I Want You Back (Want You #1)(79)

“Well, when you put it that way . . . it sounds a bit—”

“Like I can’t win no matter whose rules I play by?”

I bristled. “It’s not about winning, Jax.”

“The hell it’s not. But I’ma let you in on a little secret.” He mock-whispered, “I’m playing for keeps.”

He must’ve seen my silent surrender of “Me too,” because a look of triumph flashed in his eyes.

Watching me, his fingertips slowly followed the curve of my neck down, skimming my collarbones until he could flatten his palms and slip them beneath the lapels of my robe.

His rough-skinned hands ignited little fires across every millimeter of my skin.

I fought a shiver, even as I started to burn.

Angling his head, he placed his mouth on the shell of my ear. “Fair warning: I’m not gonna play fair. I remember exactly how to make you hot and wet.”

At that point, my brain overloaded and “Prove it” exited my mouth in a half dare/half demand.

“Gladly.” His breath flowed faster. “If I put my mouth here”—he touched his lips to the artery in my neck and lightly sucked, causing me to gasp—“you make that sexy fucking sound.”

He sucked harder and I gasped louder.

“That’s it. Let me hear you.”

I’d always been loud in bed, a quirk that drove Jax wild. Apparently that hadn’t changed.

Nor had he forgotten where to touch me to make my knees wobbly. He dragged the ragged pads of his thumbs across my nipples as he breathed in my ear. Hot, rapid bursts of pure male need. Gauging how long I could take it until I broke and begged him for more.

“My Lucy Q,” he murmured in that masculine rumble, so low pitched his words were nearly indecipherable. “Don’t think. Don’t talk. Just feel.”

“But Mimi—”

“Left her apartment key on the floor next to her equipment bag,” he said, smiling against my throat. “And I double-locked the door.”


“Last point I’m gonna make,” he whispered as he brushed his mouth up and down my neck and his fingers caressed my breasts. “My rules are in play now. So anytime, anyplace I want to kiss you . . . I will. Starting now.” His hands went to the sash on my robe as his mouth sought mine.

Jax bestowed a soft exploring kiss on me. Not sweet, just thorough with a slow rise of heat that filled me from top to bottom. He maneuvered me back toward the couch, settling my butt on the puffy side arm.

He pushed the robe down until it bunched at my lower back, which trapped my hands.

I jumped at the first touch of his tongue flicking my right nipple.

I flat-out moaned when he started to suck.

Then it was on.

Jax pulled out all the stops to remind me he remembered exactly how to please me.

Hitting that perfect spot between pleasure and pain as he worshipped my breasts with his mouth and his fingers. When he feathered the backs of his knuckles down the center of my body, my belly rippled, my blood heated and I automatically widened my knees when he reached his destination.

After him being abstinent for a few years, I wondered if he’d be tentative. If he’d use gentle touches and ask permission.

Nope. The man dove right in, growling his approval in my mouth as he found me wet and ready.

A few well-placed rapid strokes of his thumb on my damp flesh and I started coming around his fingers.

The cocky jerk grinned—he actually freaking grinned wide enough that it broke our frantic kiss.

But I wasn’t about to complain when he dropped to his knees and kissed me exactly the way he’d warned me he would—anytime, anyplace. No holds barred, with relentless attention, just constant licking, sucking and nibbling until I detonated against that wicked mouth.

As he waited for me to catch my breath, he started the caressing, kissing, biting thing on the insides of my thighs that he remembered drove me wild.

I couldn’t stop squirming until he glanced up at me with the sexy warning in his eyes that told me to stop or he’d stop.

That immediately quelled all movement on my part.

My body buzzed like I was still a live wire waiting for the next set of sparks to short-circuit my brain.

Jax built me up again, pushing me into the gauzy atmosphere of lust, where the anticipation for that rush of pleasure was almost painful.

When I couldn’t take any more, he gave me what I wanted. What I needed. What I’d been missing all these years. What I’d never had with any man but him.

I might’ve released a little scream when the epic orgasm started. But I couldn’t hold back. It was just so damned good.

As I became aware of my surroundings, I felt the cocky jerk grinning as he kissed the inside of my knee.


Loud knocking sounded from the foyer. I could hear Mimi saying, “Whyth the door locked? Hey! Let uth in!”

Still wearing that smug male smile, Jax stood and adjusted the front of his pants. Then he kissed me, sharing the taste of me as he righted my clothing.

After a hard tug on my belt, he backed off from the kiss to ask, “Any questions about my right to kiss you, Lucy Q?”

“Not a single one.”

* * *

? ? ?

    Typical Monday at work.

Lorelei James's Books