I Want You Back (Want You #1)(83)

“I will always find you.”

Dammit. I was not going to cry.

“I needed to see you in person, baby, to look in those beautiful brown eyes and find out what’s going on.”

Baby. God. Maybe after I told him about the baby, our bar would be where it all ended.

Jax scooted into the booth across from me. He set aside the bottle of beer without looking at it, picked up my hands and kissed the center of each of my palms. “I’m here. Talk to me.”

“I don’t know how to say this.”

His body stiffened. “Are you breaking up with me? Because I promise once the playoffs are over I’ll be focused on you—on us—one hundred percent. The ’hawks haven’t been in the playoffs for so freakin’ many years that we’re all so pumped—the players, the fans, the whole damn city! I can’t imagine what it’ll be like if we make it to the finals, say nothing if we win the Stanley Cup.” He released my hand to pantomime mind blown.

That’s when I knew I couldn’t tell him about the pregnancy. Not yet. Not when he’d reached a career goal—hell a life goal—of his team playing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. He couldn’t do anything about the pregnancy and he couldn’t be with me, so it’d keep until he could be excited about another major event in his life.


I smiled at him. “Silly man, I’m not breaking up with you.” I reached over and scraped my fingers through his playoffs beard. “Although I might if you don’t shave this scruff the second the season ends. I hate when I can’t see this handsome face.”

“Done.” He turned his head and kissed my wrist.

I loved the small pieces of sweetness and affection he showed me, although anyone who watched him on the ice would argue that Stonewall Lund was incapable of being sweet.

“Now will you please tell me what you don’t know how to tell me?”

And I came up with the perfect white lie. “I won’t be able to travel to any of your playoff games. Management is expecting more out of me with this promotion.”

His eyes searched mine. “That’s it?”

“Yep. I know you’re disappointed, and I want to be supportive—”

He leaned across the table and kissed me to stop my babbling. “To be honest, it’s a relief. The coaches are really cracking down on outside influences, including family, and trying to keep us focused. Not to mention that playoff tickets are hard to come by and I gotta give mine to my family first. Plus, babe, you don’t even like hockey. Admit it.”

I teased his lips with little sugar bites. “True, but I happen to love a certain hockey player.”

Jax took over the sweet kisses, replacing them with hungry, openmouthed soul kisses that ignited my lust instantly.

Even after almost a year together, his passion knocked me sideways. That he could express his love for me, his need for me with just the way he kissed me. The infrequency of our physical connection made us reckless.

Which Jax demonstrated in the next breath when he demanded, “Back room. Now. I haven’t fucked you for two goddamned weeks and I’m dyin’.” He sucked on my lower lip. “Dyin’. I think my balls might’ve fallen off from disuse. You’ll have to examine them very closely.”

I laughed. “Better go slip Vic fifty bucks to look the other way.”

“Baby, I need you so bad I handed him a Benjamin as soon as I walked through the door.”

* * *

? ? ?

Can I help you with something?”

I blinked and the memory disappeared, making me aware that I’d been standing in the same place while it’d played out. I turned toward the woman and smiled. “I’m here to drop off something for Jax.”

The woman scrutinized me, which wasn’t particularly fun because she was stunning. Tall, slender, flowing chestnut locks straight out of a shampoo commercial, her placid face flawless—without makeup. Assessing gray eyes that suddenly lit with recognition.

“Holy shitballs. You’re Lucifer.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sorry. You’re Lucy. Jax’s . . .”

I raised an eyebrow. This next part oughta be good. “I’m Jax’s what?”

“You’re Jax’s Lucy.” She offered her hand. “I’m Simone. Jax’s business partner in the bar.”

Of course you are.

“Jax isn’t here, but I could take that for you.” She pointed to the thick manila envelope clutched in my hand.

“Sorry.” I managed to give Jax’s incredibly beautiful business partner a smile. “Strict instructions from Annika that this is for Jax’s eyes only. I thought she’d spoken to him and he knew I was coming.”

She shrugged. “No idea about that. He had some kind of meeting that’s gone on longer than he planned.”

Vague much with the some kind of meeting? I said, “An AA meeting?”

Simone shook her head. “He usually goes to the Monday meeting.”

Now I felt stupid; I hadn’t known that. Jax never talked about that stuff with me. But apparently he did with Simone.

Go away, jealousy.

“You’re welcome to wait inside, but I’ll warn you, it’s a serious mess.”

Lorelei James's Books