LOL: Laugh Out Loud (After Oscar, #2)(25)

“I don’t,” he told me. “I swear. My motive is mostly wanting Nugget to be okay… and, well, a little bit of wanting to put your cock in my mouth.”

I wondered if I was grinning like a fool. I felt like I was. “You’re welcome to do that anytime. You’re sexy as fuck, and I don’t want to stop touching you.”

Scotty nodded, a grin parting his slightly swollen lips. “I like hearing you say that.”

“Then I’ll be sure to say it often.” I couldn’t help it—I leaned in to brush my mouth across his before pulling back again. “Second, I’m not with Polly. I’m not with anyone right now.”

His eyes sparkled. “Good.”

I leaned closer to him. “Third, the reason I didn’t come after you and drag that towel from your hips is because I couldn’t make a move on you and then hand you a stack of cash.”

Scotty blinked, and then the words seemed to sink in. “Oh.”

“And I still worry that you think—”

His eyes widened. “No! I don’t think that. I know this isn’t… this doesn’t have anything to do with that.”

I let out a breath. “Good. Because me being attracted to you is completely separate from the situation you’re in. I need you to know that. I’m happy to put you up here and leave you alone if that’s what you want or what you need.”

He shook his head slowly, not losing eye contact with me. “It’s not what I want or need.” Scotty reached out, curling his hands around my hips. “I want you. I need you.”

I cupped the sides of his face and leaned in for a soft kiss. “Thank fuck,” I whispered against his lips. “I need you too. Let’s go upstairs.”

After helping him down from the counter, I threaded our fingers together and led him from the kitchen, through the wide open living space to the stairs beyond. The cold winter night outside the windows seemed miles away from the warmth and excitement inside.

I managed to find the bedroom I’d claimed and shut the door behind us once we were inside.

We stared at each other for a moment before Scotty stepped closer, brushing the stiff bulge in his jeans against my upper thigh. I let out a groan and reached for his hips to pull him closer. Scotty’s hands came up to my stomach and ran up to my chest and out to my shoulders, squeezing each muscle as he went. With every touch of his hands, my dick filled even more.

“Take your shirt off, Roman,” he said in a low voice.

My eyes widened in surprise. For some reason, I was used to being the dominant one in bed. But I kind of liked hearing him assert what he wanted.

After pulling back just enough to remove my shirt, I lifted an eyebrow at him. “What about yours?”

Scotty grinned and yanked his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor before putting his hands back on my bare chest. They began to move and explore again immediately. I put mine on his shoulder blades and slid them down. So much warm, smooth skin. Just as I was wondering whether or not to sneak my hands down into the back of his pants, he leaned in and latched his mouth on one of my nipples, firing all the nerves between my chest and my dick.

“Fuck,” I hissed. I ran my fingers into his hair and held him there. Scotty’s own fingers moved down to undo my pants. As soon as he got them open, he pressed a palm over my swollen cock and squeezed, eliciting another shudder from me. “You’re driving me crazy,” I groaned.

He pulled off my nipple and grinned up at me, eyes half-lidded and nose pink from being pressed against my skin. I pulled his face in for another kiss and then deepened it, more, more, until I could barely breathe and still wanted more.

By the time we came up for air, my pants were around my ankles and Scotty was wrapped around my waist again. I loved how small and tight his body was. He was little but strong and not at all frail. I moved us over to the bed and laid him down on it. Within seconds, I had his pants off, revealing a tight little pair of pale pink boy shorts that almost made me shoot all over him.

“Gnfh,” I grunted, reaching out to run my hand along the outline of his hard cock through the fabric. “Me like.”

“Mm-hm, he’s reached the caveman stage of horny. That’s a good sign. C’mere.”

Scotty grabbed my wrist and pulled me down on top of him, wrapping those sexy legs around me and arching his cock up into my belly. I found his mouth with my own and returned to my new favorite thing: kissing the fuck out of him. His lips were already puffy, but that only made me want to nibble on them some more.

I reached under him and wrapped my arms around his back before rolling us both over so he was on top of me. He writhed around a little more, making me absolutely crazy, before sitting up on my dick and holding a finger up.

“Not so fast,” he said through panting breaths.

His short blond hair stuck up in chunks from where I’d run hands through it. It only made me want to get my hands in it again as soon as possible.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, grabbing his hips and grinding up under his balls.

“I’m strictly a top,” he said, almost aggressively.

“Yeah, fine. Whatever you want,” I urged. “Just get back here and lose the shorts.”

Scotty’s eyes widened. He pressed a hand to my chest, stilling my movements. “Really? You’d let me top you?”

Lucy Lennox & Molly's Books