I Want You Back (Want You #1)(69)

I did trust her, which was odd given the fact Jax was her cousin and the Lunds circled their own.

“You had a family dinner last night,” she prompted.

“Yes. Meals aren’t something we usually share as a family. I made a pork and noodle dish. Comfort food, you know? Because Jax was super tense during Mimi’s first hockey practice and he’d had a bunch of setbacks with his projects. We finally toured his apartment, which is pretty spectacular, by the way. When we came down to eat, I cracked open a beer without thinking. I mean, I didn’t offer him one, but I had to ask if it bothered him that I was drinking.”

“What did he say?”

“That it would only bug him if I planned on kissing him later.”

Annika laughed.

“Annika, it’s not funny! I got so stupidly flustered, like a teenage girl faced with making out with her crush for the first time.”

“How did Jax react to you being flustered?”

“Cocky. But before that . . .” I twisted my bracelet around my wrist, unsure if I should bring up Jax’s confession of abstinence.


I looked up at her.

“I won’t push you to talk if you’re uncomfortable. But nothing you tell me could make me any more uncomfortable than that first day you interviewed here and I learned some hard truths about Jax and his dishonesty in his dealings with you and Mimi. I hated that he’d manipulated his entire family. I couldn’t let it go; it pissed me off to no appreciable end. So I grilled Nolan, and he admitted he’d confronted Jax about his behavior during that time and they’d had a falling-out that lasted a year.” She threw her hands up. “A freaking year that two Lund brothers weren’t speaking to each other and none of the rest of us noticed. That fried my circuits, big-time.”

That shocked the crap out of me. I hadn’t known that Nolan had actually called his hockey hero brother out on his booze-and-broads problems. “When did you have this talk with Nolan?”

“Right after I’d hired you. Then Nolan dropped the bomb that Jax had recently gone through rehab.”

My jaw dropped. “You knew?”

“That was the first time I’d heard that Jax had a drinking problem.” She sent me a sad smile. “I wanted to tell you, because I thought you of all people needed to be aware of it, but it wasn’t my issue to disclose. However, I strongly suggested Nolan push Jax to talk to you about it ASAP, since it might impact your custody agreement, not to mention it might change the way you and Jax interacted.”

I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Is this your way of proving to me that you’re trustworthy?”

She shrugged. “Just relaying the facts.”

“Part of the reason I got so flustered by Jax’s kiss comment last night was because earlier he’d told me that he hasn’t been with a woman since he went through treatment.”

Annika’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”

“No. That’s what he told me.”

“Do you believe him?”

His expression of embarrassment popped into my head. “Yes, I actually do. That’s why I’m in this state. The attraction between us is still there. If we slept together . . . would it be because I’m a safe choice for him to reclaim his sexuality? And would I jump on board with the smexing because I need to prove to myself that I’m enough that he won’t stray this time?”

She remained quiet and contemplative for several long moments. Then she sighed. “I hope talking about this has helped you, Lucy, because I have no advice to give you. None. Jesus. I’m sorry. And you haven’t even mentioned how it might affect Mimi if you guys got back together and then broke up again.”

“Exactly. So that’s why I’m a little distracted today.” I managed a smile. “But it’ll pass. I promise. And believe it or not, before you called me in here, I was trying like hell not to think about it.”

“Sorry. I’m a fixer.”

“And a meddler,” I retorted.

“I blame my mother for that trait.” Annika gave me another considering look. “Aunt Edie didn’t live up to her reputation as a human bulldozer when it came to Mimi?”

I shook my head. “She’s been wonderful since the day Mimi was born. In fact, she saw Mimi before Jax did. Edie knew what was up with her son, but she’s his mother. She had no choice but to support him. The only time I kept Mimi away from her grandparents and her uncle was after Jax threatened to sue for custody. I refused to allow Mimi contact with any member of the Lund family until that was resolved in my favor.” I’d been so scared they’d just take her and I’d never see her again because the Lund family did have that kind of money and power.

Annika sighed. “Like I’ve told you before, no one in our family knew what was going on during that time. Now I suspect it was because Edie and Archer were mortified by Jax’s behavior and they hoped he’d straighten up before anyone realized what a drunken, belligerent asshole their son had become.”

“You’re probably right.”

“Anyway, you’re distracted—with good reason—so I’m enforcing a mental health day on you.”


“Huh-uh. This is the part where I’m your boss and this is an order. March yourself down to HR and Soon-Yi will give you a certificate for a massage. Then get a mani-pedi and go home and take an uninterrupted nap. Jax mentioned he had Mimi overnight because of your girls’ night.” She winked. “And you’re welcome for me saving you from Thirsty Thursday by sending you home. I know when I’m dealing with major decisions, I’d rather be alone with my thoughts than in a crowd.”

Lorelei James's Books