Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(32)

“Did you like the match, Cat?”

“It was crazy, and you scared the hell out of me when you almost fell off of Striker.”

“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

“How badly are you hurt?”

“I think I may have broken a rib. Or two.”

“Damn it. It’s just a game, Bray.”

“I won, though. No cheating.”

“Yes, you did. But you could’ve been smarter about it.”

“If I’d have played it safe, we wouldn’t have won. And I wouldn’t expect you to be the one telling me I should be careful.”

“It’s this love thing. Somehow my adventurous side gets suppressed when I think about you being hurt.”

“I’ll be fine. I just need to wrap my ribs, and take some pain meds.”

“I’ll get Audrey. She’ll have something better than prescription meds for you to take.”

“It’s so weird to think of her as a chemist when she looks the way she does, and can work the press like a pro.”

“She is pretty awesome. Now, let’s get you inside.”

I keep my arm around her, and let her take some of my weight. I’m hoping it just looks like I want to hold her close, and I think we’ve succeeded. Until the head of Parliament, Derrick, intercepts us right before we get to the door. Darcy immediately tenses, and I inwardly cringe. He’s not a fan of mine, and the feeling’s mutual. Unfortunately he was elected right after my father died—in fact, I’d bet money on the fact that he was only elected because my father died and I wasn’t ready to rule yet—and I’ve always felt like he’d kill me if he could. He’d have to kill my Uncle Steven, too, in order to claim the throne, but I could see that happening, too.

“Brayden, are you okay? You seem to be leaning on your lovely fiancé.”

“He’s fine,” Darcy answers for me, practically snarling at him.

“I was speaking to the prince. Mind your place, young lady.”

Oh hell no. “Her place is next to me. You need to remember that she’s my fiancé, and grant her the respect she deserves.”

“You need to remember that we will never grant you permission to marry her.”

“Goodbye, Derrick,” I tell him, not wanting to continue that conversation with him, or anyone else.

“I’m sorry, Bray. I shouldn’t have spoken up like that. I know better,” Darcy tells me once we’re inside.

“Never apologize for being yourself, or speaking up.”

I’m purposely not bringing up what else he said. We both already knew it was true, and we’ve also agreed to not dwell on it. So, I won’t give voice to it, even if it’s that proverbial elephant in the room.

“Let me help you get your shirt off before Aud gets here,” she says, also choosing to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss, right?

* * *


Audrey took care of Brayden, while scolding him about getting hurt before the ball. He reminded her that the polo match was her idea, but she said she didn’t think it was going to be so bloody. Honestly, I didn’t either, and it’s making me a little suspicious. Especially after Derrick intercepted us on the way to the locker room. I’d wager that he had something to do with how rough the other team was being with Brayden and his guys.

I’m waiting in my room for Stella and Jenysis to arrive. It was Jen’s idea for Stella to help me, thinking I wouldn’t be capable of putting myself together on my own. I didn’t argue, because no one can make me look better than Stell, so why fight it?

“We’re here,” Stella says opening the door.

“Thank you for the help,” I tell her, making myself be formal when Stella and I are both anything but.

“Of course. Now, let’s see your dress and get started,” she tells me with a wink.

My dress is amazing, which is no surprise since she picked it. The bottom layer is a nude colored mini dress. Over it is cheer chiffon and organza with shiny horizontal brown and cream stripes covering most of it except for the very top. There are pockets, which I love, and it’s as funky as it’s formal. Stella had special heeled sandals made for me in the same brown as the stripes. They’re sparkly, but don’t try and compete with the dress, because they can’t.

“Wow. That dress is brilliant. I’m impressed.”

Stella keeps quiet, and lets me take the credit. “It is pretty great.”

Once I’m dressed, she places a salon drape over me, and starts on my hair and make-up. She also uses the time to grill Jen. “So what’s going on between you and Wayne?”

“Nothing. Did he say something was? Because if he did, it’s rubbish.”

“You’re protesting a little too hard.”

“He’s a cocky bastard.”

“That’s just his hard outer shell. Inside, he’s a totally sweet guy with a big heart.”



“He’s not my type. I mean, have you seen him with that big hair and perfectly trimmed scruff? He probably takes longer than me to get ready.”

“No doubt, but there’s nothing wrong with looking good.”

“There is when you know it. And flaunt it. That swagger—ugh.”

Crystal Perkins's Books