

I felt his other hand slide under me to reach for my dick. It had been leaking precum steadily into the bedding the entire time he’d been teasing me with his fingers and mouth. So when he began stroking it, I knew I wouldn’t last. I was already way too primed to blow.

“Roman,” I warned, sucking in a breath. “Roman, I can’t—”

His pace picked up, both in the thrusts of his hips and the slide of his grip around my shaft. I felt him everywhere. His lips on my ear, his hand on my face, his stiff cock grazing just the right spot inside.

Lucy Lennox & Molly's Books