Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #7)(30)

“So you trust me now?”

“With the things I can.”

“I’m guessing my family’s jewels are something you still feel you can’t.”

“It’s not that I ‘feel’ I can’t. I really can’t.”

“If you could, would you?”

“In a heartbeat, Crown. I promise you that.”

“What if we weren’t together?” he asks, and I know he’s thinking about after he’s king, when it will be impossible for us to be anything more than lovers.

“The moment I’m able to give them to you, I will. Even when you’re married to some beautiful princess. You have my word.”

“I gave my word to my father that I’d have the jewels before I was crowned. I don’t want to break that promise, but everything is set in motion.”

“I’m sorry. Truly, I am.”

“I believe you. I never wanted to break a promise, but I believe that just by you giving me your word that I’ll one day have them, I’m not exactly breaking the one I made. Does that make sense?”

“Yes. And I promise you that they are going to be yours, and no one else’s. Ever.”

He nods, and my heart feels a little lighter. “When I’m king…” he begins, but I place my fingers over his mouth.

“We’ll deal with that when it happens. We promised to live in the now, remember?”

“Yes, my love. I remember.”

“I’m really sorry to interrupt, but it’s time,” Audrey tells us. “Do you want to touch up your make-up, Darce?”

“No,” Brayden says before I can answer. “She looks perfect. Beautiful. I didn’t tell you that yet, but you look beautiful.”

I take him in with his summer pants, and button down shirt rolled up to his elbows, and smile back at him, thinking about all the swooning that’s going to happen when he walks outside. “You look almost perfect yourself.”


I nod, and then reach up to muss his dark blonde tresses a little. “There. Now you’re ready. I hope they have some medical personnel on hand for all of the fainting women.”

“We have an entire tent. Between Brayden and the Storyside boys, plus Zack, I’m thinking they’ll stay pretty busy today,” Audrey tells us. “Let’s go.”

Brayden takes my hand, and we walk together to the French doors. We nod at the guards there and step forward as they’re opened. I’m supposed to be behind Brayden, but he holds me next to him, and I love him even more in that moment. The crowd starts yelling, and I see that some of the kids have even made signs for us, complete with hearts and rainbows. We stop at the top of the patio stairs and kiss. The shouts get even louder, and we both laugh a little before breaking apart to join the crowd.

Everyone starts asking us to do things with them at once. Brayden assures them that we’re going on all the rides and trying all of the food. The crowd follows us to the bumper cars, the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, and every other ride as we try them all. We’re both starving when we’re done, so we pile up on the food. Brayden has a blanket brought out for us, and we sit down on the grass, right in the middle of everyone else enjoying the picnic.

It may be a big deal celebration, but it’s also sweet and romantic as we feed each other junk food while kissing frequently. Most people smile at us, and a few teenage girls wander over at one point to sit with us. I try to get up, intending to leave Brayden to his adoring fans, but he grabs my hand and holds it like his life depends on it. I hold back my laugh, especially when some of the teenage boys come over to talk to me. Their girlfriends obviously weren’t expecting that, and quickly pull them away, leaving us alone again.

Brayden leads me over to the carnival games, and actually wins some. I’ll admit that I jump up and down and clap my hands when he wins me a stuffed sloth, and then a stuffed iguana. I’m offered the chance to trade them both in for something bigger, but I refuse. I love my little guys. And the big guy who won them for me.

“Thanks for my prizes,” I tell him as we walk towards the polo field. He has to go get changed in the locker room with his team, and I’m going to visit his horse. Since I’ve been around the polo ponies, I’ve come to appreciate why Jade loves her pony from Nate so much. They’re such beautiful animals, and I love it when Striker nuzzles my hand looking for a treat.

“I cheated, you know.”

“I do know.” I saw the carnies knock over a few bottles, and “accidentally” pop some balloons. “It’s the thought that counts.”

“One day, I’ll actually win something for you, for real.”

“I don’t need you to win. It’s enough that you try. I know that sounds all zen and shit, but I mean it. You put yourself out there for me, and that tells me a lot.”

“I need to go inside before I drag you somewhere to have my way with you.”

“Go on,” I tell him, giving him a small kiss.

I wander over to where the horses are waiting for their riders, and immediately spot Striker. He’s all black and was imported from Argentina. I move through the other horses until I’m standing in front of him. I pet him as he looks for treats. “I don’t have anything for you now, sweetie. After you do your work, I’ll give you some sugar.”

Crystal Perkins's Books